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Disc 03
Smells Like The Wandering Spirit / Raindrops


Episode 05; Smells Like The Wandering Spirit:
Amon and Robin have spent the last two hours getting her vision checked. The conclusion – when she uses her ability to its full potential, her vision deteriorates for a moment. He insists that Robin gains control over her powers.
Meanwhile, there’s a missing witch, Shouji Takizawa, 46 years old. He disappeared even though he had a nice house and was working for a top ranking company. Strangely enough, when he left, he didn’t take any money, so the group picks homeless shelters as a likely place he might be.
Sakaki investigates one of the box homes at the shelter to find a bunch of photos. Suddenly, a man grabs his head and becomes paranoid. He runs out of the shelter and into the street where he is hit by a truck. When STN-J investigates, they find that the man was not a witch. One weird characteristic of the dead man was that he had a fragrant olive smell that disappeared before he arrived at the factory. Regardless, the chief isn’t happy about this recent turn of events and reprimands Sakaki for his actions. Robin asks why Doujima didn’t get in trouble with Sakaki because the two went together. She is informed that Doujima has high status parents.
As the group ponders the recent events, Karasuma describes a similar situation that happened to her about a year ago. They hypothesize that some witches possess the power to control another’s mind. It is called the Single Eye. Witches send strong feelings of fear into human’s minds but they can’t control them completely. Michael believes that the witch is able to magnify the anxiety and fear that lies within. The greater the anxiety and fear a person starts with, the greater they will be effected by the witch.
Meanwhile Sakaki and Amon are out on another investigation. A man by Sakaki starts losing it and as Sakaki tries to calm the man down, a flock of birds taking off scares him and he starts running away. Luckily, Amon is able to catch him before anything bad happens and the two recognize the man as a decoy.
STN-J decides to investigate the homeless shelter with the photos from earlier. While there, Sakaki is attacked and Robin is left to calm him down. Again, there is a scent of olives in the air.
Robin and Amon discuss the case at Harry’s later that day. She asks how he knew about Single Eye. He explains that Harry knew of it. That people with Single Eye can only see out of one of their eyes. Robin realizes then that she had seen the man at the shelter. He was the one who bumped into her.

Episode 06; Raindrops:
Robin has been practicing her technique with her new glasses and is now up to 98%. Everyone is impressed except Amon, who tells her to go home.
Later Robin is riding her bike presumably far away from her apartment. She notices a storm coming. Luckily a woman is driving by and offers her a ride home. The woman, Eiko Yano, and Robin briefly discuss the role of working on the drive home. Once home, Eiko-san hands Robin an umbrella.
After the woman drops Robin off at home, she goes to visit an employee who didn’t show up at work that day. The girl continues to wash dishes as Eiko-san reprimands her. She then warns the girl that she had better come to work on time tomorrow. On the drive home, Eiko-san sees a silhouette of a girl in her rear view mirror. She swerves the car and it crashes.
When Robin learns of the accident, she is deeply concerned. She asks Karasuma to use her power to scythe the area where the car crashed. When she doesn’t sense anything, she and Amon go to the girl worker’s house posing as Eiko-san’s boyfriend and little sister. The girl, Chie, shows no remorse about her boss’ death.
Upon investigation, they learn that Chie once had a CAT scan of her brain. She had a concussion and was taken to the hospital where tests revealed that she had multiple personality disorder. The odd thing was that personality two never showed up. Karasuma is angered by this and accuses Robin of pursuing this because she wants to show off her powers. The chief then finds them and reprimands them for unauthorized personal access to data. He then sends Robin home and everyone else to work. Amon asks Michael to continue his search back 6 generations.
Michael’s research discovered that three years ago, Chie’s boyfriend died. He had his achilles tendon and artery severed and died from blood loss. It appears that the boyfriend was a playboy, but she had an alibi so she was never a suspect in the death. There is also a witch in her lineage.
Amon takes that as enough evidence to go back to the girl’s house. She’s not home, but one of her dolls notices Amon in the house and calls Chie. She believes that he came to uncover their secret. As Amon drives home, the doll attacks him.
Meanwhile, Robin goes back to Chie’s place to do some investigating of her own. A doll attacks her, but she is quick to flame it. Suddenly more dolls appear, telling Chie to kill the intruder. Amon comes in just in time to shoot Chie with orbo and Robin torches the remainder of the dolls.
Later, as they discuss the case, they learn that only 49 of 50 dolls where found. Robin is somewhat disturbed, as she as always wanted to believe that the death of someone would be felt by those around them...