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Disc 02


At an old broken down church D meets with a client. D is obviously feared, as there is a troop of men with guns pointed at him the whole time. An old man in a wheelchair and his son are the clients. They want D to rescue Charolette their daughter and sister, respectively. She was the one kidnapped by the Vampire Myrelink. Before D leaves the father is sure to tell him that if he finds her changed, a vampire, then he is to kill her painlessly. Also, D is told that the Marcus brothers have been hired as well, and that D had better hurry since they had a head start.
A big tank looking thing pulls up on a dark street and stops next to an old man. A giant hand reaches out and picks him up. From inside the tank a gruff voice asks if the man had seen a carriage pass through. The guy in the tank sees that he's a vampire, and therefore must have seen the carriage pass through. The vampire is killed without too much trouble... but it turns out that the whole town has been sucked and made into vampires. They run in the tank to a graveyard, but hit a road block then all pile out. The Marcus brothers and Leila... Using their trademark weapons they annihilate all the vampire-zombies that come after them. After this they hear a horse approaching... Borgov fires a shot from his arm crossbow at it, but it turns out to be D, who simply catches the arrow and crushes it. Borgov says that they should be friends, and asks what D's name is. D answers, then rides off. The Marcus group talks about how he's the famous Dunpeal hunter, for a while, then Leila rides off on her own on a one wheeled motorcycle.
D comes to a building made entirely of mirrors, and Left Hand says that it's a rest house. It's almost certain that Myrelink is here. D gets past the laser security by flipping up stones to distract the lasers. When he gets to the edge of the building Left Hand tells him that the vampire and Charolette are inside, and they begin searching for a door. As the sun goes down Myrelink begins to awake... Leila suddenly comes up on her motorcycle, and tries to kill Myrelink as he opens the door to the building and runs out, but he blocks the rocket that she fires at him easily, and machine guns her with energy blasts. Her motorcycle takes most of the damage, but she is shot once in the chest. D goes after Myrelink.
D catches up in a tunnel and demands Charolette. Myrelink tells him that she is there of her own will, and that D is a fool to challenge a vampire at night... When D actually lands a hit Charolette calls out Myre's name. D is then knocked off the top of the carriage they were scuffling on. D says that perhaps Myrelink was telling the truth, but Left Hand dismisses that, saying that she simply doesn't know what he is, or what he is capable of.
When D goes back to the mirrored building he helps Leila after she calls out for her mother. When she wakes up she yells at him, saying that he just wanted an excuse to take off her clothes. She asks if he thinks that he is her mother, and D says that she called out for her... perhaps she would be needing her. He then rides off, and the Brothers' tank drives up.
In Myrelink's carriage, Myre's small wound heals... He ponders if anyone will mourn when the last Vampire dies, and if there is anyone who can ever understand the loneliness that he feels.
In the the Marcus brothers talk about how vampires always head towards Barberoi when they feel threatened, and that the city is full of monsters and lunatics. In the back of the tank Grove asks Leila if it was D that bound her wound. She says yes, but makes him promise not to tell anyone else. Grove warns her that D's a Dunpeal, and that he's trouble.
Just inside of Barberoi they spot the carriage. When they attack it, it turns out to just be a piece of cloth a trick of magic made to look like the carriage. A shadow mutant Barberoi attacks them and kills Nole by stabbing his shadow. Just before he dies he says to "watch out for the shadow..." Borgov starts flipping out because his brother is dead, and the Barberoi laughs....
Left Hand sees the Barberoi gates coming up and asks D if there is another way. D says that there isn't. D gets inside and speaks with the leader of the Barberoi, an insane little man that rides a unicycle. D says that he wants the Barberoi to stop protecting the Myrelink. He says that he was paid $100,000,000 to protect him... He goes on to say that although he has seen many Dunpeals, he has never seen one like D and it is a pity that he must kill D. He says that D can never defeat them all. From a ledge the Marcus brothers watch, and wonder what D is doing... In the carriage Borgov tells Grove that they need him to fight, and that he's sorry about it... Grove simply holds up his arm for the shot that will let him fight. Leila tells him not to push himself too hard. Back with D, he says that it is a shame that he should have to kill so many Barberoi, when they are so loyal.... Although perhaps not so fair, seeing as how they let one fight against an army. It is revealed that the shadow Barberoi's name is Bengi. There are two other Barberoi next to him on the carriage, a plant looking woman, and a human-form werewolf. The Marcus brothers' tank drives up with Grove's spirit leading the way. His spirit fires blasts that annihilate most of the Barberoi. When the carriage speeds away Grove tries to block the path from D, but he is cut in half by D and returns, violently to his body, nearly dying.
