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Disc 04
The Temple Of The Lestrigones / The Seat Of Forgetfulness / Trapped Between Fire And Ice


The Temple Of The Lestrigones:
Antphates, the King of planet of Lestrigones, is an insane tyrant. He attracts vessels which have misfortune to approach its planet, shrinks them to the size of a model and collects them. Well - everyone needs a hobby.

The Seat Of Forgetfulness:
Ulysses and the children follow an empty trident ship returning to Olympus in order to try to find the route back to Earth and the means to cure his crew. The Gods who control peoples' destiny have other ideas.

Trapped Between Fire And Ice:
The planets Charyboes and Scylla are a trap created by the Gods, one flaming hot, the other frozen. The Gods convince Ulysses that there is an orbiting space-station there containing the crew of the wreck of a thousand year old vessel. Ulysses would not have believed it had it not been for the account of the commander of the wreck, awake after a thousand years of hibernation.