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Disc 02


A young, blue-haired boy sheathes his glowing sword. Just as he is about to introduce himself, Lina wakes up.
As Lina walks down the path, she steps on a bandit who is laying down on the side of the road. His two brothers attempt to extort money from Lina for breaking his leg, which makes Lina gleeful. As she draws a circle around the three puzzled bandits, she begins to chant. Watching on, the bandits are suddenly blasted into the sky. As the dirt rains down, a small sack falls into Lina's hand - their bag of gold.
At the beach, Lina is gobbling down everything in sight at the local cafe. The three bandits appear, threatening Lina but she ignores them. They bring out their hired gun - the most powerful sorceress in the world. Her laughter sends a chill down Lina's spine and out bounces Nahga. Unimpressed with her self-camaderie, Lina blasts her. Announcing her bosses are the bad guys, Nahga teams up with Lina and blasts them. After picking through their possessions, Nahga joins with Lina for eats.
The bandits want to know who she is, which Lina tells them. One of them cannot believe it is Lina Dragon, the Robber Killer. Intrigued why he called her the dragon part, the bandit smirks as he answers that even dragons run away from her. About to take the bandit out for that remark, Nahga finds two tickets. Before Lina can answer what they are, Nahga grabs her and away they go.
On a boat heading to Mipross Island, Lina and Nahga settle down to a several dozen coarse dinner. They talk about Nahga's find, which are two discount tickets to the world famous resort hot springs on the island. After dinner, Lina complains about being stuck in the economy-class accommodation. Asking Nahga what is so great about this place, Nahga begins to tell her about the miraculous hot springs and the history of the island. The droning of her voice puts her to sleep.
Fairy spirits float around the island as a strange-looking frog looks on. Lina approaches a lake and sees a young couple at the lake - the blue-haired boy and an elven girl. They ignore her as Lina tries to talk with them. As the boy departs, he passes through Lina. Wondering what is wrong, Lina hears a voice coming from above. She is mad her dreams are being invaded but the voice tells her the fun is about to begin.
At the wharf, Lina and Nahga enjoy the candies of the land. A young oaf brashly pushes Lina aside and continues away, looking at the purse he just stole. Lina turns around and watches the line around her finger get tighter then she pulls the purse away from him causing him to fall on the ground. After Lina calls him a thief, his big brother shows up.
At the wharf, they square down with the 10th, 8th, 7th and 5th strongest men on the island. Lina dispatches the first one into the water with an Explosion Array. After the last three introduce themselves, Lina takes them all out with a Fireball.
A short man climbs up over the edge of the wharf and introduces himself as Sorceror A. He attacks Lina by casting an incantation spell, calling forth piles of jellyfish. Nahga counters by calling forth sea cucumbers. The two squishy things do battle but Lina decides to take matters in her hands and bash the sorceror on the head. Wondering what to do with all the jellyfish and sea cucumber, Nahga remarks they taste good pickled, which Lina decides to sell them to a local chef.
Nahga discovers something strange on the passed out sorceror - many jelly fish emblems and tattoos.
In the market, people are buying plenty of jelly fish-related items such as shirts. As Lina and Nahga look on, a frog-like creature sits in the corner of an alley sipping a drink.
At the hot springs resort, Lina sits in the audience and watches Lagos, a master of illusion, as he makes a woman believe she is still in Sangoost. Lina cannot swallow the tripe.
Nahga in her teeny bikini dives into the hot spring. As she wallows in the water, she thinks something is wrong with the water. Suddenly, three girls appear on the ledge declaring themselves the Hot Spring Sisters. As they describe the hot springs, Nahga emerges from the water to challenge their claims - it is not natural after all but taken from another spring.
After the applause, Juliano, the resort owner, rises from the water and introduces himself. He confronts Nahga who wants her money back but he refuses. Lina has had enough so she decides to leave but Juliano wants to know what's her hurry. Telling Nahga to duck, she casts a fireball at him which he easily deflects. While he taunts them with his plan for world domination, a giant water dragon is created from the spring water.
Lina and Nahga prepare spells and fire them at him but the giant dragon swallows them and attacks the two. As the crowd watches along with the frog creature in the tree, Lina casts a large fireball that causes the dragon to evaporate. While Juliano is stunned by the water evaporation, they team up against Juliano and destroy his defensive shield with shards from one of Nahga's golems. With an explosion array, Lina blasts him into orbit.
Lina has the dream again. She calls out to the old man who announces he is a shy old man. The young elf maiden tells Rowdy, her companion, that they will always be together. Lina groans.
Taking Juliano to the local authorities, they beg them to take him to the king.
Along the way, the two run into ninjas commanded by Lagos, the illusionist from the resort. Catching Lina off-guard, he asks her where she is from which she responds. Realizing it is too late, Lina is caught up in the autumn festival of crushing grapes to make wine in Zephillia.
Turning to Nahga, Lagos discovers that she has plugged her ears. Nagha raises a giant dragon head from the earth below. Not to be defeated, Lagos tries to memorize it except it begins to rise. He and his cronies fall off the cliff. Even Lina is impressed by the giant dragon in front of her, until the dragon is unable to stand due to incorrect proportions - huge head, small body. It topples over the cliff. Every time it tries to stand, it falls over, resulting in the destruction of a quarter of the city.
Lina and Nagha stand before the King and Queen. The King cannot believe that this small-chested girl is the infamous Lina, much to his mistake. Apologizing, he asks them to stay.