D chases the carriage, but it turns out to just be another cloth, another one of Bengi's spells. It pushes him off the side of the road off a cliff, and his mechanical horse smashes at the bottom. The cloth comes back up and envelopes D, apparently stopping time for him within itself.... Only Left Hand seems to be conscious. The Marcus brothers' tank continues to chase the real carriage, but no damage is done even when they hit it dead center. The plant woman jumps off, and is apparently run over by the tank... She melts into liquid and pours up into the tank through the floor. Once inside she grows herself into a network of spikes, swisscheezing the tank, and wrecking it. It is revealed by Bengi that her name is Caroline. She leaves to let Bengi kill them. It turns out that everyone is alright, and they go outside to try and kill the Barberoi. Back with D, he is trying to destroy Bengi's spell. He has Left Hand swallow while he chops, and it is destroyed. The Marcus group kills Bengi after a brief scuffle.
Borgov, Kyle, and Leila talk about where the carriage might be by now, then Borgov tells them to go and get parts at the nearest town while he tries to fix the tank.
In Myrelink's carriage he reads a letter. It says to come if he seeks the pathway to the stars... and gives them best wishes.
D treks across the desert to the same town that Leila and Kyle are at for the repairs to get a horse. Leila tells Kyle to go on ahead when she sees D... The sheriff gives him trouble because he doesn't want a Dunpeal doing any business in the town... but the old man who sold D the horse pulls out a huge freaking gun, and points it at the sheriff. He says that when he was a child a Dunpeal that saved him from Vampires. That Dunpeal was D, and he had felt guilty ever since then when his parents turned on D after he had done the job. The old man felt that he was repaying a debt he owed to D, and D thanks him as he leaves.
Myrelink's carriage is stopped at some ruins by a lake and a forest... Charolette comes out of it and Myre tells his two remaining Barberoi servants to let her be, as she misses the sunlight. After she goes off on her own, D reveals himself to her. He says not to be afraid. He asks why she stays with Myre. She tells D that she loves Myre, and that she would rather die than leave him. Leila walks up and hits her, saying how stupid she is for loving him. She grabs Charolette and points a gun at D saying that she's sure he will understand... Just business after all. She gets uneasy as D goes for his sword... until he yells out to watch out above herself, and begins to fight with Caroline. Leila is knocked senseless right off the bat, but D keeps fighting. The werewolf grabs Charolette and jumps her to safety. After a little bit of a fight D couches over in pain he has taken in too much sun, and must bury himself to protect him from it. With the last of his strength he lops off Caroline's head, and she appears to be dead.... for a moment. The carriage rides away quickly. Leila sees D trying to dig a hole, and collapse. She gets a radio message from Borgov, who asks her if she has seen D. She lies, and says that there was no sign of him...
Leila has buried D up to his neck, under a big tree to repay D saving her, and she takes off to go after the Carriage. As soon as she steps out from it, though, Caroline, who has regenerated her body, grabs her up. Leila throws a knife in her head, but this doesn't phase the Barberoi at all. Just as Caroline is about to kill her, lightning shoots down from the darkening sky, and hits the knife embedded in her head. Caroline explodes into flames and dies. It begins raining hard, and Leila returns to under the tree where she buried D. She says that she's only there to keep out of the rain... If there was another place she would be there. D guesses that Leila's family was taken by vampires... Leila asks how he knew that, and explains how her mother was changed into a vampire, then killed, and her father was killed by them. She says that because they are both alone, and both in the hunting business that they should make a pact. They should both agree that whoever dies first should bring flowers to the other's grave. D surprises her by agreeing, but says that he doesn't expect to survive the ordeal. He says that he doesn't get to have a normal life like she could have... The next day Leila says that they are even now, and D rides off.
It is still light, so the vampire can't come out. Kyle and Borgov watch the carriage crossing a long bridge, and say that they need to stop it before it gets to Carmilla's castle... They plan to stop the carriage on the bridge by placing explosives. They contact Leila and she says that she is coming. As the carriage crosses the bridge a section of road explodes just in front of it. Borgov speaks to the werewolf saying that if he moves they will blow the bridge under the carriage sky high. Kyle walks into the carriage and grabs Charolette roughly. The werewolf uses x-ray type vision to look through the bridge and see where the bombs are... He jumps up, pretending to go for Borgov and is shot with an arrow in the back a minor wound. He falls off the side of the bridge and Borgov figures he is dead. He is actually removing all the bombs. While this is happening, Myre comes out into the sun in an attempt to stop Borgov and Kyle from taking Charolette from him... the sun begins to burn him, and Kyle jeers cruelly at him. Borgov shoots him in the shoulders and legs. Leila rides up close enough to get a view of the bridge with her telescopic goggles, and is amazed at seeing Myrelink risking his life for Charolette. Charolette breaks away from Kyle and runs to Myre. She says that she can't live without him... and prepares to shove one of Borgov's bolts through her neck if he dies. Kyle says to just let her kill herself, then they can kill Myre and get the reward money, and Borgov laughs and agrees. As Kyle gets out his knives the werewolf jumps back, and tears him apart from behind. Borgov glances at Kyle's body, then hits the detonator to blow up the bridge as he jumps off the side to the water below. As he falls, the bombs detonate... under the water, as they were removed by the werewolf. Borgov plunges into the explosion... and the sun sets as the carriage rolls off. Borgov crawls out of the water, and his right eye can be seen to be ruined.
