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Disc 07
Lion-O's Annointment (Part II: Trial Of Speed) / Lion-O's Annointment (Part III: Trial Of Cunning) / Lion-O's Annointment (Part IV: Trial Of Mind Power)


Lion-O's Annointment (Part II: Trial Of Speed):
On the 2nd day, Lion-O must race Cheetara. They both start from the same point, but they are allowed to take any route to get to the finish line many miles away. Cheetara takes the longer route, while Lion-O takes the shorter, more dangerous route. The mutants also discover Lion-O without his sword and plan on attacking him. In the end, it comes down to about a 1 mile dash to the finish between Lion-O and Cheetara. Cheetara gets way ahead, but Lion-O doesn't give up, and we see that Cheetara's super speed only lasts for 2 minutes. When her speed runs out, Lion-O catches up and beats her.

Lion-O's Annointment (Part III: Trial Of Cunning):
Lion-O faces the Thunderkittens on the 3rd day. He must get through the Maze of Infinity where the Kittens have set traps for him. The mutants attack, but Lion-O manages to get away from them into the caverns. He faces many tricks by Wiley Kit and Kat, but in the end the Kittens get caught in one of their own traps and Lion-O rescues them with the help of some cave-dwelling creatures. They all see the exit of the cave, but this time Lion-O plays the trick and ties the kittens' ropes to their ankles and a rock. They all start sprinting towards the exit, but the ropes hold the kittens back, and Lion-O wins.

Lion-O's Annointment (Part IV: Trial Of Mind Power):
Lion-O faces Tygra on the 4th day of the trials. The Mutants get in the way throughout the day, but the other Thundercats, and Snowman and Snowmeow hold them off for the most part. Tygra first uses his invisibility to try and trick Lion-O. Then, we learn that Tygra had the power to control minds and make things seem there that really aren't. Tygra makes Lion-O think he is back on Thundera watching the planet explode, because that is the only thing Lion-O is afraid of. But Lion-O overcomes the image and wrestles Tygra to the ground and thus wins the trial.