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Disc 06
The Magic Spells Of Circe / Lost In The Labyrinth / At The Heart Of The Universe


The Magic Spells Of Circe:
The magician Circe collects book and all items so he can gain incredible knowledge. To contain this knowledge, he intends to build a tower so tall that it would reach Olympus, an intergalactic library. For this purpose he captures anyone who approaches the tower and transforms them into clay people to avoid revolts. The gods, jealous of his power, cannot allow a mortal to become thus immortal and so destroy all of his work.

Lost In The Labyrinth:
Ulysses is told that Theseus knows the route to Earth, and so he enters a gigantic space-station labyrinth from which no-one has ever escaped, to do battle with the great Minotaur.

At The Heart Of The Universe:
Mercurius offers Ulysses a deal. He will show him the route home if Ulysses brings him the stone embedded within the face of the giant Atlas. However this stone is the source of Atlas’ strength, and without it he cannot support the weight of the Universe.