In the carriage Myre is telling Caroline not to worry about the scars from the sun, as they will heal. He says that they will soon be in the city of night where they can be free to love each other. She falls asleep on top of him, and only through force of will is he able to keep himself from drinking her blood.
In the tank Grove is saying that they should give up, but Borgov won't hear of it. He says that they owe it to Kyle and Nole to keep going. Leila says that if they ever gave up then there would be no point in going on in the hunting business at all, and refuses to do that until every last vampire is dead.
On the carriage the werewolf hears D following behind. He tells Myre that the castle of Carmilla is just on ahead, and that he will stay and fight D. Myre agrees and the werewolf jumps up on a cliff to wait for D.
While D approaches Left Hand explains Carmilla's story. He says that she was a greedy ruler of her lands, and glutted on blood frequently. D's father, the Vampire king, was so disgusted with her corpulent ways that he came and executed her by driving a sword through her heart. However, her spirit still haunts the place... Left Hand says that he knows what really bothers D, though... it's the thought of Myre and Charolette having another Dunpeal. That's what it is... Left Hand keeps harping on this until D crushes him in his hand to silence him. He comes to he point where the werewolf stationed himself, and makes quick work of the Barberoi. D asks who hired them as the werewolf dies, and he says that Carmilla hired them...
The carriage arrives at Carmilla's castle and Myre and Charolette are greeted by Carmilla. She says that she entirely understands how the two of them could be in love. She assures Charolette that all of the things she's likely heard about Carmilla being so bloody are false... She shows them the spaceship that will take them to the stars, and says that she is very happy for them. In their room Myre and Charolette share an intimate moment, but then Myre almost bites her. She asks him why he doesn't just let himself do it... He says that he could never bring her into the world of immortality, and an endless thirst for blood. She says that they must have their closeness because they have nothing else. He ponders this for a moment and says that they will speak more of it on the trip. He warns her not to leave the room and says that he has some unfinished business to take care of.
D and the Marcus team arrive at the castle simultaneously... Myre flies down the stairs with his cape and sees D in a hallway. D says to listen, and Charolette comes out from D's cape and tells Myre that she wants to go home. Myre is thunderstruck. While he is reeling an axe from one of the statues flies out and slices him clean in half. D then turns into a bunch of bats and "telleports" away. While the scene with D was an illusion, he was still chopped in half.
Charolette is sitting in her room and sees Myre son a stairway through her mirror...
D walks through a parlor room in the castle, and Left Hand complains about how strange things are here... He doesn't answer, but walks into the next room.
Back in the tank Grove yells to Leila as she heads off with Borgov not to go in. He says that if she does, then she'll never come back. She tells him that she has no intentions of not coming back and leaves. When they get in the castle Borgov tells Leila to check upstairs while he gets the basement. When he goes down he sees rows and rows of coffins... Upstairs Leila cautiously slips through a door...
D sees an endless plane of blood that fades into the distance in blackness... In the center of it D's mother sits. She says that she knows that he probably hates her. She says that she loved his father.
Behind Borgov two caskets fly at him. He spins and shoots the fronts of them full of arrows. When they land on the ground he sees Kyle and Nole sitting in them, unharmed and alive. He drops all of his arrows and goes to embrace them, overjoyed that they are still alive... behind him the arrows float up into the air and stab into his back. He falls dead. We now see the caskets to be empty. The cross necklace that he is wearing melts and evaporates...
Leila walks into a room and sees a girl grieving at a grave in the snow. She snarls at the kid to get up, but she says to go away, and looks angrily at her. Leila gasps as she realizes that the girl is herself... grieving for her mother's death.
D walks up to his mother and she asks if he could ever forgive her. She says she knows how lonely he was... For a moment it appears that he will go to her, but instead he slashes her in half. The illusion is broken.
