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Disc 01


In the year 12,090 A.D., ten thousand years after the nuclear destruction of civilization, monsters and mutants roam the European countryside. A feudal society has arisen in which human peasants are ruled by immortal vampire aristocrats. Doris Lang, a young rancher, is casually bitten by Count Magnus Lee, the local vampire lord.
A mysterious vampire hunter known only as "D" rides into the community on a cyborg horse. Doris offers her ranch as his headquarters -- and offers herself to him -- if he will free the townsfolk from vampiric tyranny. Doris' young brother, Dan, clearly hero-worships the lean warrior, but D maintains a silent, distant attitude which puzzles them.
In town, Greco, the mayor's vain son, offers to protect Doris from the Count if she will wed him. When she refuses. he reveals that she has been bitten by Lee. The townsfolk are divided over whether to imprison her as a prospective vampire, or to give her to Lee to placate him. Only "D" and her old friend, Dr. Fearing, the community's kindly physician, offer to stand up for her. Mayor Roman and Sheriff Danton finally agree to let her stay in exile at her ranch pending the result of D's confrontation with the Count. Meanwhile Count Lee, bored with his endless life, decides to marry Doris to toy with her at his leisure. His haughty daughter, Lamica, is horrified by the thought of having a common human stepmother. She vows to kill Doris first. Lamica and Rei, her father's werewolf henchman, attack Doris' ranch and are beaten off by D.
The Count has Doris kidnapped and brought to his castle, while Lamica prays to the god of vampires, Dracula, to stop the wedding. D breaks through numerous guardian monsters including the flying Gimlet, the hulking Golem, an old witch, and three seductive souldevouring Lamiae, to rescue Doris. Rather than being angered, Lee is thrilled by the "fun" of having, a serious adversary at last. He knows D's secret, and he taunts Doris with it just before her rescue that D is a dunpeal half-breed, half-human and half-vampire.
Rei vows to destroy D, hoping to be elevated into a vampire nobleman as a reward. The Count sends Rei a Time Deceiver Lamp, which is deadly to vampires and dunpeals, to accomplish this. Rei kidnaps Dan to force D into a duel. But the Time Deceiver Lamp is stolen by Greco, who substitutes a phony for it. This enables D to easily defeat Rei and rescue Dan.
Meanwhile Doris is lured away from her ranch by Dr. Fearing, who has been turned into a vampire slave by the Count. They are stopped by Lamica, who is determined to save her family's purity despite her father's lust. Just as Lamica is about to kill Doris, she is attacked by Greco with the real Time Deceiver Lamp. Greco wants the fame of destroying the vampires, but he is stopped from torturing Lamica by D and Dan. They and Doris free the vampire girl and leave Fearing and Greco for dead. Doris realizes that D is a good man, even if he is half vampire.
Rei takes the Time Deceiver Lamp from Greco's body and attacks D once again. This time Rei wins easily. Doris and Dan are taken to Lee's castle. But D's dunpeal nature restores him to life.
Lamica makes a final plea to her father to not let a human woman sully their vampire bloodline. Lee reveals that Lamica's own mother was also an ordinary human, which traumatizes her. Rei demands to be granted vampiric immortality. When the Count taunts him, the infuriated Rei attacks and is easily slain by Lee, who is having the time of his 9,000-year life.
Just as Count Lee is about to complete the wedding by turning Doris into a vampire, D breaks into the ceremony. The Count attacks him, but D proves to be much stronger than the average dunpeal. Lee suddenly realizes from D's resemblance to a portrait of Dracula that he is the son of the vampire's god -- but it is too late to save himself. D rescues Doris and Dan from the crumbling castle, and offers to take Lamica with them to start a new life, but she insists on staying to die "for the honor of the perfect blue-blooded vampires".
Doris and Dan beg D to remain with them. But he is still fearful of his own dual nature, of having to constantly hold back his vampiric lusts to protect his friends. He rides out to continue his battle against the evil monsters of this new world.