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Disc 01


On a world somewhere much like Earth...
For years, the Honneamise Royal Space Force had been nothing more than a joke, having failed to send a single man into space alive. Signing up for astronaut duty was a sure ticket to death, provided the funding ever got through to let the craft be built in the first place.
Shiro Lhadatt was a member of the Royal Space Force, and like everyone else, was highly cynical about the whole thing, never even thinking of the possibility of going into space. However, a chance encounter one evening with a young female evangelist inspires him to aim higher -- much higher. But to become the first man in space, many obstacles first have to be breached. There’s the training, for one thing, and then the ship actually has to be built -- and there are also other nations who would prefer not to let the nation of Honneamise succeed, fearing the possible military implications that would result from such a coup...