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Disc 06
Infornography / Landscape


Layer 11; Infornography:
Lain is fully attached to her NAVI system by a series of wires, mostly connected to her head and face. She sinks into the WIRED and a flashback of everything that has happens occurs.
Eiri appears in Lain's room. She lays on the floor, exhausted. Eiri tells her she is overloaded and she cannot keep filling her memory since she is limited - she is only software, not hardware. Lain wonders if she is a machine and not to talk to her like she was.
Lain and Chisa walk together down the road. The young man who killed himself at Cyberia appears and confirms that she does not need a body. All she has to do is get rid of her body. Handing her a gun, he instructs her to use both hands to hold it since girls are not strong enough. Lain holds the gun up with the laser sight pointed at her but she cannot pull the trigger.
Arisu sits in front of her iMAC, reading an email from Juri that she will set her up with a blind date so the rumors at school about her and the teacher will be dismissed. When she turns off her computer, Arisu sees a small figure standing in her doorway. It is Lain but she has a grey's body. Lain tells her she was not the one that made the rumor and to believe her but Arisu does not. Lain continues, saying she will find a way to remove the bad memories. Lain disappears, leaving Arisu to break down in tears.
The next morning, Arisu tells Juri she does not want to go out with a blind date but Juri does not know what she is talking about. Juri and Reika talk about the teacher - saying he is having an affair with an 8th grader. Arisu is puzzled, then sees Lain watching them from a distance. The other girls wave Lain to come over. Lain smiles, sending a shiver down Arisu's spine.

Layer 12; Landscape:
Lain sits in her desk with Reika and Juri standing around her, chatting away, while Arisu sits in her desk beside the window, watching them. Only Arisu remembers what had happened. Her portable NAVI beeps and she reads a message from Lain. Arisu looks back at Lain, who is smiling at her but she is worried.
Lain goes back in the WIRED and says she knows. By being known by everyone, she exists within themselves.
At Cyberia, the kids joke around at their table when Taro laughs at loud while looking at his NAVI - I kissed an angel. Myu-Myu looks at him, concerned.
On the WIRED news channel, the announcer says everyone should love Lain, and repeats it several times.
Eiri talks to Lain. He explains how everyone was already connected and he only helped them realize this. Since Lain helped him accomplish his goal, she can do whatever she wants. Lain smiles.
The men in black sit in their car in an underground parking lot. The big one lights up, much to the distaste of the smaller one. They discuss their job and what they have to do. A car pulls up. They get out of their car and stand in the car's headlights. Two more men in black step out of the new car, along with the man from Tachibana Labs. He hands them a suitcase full of money and tells them to leave, somewhere where there is not wires and no satellites cannot reach. They protest but he ignores them. Tachibana leaves. Suddenly, the smaller man begins to have seizures. The bigger man wants to know what he is seeing. Adjusting his eye piece, he sees a shadowy figure in the distance. He begins to have the same seizures.
Arisu stands in front of Lain's house. She rings the bell but no one answers. Accidentally, she touches the gate which opens, then she closes it again. Wondering if anyone is home, she opens the gate again and walks through. As she opens the front door, the entire house is in ruins. She begins to walk up the stairs and encounters Mika, who is still sitting on the floor making busy sounds. She fades away in a mist that makes Arisu cough. She continues up the stairs to Lain's room. When she gets there, Lain is nowhere to be found. A pile of wires shift and Lain sits up wearing only her slip, with wires still connected to her body. Arisu is startled, backing up and knocking down one of the NAVI units.
Lain calms her down and Arisu collapses on her knees, demanding to know what she has done. It appears she is the only one left in the world. Lain crawls over to her, until their faces are a few inches apart. She says she did not mean any harm. Arisu backs away but Lain crawls back up to her again, saying Arisu is her only friend and she wanted to spare her from connecting to the WIRED. Lain tries to explain who she is and how she works as a program but Arisu does not understand.
Arisu realizes Lain is cold. She takes her hand and puts it against her chest. Lain does not understand. But Arisu asks what she feels and she can feel her heart beating. Together, they repeat the timing of the beating and Lain asks why it is beating so fast while Arisu is smiling. She explains she is scared but is happy to be with Lain.
Eiri shows up and asks Lain why she does not convert Arisu into the WIRED as well. Arisu thinks Lain is losing her mind because she is talking to herself. But Lain does not want to do that to her friend, sparing her. Eiri puts his hand on Lain's shoulder and Arisu can see the disembodied hand now. She is scared. Lain begins to question Eiri why it is his right to be God and if there is really a God. But Eiri says it is him. Then Lain asks a simple question - was he God before the WIRED came into existence, there must be someone higher.
Eiri is enraged. He begins to accumulate the wires and other parts from around the room, creating a body for himself. Arisu screams out as she sees Eiri forming a body in front of her. But Lain asks why he needs a body in the real world. Eiri reaches out and grabs Arisu with a liquefied hand, an eyeball merging out of the gooey mass. She screams but Lain holds her close. Using her powers, she pulls rows of devices from the wall to pound against Eiri, pounding him with an array of machines until only his hand can be seen.