Lina has the dream again. Young Rowdy rushes forth against a Lesser Demon. Pulling out his sword, it has no blade. As he jumps in the air, he calls upon the light and the blade bursts forth and he cuts the demon in half.
A darkened castle cast over with lightning. The great sage Rowdy stands atop the stairs and tells a pyjama-clad Lina to go forth into the forest to the Ruins of Elmgowsh. She'd rather go to sleep. He tells her over and over again to go to the forest when she suddenly awakens only to find the King and Queen screaming in her ear.
Sitting down to a late-night snack with the King and Queen, they explain that they too have been visited by the Sage Rowdy. He foretold that Lina would come to help them regain their hot springs again by battling the demons who have taken over the Ruins. Lina is uninterested until the King offers her a reward.
In the forest, Nahga is enjoying her booze while some slime entertain her. Lina takes a sleep berry and dozes off.
In the land of dreams again, Lina manages to get the upper hand over Rowdy by kicking him. She demands to know what is in it for her. After carefully studying over her chest, Rowdy tells her he knows of a spring that will accelerate her growth. Lina jubilantly agrees. Waking up, she sees Nahga dozing off with the slime on her. One explosion array and she is awake.
As they stand in the corridor of the ruins, lights flare up on either side. Deciding the best way is the direct route, Lina casts a spell that creates a tunnel below their feet.
Landing on the lowest level, they approach a door. As Nahga opens it to lean in, they are confronted by the frog. He laughs and laughs, then jumps around inside the champer into the middle of a spell ruination. Nahga is unimpressed with this "Great Master" and ponders about a treasure. The frog laughs and points as many doors opening up revealing jelly fish shirts, aqua toys, streamers and plenty of boxes of gold. Nahga is drooling over the treasure as Lina tries to hold her cape back.
Seeing the frog try to sneak away, Lina catches his shadow by throwing a dagger at it. The Great Master's eyes glow red and the dagger is lifted up and thrown away. He laughs as he floats to the middle of the pedestal and introduces himself as Joyrock.
Nahga casts a Demonic Crystal which encases him in a rock-solid piece of ice. Joyrock laughs as he shatters the crystal. Lina takes her turn. As she casts her spell, Joyrock slips into another dimension to avoid it. Realizing that he can spatial shift, they quick move away as he comes back and slashes at them in a larger form. The place is coming down and Joyrock decides to leave. Nahga wants to stay and get the treasure but Lina flies both of them out of there.
As they run away, they come across an old man hoisting up a bucket of water from the well. Asking for a drink, he obliges. Before giving it to her, he asks her to introduce herself. The townspeople begin to turn into zombies. Lina and Nahga escape. As she pushes a zombie aside, Lina gets her hand covered in slime. Utterly grossed out, she tries to wipe it on Nahga's cape who vehemently objects. Joyrock sits in a tree in front of them, laughing.
Lina chides him for using the people on the island for his enjoyment. To prove they are his toys, Joyrock turns them into ghosts. Lina is angered but Joyrock loves the anger and fear put out by humans. Several demons arise from the ground. Lina holds back Nahga, telling her to let her handle it. As she chants the words to a spell, Joyrock laughs, then is amazed that it is the Dragon Slave.
After surveying the damage and the huge crater, Lina thinks it is over. However, Joyrock emerges from a spatial shift, bleeding from the left shoulder. Lina tries to run but he hits her with an energy whip causing her to trip against the bottom of the crator. As he is about to destroy her, Rowdy shows up and defends Lina. Joyrock decides to retreat.
At Rowdy's house within the base of a huge tree, Lina checks her bandage on her arm. Rowdy decides to explain everything: During the annual elven festival, Joyrock appeared and began to wreck havoc. By the time Rowdy arrived after killing a lesser demon, the village had been destroyed. The island moved away to isolate itself from the continent.
Lina and Nahga stand outside Rowdy's home and takes on the charging demon hounds. After Rowdy takes out some, Joyrock appears and stabs him. But Rowdy announces he has been waiting for this moment - by using his soul and Joyrock's magic, he sends Lina back to the past.
Young Rowdy has killed the lesser demon when another appears. It is destroyed by a spell coming from Lina who is in a tree. He turns around and assumes she must be Lina, then introduces himself but Lina beats him to it.
A demon picks up Meliroon but Rowdy slices him in half then catches her. Lina and Joyrock squard off. As Lina distracts him, Rowdy tries to jump in from behind but his attack fails. Joyrock sees the Sword of Light and wants it. While distracted, Lina casts the Dragon Slave. It bounces off the ground in front of Joyrock into the air just as Rowdy leaps in. The Sword of Light absorbs the magic and Rowdy slices Joyrock in half.
Later, Lina is trying to get Rowdy to give up his sword but he will not. Lina begins to fade out. In the time tunnel, Lina meets up with Nahga who has been stuck there. They return to the present.
At the royal castle, the King has never heard of her or a reward.
Walking away, Lina remembers something and flies away. Reaching a town, she asks a local about the Spring of Growth. Jubilant, she rushes away and strips behind a rock down to her unmentionables. Just as she is about to go for a dip, the villager runs up and hits her, then explains it only takes seconds to become old and wrinkly if she went in. Rowdy appears in ghostly form before her and Lina is hopping mad. As he fades away, he thanks her and Lina shrugs it off. Laughter from behind reveals Nahga who is wondering what is going on. An embarrassed Lina scoops up her clothes and runs away with Nahga close behind.