Leila embraces her younger self and says that it wasn't her fault... Her child self says that yes, it was and runs away. She goes to follow, but D grabs her hand from behind and yanks her back.
The snowy scene disappears and a chandelier falls directly in front of where Leila was running. D says that Carmilla is simply playing with them... Carmilla appears and says that they've been a lot of fun to play with. She laughs and disappears when asks where she is hiding Charolette. A now vampire Borgov takes Leila as a hostage and tells D to drop his weapon... Just as he is about to suck her, Grove's spirit floats in and blasts Borgov. The energy used causes Grove's body to die back in the tank... his spirit fades away. In shock, Leila slumps back against a pillar while D runs off to fight Carmilla.
Charolette climbs to the top of the staircase she was on and Myre bites her. We see that it was really taking place in Carmilla's tomb... the blood from Charolette's neck wounds runs up the stairs to the coffin where Carmilla's body lies...
In a vast pillared room, D sees a light far up ahead. Left Hand says that Carmilla's spirit is coming. The blood continues to rise up the coffin... in a very quick interlude we see Myre's body slide back together and heal. Carmilla calls down lightning on D and berates D for turning against his own kind, then gives the same "humans are livestock" speech that the aristocrat's daughter did in the last movie... D answers this saying that the Vampire race must face extinction and that is the rule of nature. She says that Vampire spirits are immortal, but he says that nothing lasts forever. In her coffin, Carmilla's body is reforming itself using Charolette's blood... Carmilla yells to D that she should have known better than to try to reason with a Dunpeal, and begins calling down lightning in earnest. D, however, calls on his enormous powers, and creates a dome around himself that expands and protects him. He then stabs Carmilla's ghost straight through. It dissolves. As a result of this, her body becomes a monster and goes to attack the unconscious Charolette. Myre swoops down and dispatches the monster... Carmilla's dying spirit comments on D's power just before he has Left Hand eat her.
Without Carmilla's spirit the castle begins to crumble... In the entrance hall Myre is hunched over Charolette's dying form. Leila prepares to shoot him. Myre begs Charolette not to die and says that he needs her. She says that she is so happy now... because they are finally together. She says that she loves him because he let her dream of their wonderful trip to the stars... He tells her that it is not a dream, and that they are really going to the stars, where she can be free. She smiles up at him and says that yes... she is free at last, then dies. He weeps over her body. Leila looses her nerve to kill him after seeing this, and he picks up Charolette's body to take it to the ship. Behind him D appears, and says that he must give up the body. Myre says that D could never understand, as he had never loved a human... He goes on to say that D struggles to resist the urges to drink blood, but that eventually it is inevitable that he will give in and do it. D says that when this happens someone else will hunt him. D and Myre fight, and it quickly becomes apparent that D is at least a little stronger. Myre seems to know this. Leila walks up to Charolette's body and says that it was a waste... She watches the fight for a moment, then takes off Charolette's ring and says the coolest line in the movie: "Enough of killing, enough of misery and death... I've had enough. I've had enough!" She throws the ring down and at D just as he goes to give the killing blow to Myrelink. His sword stabs through Myre... And Myre asks why D missed his heart. It can be seen that the sword only passed through his shoulder. D rolls the ring up his sword and into his hand. He says that the ring is all the proof he needs that Charolette is dead. He will take it to her father. The castle begins to crumble in earnest. Myre takes Charolette's body up a lift to the ship.
Outside Leila says that D can keep the reward just this once if he'll give her a ride into the nearest town. He agrees, but just as she's about to get up on the horse she hears the ship taking off... She watches with total rapt attention. As it f alters she becomes tense... it doesn't look like the old ship is going to make it. She asks where Myre is taking her, and D simply says that he is taking her away. "Away..." Leila murmurs... the engines continue to falter and Leila shouts out and cheers it on... The ship's engines grow strong again, and Leila watches happily, with tears in her eyes as it goes...
In a graveyard a large crowd is crowded around a casket which has just been lowered into the ground. They are putting flowers onto it as a priest reads the funeral verses. Among the people is a small girl that looks nearly identical to the image we saw earlier of Leila as a child. For a moment more the girl stays with the crowd... but she sees D standing under a tree a bit away. She goes over to him and calls out. She asks if he knew her grandmother, Leila. D doesn't respond, but the girl realizes that it is him. She says that her grandmother told her so much about him, and asks he would come into her house. He says that he would appreciate it... but that he was only there to keep his promise to Leila... He says that he is glad that she was so wrong about no one coming to her funeral. The girl looks dejected, but thanks him for coming. He smiles at her, and she waves goodbye... and D rides off into the distance.