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Disc 02


X, the movie, is pure action, with little attention paid to character development - it centers around spectacularly animated battles and bloody deathmatch style fights.
Enter Kamui. He left his family and friends 6 years ago for unknown reasons, but in a horrific dream he is beckoned back to his home Tokyo to protect the ones that he cares for by his mother. In an eerie dream she tells him of his fate and gives him a priceless and very powerful sword, but after doing so she dies in a grisly fashion.
It is said that one person will hold the fate of the world in his grasp depending which choices he will make. In legends there were two main opposing forces: The Dragons of Heaven and the Dragons of Earth. And now they fight to convince this person of their cause. They are in a constant struggle over the control of "Mystic Barriers" that just happen to reside in Tokyo... when they are destroyed it would spell the end of the planet as we know it.
The Dragons of Earth wish to destroy these barriers and thus humanity so that they can live in a world without bothersome humans, while the Dragons of Heaven attempt to preserve these barriers. Kamui, whose name means "the power of God" is the decisive factor, or so all of the Dragons think because he must represent God's power in this battle.
In an attempt to make Kamui join the Dragons of Earth, their leader attempts to kidnap Kamui's childhood friend Kotori so that he will choose their side, but as the story unfolds she unwittingly discovers Fuma, Kamui's twin star and best friend.
Now that she has uncovered the twin star it is friend versus friend in a battle to save the world.