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Disc 31
Thundercubs! (Part II) / Thundercubs! (Part III) / Thundercubs! (Part IV)


Thundercubs! (Part II):
Lion-O and the other Thundercats arrive and save Lynx-o and the Thunderkittens from Red Eye and Tug Mug. The Thundercats learn more about New Thundera, especially the dangerous places affected by the moons of Plun-Darr where the Lunataks come from. The Thundercats must develop special equipment and clothing to counter those dangers. Also, they learn that all the snarfs have been turned into slaves and Snarf and Snarfer want to rescue them no matter what the cost. Vultureman learns of the Thundercats plan, so he abandons the other mutants and takes the Rat-Star. But Slithe has snuck aboard. Right after the Feliner takes off, the Rat-star ambushes them and it seems all over for the Thundercats aboard the Feliner. Lion-O uses the sword to free everyone and along with Bengali and Wiley Kit on the HoverCat, go after the Ratstar and it crashes on Hook Mountain. The Thundercats leave Third Earth's atmosphere and Lynx-O tells him that Mumm-Ra has already located the Sword of Plun-Darr.

Thundercubs! (Part III):
Mumm-Ra retrieves the Sword of Plun-Darr and the Thundercats arrive on New Thundera. While the Thundercats want to get the Sword and treasure, Snarf and Snarfer want to free their fellow snarfs. While the Thundercats sleep, Snarf and Snarfer sneak away, but are discovered and captured by Mumm-Ra. He disguises himself as Snarfer and he leads the Thundercats to where the treasure is located, but it can only be freed by the Sword of Omens. Once the treasure is freed, Mumm-Ra reveals himself and defeats the Thundercats with the Sword of Plun-Darr. Now Mumm-Ra possesses the Sword of Plun-Darr and the Treasure of Thundera.

Thundercubs! (Part IV):
Mumm-Ra tries to get away but the Sword of Omens breaks open the casket dropping the treasure all over the planet, and Snarf, Snarfer, and one other snarf escape. Mumm-Ra gives a false Book of Omens to Ma-Mutt, Slithe and Vultureman, who have arrived on New Thundera in the Rat-star, for safe keeping so that he can decipher the real Book of Omens. The Thundercats go after them through the Caverns of Cold. They head toward the Canyons of Youth, but due to the effects of the canyon, Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, Snarf, and Snarfer are changed into Thundercubs. Lion-O must use the sword to give the Thundercubs Thundercat understanding. Meanwhile on Third Earth, Jackalman, Monkian, and the Lunataks attack Cats Lair and capture Bengali and Wiley Kit. Lion-O learns that the Thundercats back on Third Earth are being held prisoner in Sky Tomb, so he decides to send the Thundercubs to Third Earth to rescue them while he tries to get the Book of Omens from Mumm-Ra. Snarf decides to stay with Lion-O and the other Thundercubs prepare the Feliner to leave New Thundera but Mumm-Ra arrives and attacks the Thundercubs.