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Disc 05
Sign Of The Craft / Seperate Lives


Episode 09; Sign Of The Craft:
Robin gets a phone call in the middle of the night asking her to meet. Someone is dead, burnt from the inside out like a microwave. Amon and Robin investigate. The victim is Tatsurou Oikawa. His father is chairman of a small company.
Robin asks why someone who is totally normal would one day just commit such an act. Amon asks her if she was born in Japan. She answers yes, although she moved to Toscano when she was little. Even so, she may have relatives in the country. Michael comes in to tell Amon and Robin that Sakaki and Karasuma are on the trail of the witch. He notices that Robin does not look comfortable.
Outside the house of the witch, the four begin the operation to capture the witch. The Factory’s computer decided they must inquire about Aki Yoshioka, to find out if her power has awakened. Amon and Robin enter her house to find her dead. They find a pile of sand on the floor and her computer still on.
Back at headquarters, Michael examines the computer to find a message: “Oikawa Tatsuhiro, Matsunaga Kiyoshi, Aramune Seiichiro. I am the one who killed these 3.” It was signed by Aki Yoshioka. Michael does a search for the other two names.
Meanwhile, another incident occurs. A man is driving at night. Suddenly a woman appears in his car. Startled, he crashes the car and the car explodes into white fire. When Amon and Robin arrive, they are perplexed, as according to Michael, the DNA of the person found dead matched that of Aki Yoshioka. Robin mentions the sand she found on the floor of Yoshioka’s apartment. Sand is north. It expresses the position of Earth. South is fire. West is water. East is Wind, and circle is Space.
When they arrive back at the apartment, Robin investigates. Apparently, Yoshioka used the Rastral’s projection method to break away from her body. The person that tried to interfere with her will was probably the person that killed Oikawa and the others. They ask Karasuwa to try scrying for it.
Michael reports back that he found something during his search for Oikawa and Matsunaga. Both did some volunteer work with a man named Aramune previously. They helped victims of domestic violence and those at rehab centers. That may have been a front, though, because the place was closed down after an investigation. Aki Yoshioka also interned at this facility. Michael asks if Karasuwa was able to find anything left of Aki Yoshioka’s will. No, her will was completely removed. They hypothesize that maybe the one who performed the ceremony took it with her. Michael then remembers that Doujima found a strange record when searching the database. It appears as if there are 2 Aki Yoshioka’s.
Amon and Robin request an appointment with Aramune, but are refused. Aramune has a flashback to the clinic. In Aramune’s office, a little girl accuses the men of selling bodies. They tell her that she is mistaken and that they are only trying to cure her diseases. She retorts that there was nothing wrong with Hiroshi and Suzu’s bodies, but even so, they were sent overseas to a foreign hospital and came back differently. The girl sets fire to a paper on the desk. In the present, the little girl appears in Aramune’s hotel room.
Michael has discovered that the Aramune’s facility sent children overseas under the guise of them undergoing an operation. The children then became donors to a foreign transplanting business. Among the list of those currently dead, Michael found a strange name - Saki Yoshioka. Aki Yoshioka had a twin sister.
Amon and Robin visit the current location of Aramune’s facility. When they arrive, they find a female witch casting white fire. Robin and the woman have the same power. The woman becomes upset, and walks towards Robin chanting that only her sister has the same power as she. Amon fires the green stuff and the woman falls.
Aramune tried to seal Aki Yoshioka because she knew of his past. He feared that she would speak out during his election campaign and bring his past into the light.
Amon and the director exchange words about the incident, insinuating that they are investigating Robin and any possible connection to the two witches.

Episode 10; Seperate Lives:
Robin picks away at ice at Harry’s bar. She’s dressed in a skimpy waitress’ outfit. Doujima is also apparently helping out.
At headquarters, Michael is checking up on surveillance at the bar. Karasuma asks how things are going. Nothing yet. A man walks in and is caught on surveillance. His height and weight match the ones they were sent.
The man is Takano. He notices that Robin and Doujima are staring at him and asks the bartender if he’s finally hired waitresses.
As Robin and Doujima sit bored out of their minds for the lack of customers at Harry’s, chief Kosaka enters, incredibly angry that they are slacking off. Harry informs him that they weren’t neglecting their duties, but are just taking a break.
Amon asks Michael what time the suspicious man came in at Harry’s last night. 9:30. Amon watches the tape a couple of times and notices a man turn around as soon as Takano entered. He had the same build as Yutaka Kobari, the man they’ve been looking for, so it appears that there may be others looking for Yutaka Kobari besides them.
Yutaka Kobari became STN-J’s target about 2 years ago when he was identified as a witch. The informer was Harry’s owner. He was betrayed by his own father. He escaped from STN-J and disappeared to America, where he joined an organization to become an assassin. About 8 days ago, Headquarters informed STN-J that he had returned secretly to Japan.
Amon calls Robin’s roommate, Touko-san. He is lonely and is thinking of her. She thinks it is weird that he would call and say such things. He tells her that it’s best for them not to see each other. She wondered when he would say that.
Michael informs the others that the suspect is leaving. Harry lets everyone go home. He then confronts Yutaka Kobari, who has pretended to be sleeping. At STN-J Headquarters, Michael informs Amon that the man left quite early today and that the others went home. Amon demands to see the videotape. Harry asks Yutaka if he still has a grudge against him. He says yes. He didn’t like being treated like a stranger and then abandoned because he had special powers. He wanted to kill him when he returned to Japan. But it was different when he returned. Harry confesses that he tried to think of his son as a normal human being, but his power was too great to control. He had to break the spell that runs in his veins. Yutaka understands. His power can only be used to kill. He received a wound earlier and is dying. He betrayed the organization because he wanted to see his father and apologize. Yutaka dies in his father’s arms. Amon walks in. Harry confesses that he abandoned the boy because he was scared of his power.
The next day Doujima doesn’t show up for work. Robin asks Harry what he thought of Yutaka. He tells her that even though it’s been a long time, Yutaka was still his son.