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Disc 01
Replacement / Addicted To Power


Episode 01; Replacement:
STNJ is attempting to capture a witch. Karasuma is chasing him. The witch attacks and his pursuer tries to shoot, but he escapes. The witch tries to hide atop a building, but another of STNJ’s members, Amon, finds him and captures him.
The next day, Robin is to arrive. She goes to Raben’s Flat, the Japanese headquarters. A guard tells her to wait. Upstairs at headquarters, the chief lectures Karasuma on using bullets in the city because they’re difficult to find. They don’t want to arouse suspicion. They then discuss the case. The witch that they captured was Nishigama Kento. He apparently had an ally, Higashi Yuuji, who is 25 years old and unemployed. Nishigama supposedly got him powers from Higashi. Doujma walks in late and informs them that there is a girl waiting for Amon downstairs. They tell the guard to tell her Amon already left. Robin goes out to kill some time. Headquarters calls and tells them the replacement boarded a different plane. They learn she has gone missing at the airport. After a few moments, they realize that the girl downstairs was probably Robin.
STNJ members set out that night to catch the witch. They enter a warehouse with sigils on the floor. Amon and Haruhito search for the witch. They find him in a corner and he attacks psychically by binding the power with the yellow spirit. They try to sedate him with a glowing green substance called Orbo, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Robin enters the warehouse and observes the sigil. It’s Ogham, a style of writing based on rings and marks used by the Celts, with the symbol, Hagal, one of 24 runes from the Elder Futhark alphabet. It is one of the runes of the second Aett, Heimdall Aett, and is the equivalent to the letter “H”. She says it isn’t complete and sniffs it as the chief and Doujima watch from behind.
Robin confronts the witch and tells him she’s changed the Ogham symbols in his field to hers. He attacks as Robin attacks with her fire power. Everyone shoots at the witch and he goes down. They tell Robin that it is more humane to capture witches than kill them. Amon, however, is not impressed with Robin and her flame ability. He asks if she can’t use her powers in a more constructive manner, as it is difficult to put out fires.

Episode 02; Addicted To Power:
The case of the episode is Kazuya Misawa and his trial. He was suspected of killing his business partner, Yukihiro Watanabe. The murder allegedly took place in a building Misawa owned. The cause of death was internal bleeding caused by bruised internal organs. Witnesses testified that Misawa didn’t touch Watanabe, but killed him with a curse. Even the medical examiners said the pressure came from the inside. However, the officer in charge of the case had to make up some stuff to bring the case to trial. The police then arrested Misawa for hitting the victim with a blunt weapon. They were intent on capturing him because of his prior record of battery, which went unpunished. If the cause of murder is a curse, it can’t be tried in court, as the public doesn’t know about the power of witches. Once Misawa realizes he can get away with using his power, they fear his crimes will escalate.
Since Robin is new, they explain some of the basics to her as they do things a bit differently than Headquarters. They use a substance called Orbo, which neutralizes the enemy’s power. It also has the effect of weakening the Hunter’s power. They tell her that she is to capture not to kill. She agrees, but refuses to use the Orbo.
Amon learns that Misawa was to marry Ms. Nakamoto. Karasumu and Sakaki investigate her posed as members of the press. Karasumu has the power to read the thoughts of others. Through this, she learns that Ms. Nakamoto desires attention. She is not concerned at all about her fiancée’s trial. Karasumu asks if she can have exclusive coverage of the wedding, and Ms. Nakamoto tells her that she’ll get back to her.
The wedding is to take place at night. Members of STNJ are stationed about. Doujima asks Misawa to wait for his bride in the chapel. The prosecutor comes in with a camera man and attacks Misawa, wanting to get the curse on videotape. Misawa uses his curse to kill the prosecutor and poses for the camera. Meanwhile, Doujima knocks out the cameraman and the Hunters surround Misawa shooting him with Orbo and eventually capturing him.
Ms. Nakamoto gets her time with the press, as she has decided to continue running the company despite Misawa’s missing status. She crys as she states that it is the only connection she has to him now.