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Disc 05
Embrace Everything / Easy Come, Easy Go


Embrace Everything:
The Nirvana nears home, and only has to pass through an incredibly large electromagnetic storm in order to be in their home solar system. However, during yet another battle with the Harvest fleet inside the storm, Hibiki is lost, thrown to parts unknown. As the crew of the Nirvana frantically searches for Hibiki, Hibiki finds himself on a planet with people that have a unique take on destiny and the "spirits" that guide them. In order to clear his turbulent mind, Hibiki must now pass the "trial of himself" in order to leave - but all the doubts from before may come back to haunt him. Meanwhile, Duero makes an interesting discovery about Hibiki's heritage.

Easy Come, Easy Go:
The Nirvana has finally reached its home solar system, but the Harvest fleet's remaining mother ships are not far behind. Despite this, the crew decides to hold a party to celebrate their coming home - that is, until they encounter their last obstacle to their home planets - a Tarak mobile mine field that threatens to destroy them all! With no desire to break through the field because it might slow down the Harvest fleet behind them, the crew of the Nirvana is left to guess the password to call off the system before it destroys them. Unfortunately, only senior officers of Tarak know the password, and time is quickly running out - until the password comes from a most unexpected source...