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Disc 08
Giant Crash! Battle Tower Ultima! / Curveball Of Resentment! Powerful Fastball Of Willpower!


Episode 15; Giant Crash? Battle Tower Ultima!:
While camping out, Xellos tells the scary story of a puppet master living in a tower. Unfortunately, he did not make it up and they are camped a short distance from the actual tower! Not only that, but it may contain a copy of the Claire Bible. The one downside is, rumor has it that the puppet master still lives there and will turn anyone into a doll who trespasses. After trying it once during the day and being spooked out of their wits, they only way to get into the tower is by wearing doll costumes. When they enter, they are greeted by a jester who says they have to pass his challenges if they want to meet him at the top. If they lose the challenge, they will be turned into dolls. As they go up the stairs, they are greeted by a different puppet / monster that challenges them... and each one gets turned into a doll. Finally, it is down to just Lina and she makes it to the top. Somehow, Xellos is turned back to normal and the puppet master recognizes him. Figuring out the puppet master is a doll as well, Lina Dragon Slave's the place. Back outside, Xellos skirts the question how he knew him. Meanwhile, Gourry keeps enjoying his costume.

Episode 16; Curve Ball Of Resentment! Powerful Fastball Of Willpower!:
While fighting for a meatball in a restaurant, another person in the restaurant sees Lina's fighting prowess and makes her a proposition - be his partner in the Brass Raquets tournament. Lina declines but then Martina shows up with her partner, Keith. It seems Keith is always the winner and heckles the older man that he will trounce the competition again, especially finding Martina. Lina accepts his challenge and goes off to train with Ruud. The purpose of Brass Racquets is similar to tennis - a racquet with no strings redirects a magical ball depending on the person's willpower. After a very vigorous training session, the tournament begins. Martina and Keith wipe out their opponents. Then Xellos decides to enter with Amelia. They lose badly but Xellos somehow 'mixes' his racquet with Lina's! Lina faces off against Martina; when she goes to hit the ball, it goes right through her racquet and socks her in the face. After a few more times of getting hit in the face, Xellos confesses up and Gourry throws down her racquet. Enraged like you have never seen before, Lina ends up destroying most of the stadium for her revenge against Martina. Both teams get disqualified and Amelia and Xellos win the prize - the Claire Gable trophy.