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Disc 08
Time To Say Goodbye / Heal The Pain


Episode 15; Time To Say Goodbye:
Robin lays on the floor remembering / envisioning several scenes. Of Karasuma asking if they all thought Amon kill Kate. Of Methuselah who asks if she is a descendant of Saturn. Of the Inquisitor who tells her they will meet again. Of Amon standing over her.
Amon looks in on Touko as she lay in critical condition in the hospital. He tells her he’s sorry.
Chief Kosaka is in a mad mood as usual. He can’t understand why everyone is spending so much time at the office. They protest, saying that Robin was attacked. He tells they he knows, but they don’t have to stay there.
Michael traced the ammo used in the attack back to three suspects, all of which are classified as top hunters. He can’t dig any deeper. The security is just too tight. They decide to start looking into who may have just arrived in Japan. Chief calls in a request to the police department find the information dating back to the last 3 years.
Amon’s boss, Zaizen, stops in to see Touko. He thinks of himself as a father figure to Touko.
Michael does a DNA search and comes up with Yevgenny Kitajenko. His name and face are now different, but it is the same man. He was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and has been living in Japan for the last two years. There is no departing record. He must still be in the country. Doujima starts giving orders, asking the Chief to investigate as much as he can with the police.
Master Harry stops in to visit Robin. He mentioned that Amon informed him of what happened and of Touko’s condition. He says Touko is still unconscious, but she’ll definitely get better. Robin still doesn’t understand about Amon. Master Harry tells her not to lose trust. He says to believe in Amon. He would never betray anyone. To cheer her up, he’s brought her a special lunch.
Doujima did some investigating to find that Yevgenny Kitajenko was killed just after he entered the country. The DNA id matched. Karasuma decides they should investigate Amon, as he would be the only other person to be able to use that kind of ammo. Kate was hunted by someone she knew well too. And Amon hasn’t shown up yet today. Robin is still influenced by Master Harry’s words and protests, but Karasuma is determined.
Amon goes back to Robin’s apartment to investigate. The security check recognizes an intruder from Worm and the guards decide to initiate the operation.
At Headquarters, several men break in, shooting the man at the front desk. Upstairs, everyone is working hard on the investigation. Robin makes them a cup of coffee as Headquarters is stormed. The door is shot in as Michael, Karasuma, Sakaki, and the Chief all get shot. The SWAT team then heads after Robin. Suddenly, there is an explosion and Amon steps in to save Robin before she is shot. He tells her to come with her and the two make their escape. As they run, Amon tells Robin that she’s being hunted because it was decided that her powers are dangerous. She asks if Amon was the one who hunted Kate. He tells her he was - she was trying to steal STN-J’s secret because of her own greed. She betrayed them to escape herself. She saw herself slowly losing control over her powers and knew that she could no longer restrain her Craft. She realized that soon, she’d be on the other side of the hunt, but she couldn’t deal with that and would rather die than live with that growing fear. Robin asks about the trust between partners... didn’t he feel bad about hunting his own partner? He responds that there was no trust between the two. She asks him if he believes in her. He tells her that he was ordered by Zaizen to oversee her hunt but he couldn’t do it. He doesn’t think of her as a witch. He tells her to go and slips a piece of paper into her hair. He tells her to escape down the underground passage and stays on the surface to cover for her. She hears gunshots from above. Amon falls to the ground.

Episode 16; Heal The Pain:
Robin rides down the street on her bike...
Everyone seems to still be alive and recovering at headquarters - the atmosphere is somber. Sakaki’s leg in a sling, but no one else appears to be hurt. The Chief thanks Doujima for working late. He’s not his usual, angry self. Karasuma asks Doujima to help investigate yesterday’s unnatural death. Sakaki comments that no one has mentioned Amon in the last month… “if only Amon was here.” The comment is met with silence.
Zaizen is in his car trying to find out information. He tells whoever he is talking with on the phone to restart the production of Orbo. He mentions that headquarters still gives him the same response about Amon, and that no one, not even headquarters knows the whereabouts of Robin. There have been no orders to search for her. Apparently the incident was not about Robin - the men who attacked were after the Orbo, not her.
