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Disc 02
HOLY / Big Magnum


Flashback to 6 years ago, the sky is incredibly dark, an entire section of the city has been destroyed at the hands of an alter user controlling lightning. He is shrouded in black, eyes glowing, one arm is white. Young Ryuhou watches his mother disappear into the rubble, followed by the destruction of his pet dog. During his anguish, he fully summons his alter for the first time.
Mimori is objecting to the harsh treatment of several captured native alters, including Kazuma. Upon his release from a rotating chamber, Kazuma stumbles into the arms of waiting HOLD soldiers. Despite being weakened, he fights the soldiers off at the sight of Ryuhou, ready for another battle. Ryuhou disables him with a single kick, and orders him placed back in the chamber for a second turn.
Back in the lost grounds, Kanami is asking Kimishima if something happened. He replies that he had another job for Kazuma. He drives off, realizing that Kazuma has been caught by HOLD. Kanami looks dejected, and simply says "Kazu-kun".
Mimori is alone in the cafeteria, thinking about Kazuma. Upon noticing that she isn't eating, Straight Cougar sits down across from her and asks "Not your taste?". He also mispronounces her name, again. After Cougar begins a fast-paced rant, Mimori excuses herself. She then watches Kazuma's interrogation. He is in a dark room, three alter users are controlling giant hands to hold him in place. A man clad in a suit sits behind a desk asking questions about his crimes, citizenship, etc.
Throughout the questioning, he can only think of his fight with Ryuhou, and his easy defeat. When he doesn't answer questions, Ryuhou takes over the proceedings. Kazuma declares that he's happy to see him, and challenges him to a rematch, pulling out his alter. He is restrained by Ryuhou's alter, and asked about a native alter that controls lightning. Kazuma replies with a joke, angering Ryuhou further. He yells at him, then throws him through a wall and classifies him as a second level criminal.
Kimishima is seen entering the city in disguise with a counterfeit access card. He laments about being born on the wrong side of the wall. He then focuses on how to get Kazuma out. Ryuhou watches Kazuma on the security monitors, through his lynching Kazuma lifts up his head and says "I hate you".
Kanami is washing clothes in a stream with some older women. They talk about Kazuma's absence. When told jokingly that she has to hit him every once in a while to keep him in line, Kanami innocently shakes her head and replies "No, he'd get depressed".
Mimori finds out that Kazuma has been sentenced to unlimited labor. She asks him if he completely forgot what happened 7 years ago. He replies "I'm not interested in the past". Commander Jigmar, Sherrice, and Ryuhou discuss NP3288, Kazuma, while Mimori sneaks down to his cell. Kazuma takes the opportunity to escape. Some HOLD soldiers walk into a locker room and realize it has been ransacked.
A solitary HOLD soldier marches into the HOLY area of the building. A young male HOLY officer with purple hair tries to stop him. The soldier punches him out, leaps in the air and takes out his alter revealing himself as Kazuma. He lands a punch on Ryuhou, who is using his alter to defend Commander Jigmar. Kazuma is surrounded by alter users, all ready to take their vengeance out on him. Mimori steps out of the elevator, Kazuma quickly leaps over and claims her as a hostage. He exchanges names with Ryuhou, and leaps down the elevator shaft with Mimori. They land in a garage where Kazuma forces her to drive her out. One of the alters, Urizane, prepares to attack the car. Sherrice stops him, reminding him that he's holding "the princess" hostage.
They are followed by Straight Cougar, who recognizes Kazuho Kazuma. Kazuma leaps out of the car to where Kimishima is waiting. Cougar has to fuse his car with Mimori's to help her stop. On their exit, Kazuma punches through one of the city gates and sends Kimishima's car airborne.
Cougar denies knowing Kazuma. Ryuhou doubles over in pain, a trickle of blood leaves his mouth. He denies the pain, and says that the alter has matured, this time his hits were aimed directly. As Ryuhou ends his sentence, Cougar says "Kazuma" quietly in time with him.
Kimishima complains that this rescue cost too much, and Kazuma holds out a handful of jewelry that's uh...kinda from HOLY's lockers. The two laugh, and Kanami dreams that she was laughing happily, but there was a corner of burning fire, anger. The me in her dream has to live strongly. She awakens to Kazuma standing in her room smiling.

Big Magnum:
Children are playing in a village, when their peaceful day is interrupted by a HOLY officer telling them this village is now under HOLD's control. The people grow even more shocked when he forms a large alter in the shape of a gun. One boy in particular seems very frightened. A loud gunshot is heard, a woman outside the village looks over, concerned with the billowing smoke and screams.
Kanami leads Kazuma to a farm, lecturing him on working. He is told not to slack off by the woman in charge. While Kazuma dutifully works, Kimishima interrupts him with a new job offer. Kazu-kun takes off from his new job in Kimishima's car.
At HOLY headquarters, Ryuhou and Jigmar are discussing the C-class alter Tatsunami Joji. He has a destructive past, killing or injuring 30 people on his last mission, but is being sent out on field work despite that. The reasons behind this are ambiguous, possibly to lure someone out. Mimori eavesdropped on the conversation, and was approached by Sherrice afterwards.
Kimishima and Kazuma arrive at the besieged village, where they meet another native alter, Ayase Terada. The mission is rescuing the captured villagers. She demonstrates her alter ability, which is liquifying any matter. Unfortunately, she demonstrates on Kimishima's vehicle. The three survey the work camp where the villagers are being kept and formulate a strategy.
It's nighttime, Kazuma and Ayase are discussing alter abilities. For Ayase, it's the first time she's ever been proud of her alter ability. She's happy that she'll be able to rescue her ailing brother with it. Kazuma urges her not to hesitate. "Right now, there's a thick wall in front of my eyes. If I can break through it, I have to do so without hesitating".
Ayase liquifies the alarm system with Kazuma backing her up. Kimishima enters the prison compound to get the villagers out. Kazuma takes out his alter and smashes a HOLD vehicle with the shockwave of the first blitz. HOLD and Tatsunami are quickly on the scene. Tatsunami uses his alter Big Magnum threatening the villagers & rescuers. One of the enormous bullets damages Kazuma's alter as he defends Ayase.
Tatsunami grabs Ayase, warning everyone else to stay back. She attempts to use her alter, but he's too fast. Kazuma yells "Is this the way of HOLY?" to which Tatsunami replies "HOLY's objective is to get the mission done." Kimishima drops his guns for Ayase's safety, and asks Kazuma to step down as well. Kazuma decides not to hesitate, and instead attack Tatsunami. Kimishima and Ayase's brother object even more, but Ayase remembers Kazuma's feelings on hesitation.
In a coordinated attack, Kimishima shoots to distract Tatsunami while Ayase uses her alter and escapes his grasp. Tatsunami fires a shot from his Big Magnum, and Kazuma tells him not to blink as he uses the last blitz to push the bullet backwards, destroying the big magnum. The rest of the HOLD forces flee. Ayase thanks Kazuma, gripping his hand. She then reunites with her brother. Kimishima yells at Kazuma for threatening Ayase's life. "What if I didn't shoot?!" to which Kazuma replies "You did shoot". Kazu-kun explains his personal vendetta against HOLY.
Kazuma rejoins Kanami who tells him about a cool mysterious guy she has dreams about. Kanami brings him back to the farm, where he tries again. "Everyone, let's work hard today!"