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Disc 19
The Mountain / Eye Of The Beholder / The Mumm-Ra Berbil


The Mountain:
Lion-O takes up mountain climbing, but during one of his climbs, the mutants attack him with a Thundrainium gun, Lion-O calls the other Thundercats, but an avalanche traps Panthro, Tygra, Slithe and Monkian, in a cave causing a limited air supply. Meanwhile Jackleman steals the sword, but Lion-O manages to get it back and saves everyone.

Eye Of The Beholder:
Panthro makes a fake Sword of Omens, and they plan to play a joke on the mutants! But the joke backfires when the mutants capture Snarf too! Lion-O must rescue Snarf and defeat the mutants and Mumm-Ra once again.

The Mumm-Ra Berbil:
Mumm-Ra transforms himself into a Ro-Bear Berbil. He acts hurt and the Thundercats let him stay at Cats Lair. One night, Mumm-Ra puts all the Thundercats under his spell, except Snarf, because Tygra held off Mumm-Ra just long enough for Snarf to escape. Lion-O was sleeping out in the woods, and Snarf ran to him and told him what happened. Lion-O came back and fought Mumm-ra, who was actually beating Lion-O. Mumm-Ra was wearing special glasses so he couldn't see his reflection. Eventually, Lion-O used the Thundercat signal, broke Mumm-Ra's spell and his glasses, and finally defeated him with his reflection.