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Disc 03
Distortion / Kids


Layer 05; Distortion:
Narrator. A species that can no longer evolve, that is what the human race has become. If humans cannot evolve, what a sorry state we have become?
Who are you? I am God. Lain listens to the message.
Mika gets dressed, straightening her clothes, then ignores the man asking her if she wants to do something the next day as she walks out of the room. As she crosses the road, a car runs into a crowd. Mika, watching for a moment, is not interested and walks away.
Switch back to Lain's room when she was younger. A doll sits on a chair with Lain kneeling back in front of it. She begs the doll to tell her a story over and over again but the doll is silent. The doll speaks and Lain asks her to tell her something she does not know. But the doll responds Lain knows everything. The only way to learn something new is to form a prophecy. Lain wants to know more but the doll is quiet.
On the WIRED news channel, someone has hacked into the traffic control system and disturbed the signal patterns. They promise this will be the only time it happens.
Mika stands on the street corner. A man is passing out tissue packets and she takes one. A boy walks up to her and asks if he can ask her out. She ignores him and when she leaves, she bumps into him, spilling his pop on her sleeve. Taro runs away, leaving Mika furious. She takes out the free tissue and prepares to wipe her sleeve when she notices writing on it.
Mika is startled by the message. She throws the tissue away on the street. Then she spots Lain, standing alone in the middle of the road with cars speeding passed her on both sides.
Ignoring her, Mika walks away. She waits at a crosswalk, watching a monitor above them. For a split second, an image of Lain flashes on the screen.
Lain's room. She is talking to a mask and it explains about the prophesies to Lain. But when Lain wants to know more, the mask is quiet.
The girls confront Lain about the stunt she pulled with the traffic system. The girl looked exactly like Lain. But Lain slowly mutters she does not know what they are talking about. Arisu believes her and sticks up for her.
Lain watches her NAVI screen, watching the news channel about the traffic hacker.
Sitting in a restaurant, Arisu talks about the spam she has gotten lately - something about fulfill the prophecy. Arisu explains to the others the people behind the spamming is from a group who call themselves the Knights.
Lain's room. Lain kneels back while looking at a floating image of her mother. Miho explains the relationship of the WIRED with the real world - the real world is just an illusion of the WIRED. Lain asks if she is her real mother. Miho is silent, then disappears.
At the dinner table, Mika stares at Lain. She asks if she was in Shibuya today but Lain does not know what she is talking about. Mika gives up.
Suddenly, Mika finds herself in the middle of the road just like Lain was earlier. Then she is in the same restaurant as the girls were. A drink is in front of her and she picks it up only to spill it. The liquid on the table begins to move, forming words: fulfill the prophecy.
Mika shakes in fear and starts to lose her mind.
Lain's room. She kneels back while her father floats in front of her. He explains to her about the existence of God and prophecies. She asks him the same question again - are you my dad and he slowly disappears.
Mika walks through the door to her house. As she enters, she drops to her knees in exhaustion. Looking up, she sees herself walking through the hall in front of her. The alternate her stops and looks at her. The Mika that was standing at the door slowly fades out. Lain walks in and asks Mika if there is something wrong.
As Mika walks up the stairs, Lain watches the door. A shadow appears, frozen, then fades away.
Lain goes back to her room and the NAVI is on.

Layer 06; Kids:
Yasuo walks into Lain's room. He notices water splashing on her feet and he looks at Lain's massive computer has been modified from her original NAVI. The water comes from the system's cooling devices and the entire room is darkened from the equipment taking up every inch of her room. Lain does not notice him or acknowledge his presence as she continually mutters to the screens surrounding her.
As Lain walks to school, she notices a boy raising his hands and looking upwards at the sky. Lain looks up but there is nothing there.
At school, Arisu and the others notice that Lain is returning to her old self and to come and join them. But Lain tells them she is not alone, referring to the people she has met on the WIRED. Reika tells her they cannot always be here or they may not be what they seem.
After school, the group decides to go shopping in town. As they walk along the sidewalk, Reika sees a boy with his hands raised up and looking at the sky. She ignores him but Lain is mesmerized. She sees two other children in-between the crowd, doing the same thing. She looks up and the clouds being to separate, making a portal in the sky. A bright being steps through and although bathed mostly in white light, the outer lines look exactly like Lain. Voices are heard as others look up and wonder what is going on.
Miho is in the kitchen while Mika sits on the couch with her back to her. Miho asks if she got her recommendation for college but Mika does not answer. She watches the TV with a blank face - glassy eyes and mutters something over and over again.
Lain sits in front of her NAVI and asks about the 'angel' that was seen in the sky. She is in the WIRED, walking down a path when a large mouth appears. Calling the mouth a Cheshire Cat, she starts a search while the mouth babbles on that he has the skill to create a mouth and he was the one to help the famous Lain. Lain pulls up the search and the mouth leaves, saying he helped a little.
Lain enters another place with a pink sky and desert. She finds the man she was looking for - Dr. Hodgeson, who is also known as the child-killing scientist. An old man, he lays back on his deck chair, watching the horizon. Lain demands to know what he knows about the KID project but he is reluctant. Finally, he explains he was the creator of the Kensington experiment to collect the PSI energy from children using a device connected to an object known as the Outer Receptor. But, he collected the energy and something went wrong - the children were either killed or made deranged. He destroyed the data and the device but it seems someone found it on the WIRED and modified it. Dr. Hodgeson says he was impressed with this person which did not need the device. He tells her he wants to be in peace and slowly, he fades out, dying.
Lain goes to a different place, where she thinks the Knights are. But they do not answer her back. As Lain leans back in her chair, frustrated, she notices two lights randomly wandering around her room. Lain thinks they are part of the Knights and runs out to confront them.
Outside, she yells at them as the red dots float around her face. They tell her to get down.
An explosion.
Lain's room explodes and glass rains down on her. One man explains someone put a parasitic bomb in her coolant system. Lain demands to know what role they had but they said it was not them. They get in their car and leave.
Lain stands there, watching them leave.