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Disc 04
The Ghost Warrior / The Doom-Gaze / Lord Of The Snows


The Ghost Warrior:
Two locals accidently free the ghost of Grune the Destroyer, who had ravaged Third Earth centuries ago. He learns of the Thundercats' presence on Third Earth and drains the lair of its Thundrillium and attacks the Thundercats, who can't fight back too much since he's a ghost. Thanks to Cheetara's sixth sense, the Thundercats learn of Grune's history, that he was once a Thundercat and close friend of Jaga, but greed and power overcame him. Grune returns to the lair and Lion-O summons Jaga to fight Grune. Jaga and Grune battle it out, but Grune's battle club is made from Thundrainium. Lion-O gives Jaga the Sword of Omens and his strength to help him defeat Grune.

The Doom-Gaze:
Mumm-Ra searches for a way to destroy the Thundercats and the Ancient Spirits of Evil tell him to free Tashi. Tashi is a sorceress who posseses a power known as the Doom-Gaze which gives her the power to put men in a transe. Mumm-Ra wants to free Tashi so he can share this power with her. But he must collect the following items: A Cheetah's hair, a berbil's tear and a unicorn's shoe. Mumm-Ra gets the Mutants to retreive these items. But Lion-O, Cheetara and Snarf follow the Mutants to Mumm-Ra and try to free Ro-Bear Belle. But Tashi tells Mumm-Ra that he must find a hero to take her place. Then when Lion-O and Snarf appear Tashi puts them under the power of the Doom-Gaze so they could take her place. But Cheetara beats the Mutants and trys to fight Mumm-Ra and Tashi and finds out she is immune to the Doom-Gaze. She frees Lion-O and he calls the other Thundercats and they defeat Mumm-Ra and Tashi is banished back to her dimension.

Lord Of The Snows:
After a large storm the Thundercats thundrillium supply is weakened. But they find out about a meteor of pure Thundrillium on the ice land of Hook Mountain. Lion-O and Snarf travel there to find the meteor. Jackalman finds out about this and tells Slythe and Monkian. They summon the new Mutant Vultureman to take them to Hook Mountain in his Flying Machine. In the meantime Lion-O and Snarf find their way to the Snow Castle, home of the Snowman of Hook Mountain. To get the meteor Lion-O must fight the Snowman and his pet Snowmeow. Lion-O wins only to send Snowman in the bottomless casem. Lion-O trys to save Snowman while Snarf and Snowmeow are attacked by the Mutants. Lion-O and Snowman appear to save them and so do the rest of the Thundercats. Now Snowman, thinking Lion-O has proved himself, gives the Thundercats the meteor.