Robin arrives at a building in the city called Pierrot. She speaks to the lady at the reception desk, who is gossiping away on the phone. She has a delivery from Nagira Law Offices. As Robin waits in the reception desk, she notices a small boy peeking out from a door. She smiles at him, but a voice from behind tells him not to do that, and the door closes. The reception clerk accepts the package and Robin leaves. When she returns to her bike, a man is trying to pick the lock. He runs away, but on the other rise of the street, Robin notices Doujima enter an alley. Three men follow.
At Nagira Law Office, a woman, Kana, and a man discuss engage in small talk. Kana teases the man about his young lover, who is late again. Maybe she ran away from him. The man questions the phrase “young lover” and then walks out of the office to go buy more cigarettes. Kana asks him to do some work. Since she came into the picture, he’s only ever gone after her. The man responds that she was the one who came to him.
Doujima walks though the back alley. She seems to notice she is being followed and runs to her car. A man comes up from behind her and grabs her. As she reaches for her gun, another man grabs it and forces her to drop it. A third man walks up and accuses her of probing them secretly. He commands him men to let go of her and then does a psychic attack Robin attacks him with fire to save Doujima. She tells Doujima to contact them immediately and then walks away.
Doujima and Robin talk at a local restaurant. Doujima is disappointed that she’s being hunted by a witch. She was after the missing Seed and got tailed along the way. Robin asked what happened to everyone. Doujima tells her that everyone is fine. The people who attacked them used plastic bullets. Everyone is back to normal except Sakaki, who broke his leg. But STN-J is now limited without Robin and Amon. No one knows the whereabouts of Amon. They thought he was with her, but apparently not. Since that incident, Zaizen hasn’t shown up either. No one knows what’s going on, especially Robin, who seems hurt that they decided to hunt her. Doujima reassures her that STN-J hasn’t received any orders to continue the hunt. She’s glad Robin’s ok. Robin tells her that Amon saved her. Doujima is delighted, but Robin asks that she doesn’t tell anyone about her or Amon. Doujima requests one last favor. Because Sakaki can’t move and Karasuma is trying her best to replace Amon, Doujima may again be forced to hunt alone. Will Robin come with her? Robin refuses. She can’t put anyone else in danger by giving anyone her contact address.
Before she leaves, she asks Doujima if anyone knows anything about the incident. Doujima reports that the Orbo guns and data were stolen. Michael assured them that the data was safe because of the security system he loaded. No one knows what that means.
Robin returns to Nagira Law Office and is welcomed by Kana, who informs her that she’s late. She explains that she went for a cup of coffee, and that the counselor was worried, so he went out looking for her.
Robin has a flashback to her and Amon’s last scene when he slipped the contact information into her hair. She tells him she’ll wait for him, but she doesn’t want to just wait.
Karasuma is out on a hunt. The witch spots her but attacks and almost strangles her. Karasuma is able to shoot him as he is on top of her.
Kana goes up to Robin’s room and informs her that the counselor has requested dinner with her. He asks if anything happened to her while she was out. She says no. He then informs her that he is only taking care of her because Amon asked, and that he has no intention of risking his life for her. She confesses that she did meet one of the STN-J members coincidently but did not reveal her contact information. She just wanted to see if she could find info on Amon. The counselor assures her that Amon told him that he would contact him. He then asks Robin to take a look at a photo and identify whether the man is Zaizen, STN’s boss. The picture is of Zaizen and Touko. Robin confesses that the girl was her roommate, who got dragged into the situation because of her. The counselor informs her that Touko is now in a sanitarium... her body healed, but she still hasn’t recovered from the shock. Touko is Zaiken’s only daughter, the daughter of the wife he divorced which is why they have different last names, so they are taking all precautions to make sure she’s ok. Robin questions whether she can trust anyone... except Amon. Robin asks why he is investigating STN. He answers that he hates those witches and Seeds who try to restrain others.
Karasuma sits at Harry’s after work. Harry senses that everyone has changed. Doujima arrives. Karasuma greets her and acknowledges that she’s scared of what is happening, but hopefully if nothing else happens, she and Doujima can work together tomorrow. Doujima can’t keep Robin’s secret and blurts out that she was saved by Robin. She assures them that Robin is safe.