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Disc 05
Eternal Practice! The Day Phil Died? / All The Villains Are In Chindu? Regaining Magical Power!


Episode 09; Eternal Practice! The Day Phil Died?:
Arriving back in Seirune, the city welcomes back its beloved ruler. Phil arrives back at the castle and is greeted by his nephew, Alfred and his younger brother, Christopher. Lina determines it was probably Christopher who tried to kill Phil but keeps it to herself. Her suspicions turn out right when Alfred invites them over and tells her about his father's plot to become king. While investigating, they are suddenly attacked by monsters - Kanzeil and Mazenda. Seeing they cannot win, Lina heads to a temple located at the center of the city. When Lina is at the center of the star, Mazenda traps Lina so she cannot cast any spells. However, this is a permanent fixture as Lina is now spell-less.

Episode 10; All The Villains Are In Chindu? Regaining Magical Power!:
With her magical ability lost, Lina heads off in search of a magic doctor. On the way, she runs into Xellos who is traveling with Martina. While Martina is traveling with Xellos, she is the perfect companion; however, Xellos leaves for awhile so he can see what havoc Martina will play on Lina. And havoc she plays on her since Lina cannot fight back with magic. Finally, they arrive at the magic doctor's house to find out it is run by a little girl! Her grandfather passed away awhile ago so she runs the business. Rummaging through books, she finds the cure but Martina decides to add something to the ingredients... which ends up blowing up the house. They get attacked again by demons but this time, Lina notices the talismans Xellos is wearing are magic amplifiers. In typical Lina-fashion, she gets her hands on them and her magic has returned. However, while Martina was in the cauldron, she finds a book... a copy of the Claire Bible!