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Goldfinger - Reviewed by Robert Luis


Release Date: September 17, 1964

Rated PG for violence and sexual innuendo

Directed by: Guy Hamilton

Starring: Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, Honor Blackman, Harold Sakata, Shirley Eaton, Tania Mallett, Cec Linder, Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn

The powerful tycoon Auric Goldfinger has initiated Operation Grand Slam, a cataclysmic scheme to raid Fort Knox and obliterate the world economy. James Bond (Agent 007), armed with his specially equipped Aston Martin (its accessory package includes built-in machine guns, a smoke screen and an ejector seat), must stop the plan by overcoming several outrageous adversaries. First, Bond must contend with Oddjob, the mute servant who kills at the toss of a lethal hat. Next, he has a daring romp with the beautiful Jill Masterson, Goldfinger's trusted card advisor, who gives new meaning to the phrase golden girl. Finally, Bond becomes entangled with the sexy pilot Pussy Galore, whose romantic feelings for him complicate her involvement in Goldfinger's high-flying scheme.

"Do you expect me to talk? No, Mr. Bond I expect you to die!" Those lines becomes one of the most famous lines in 007 history. Who ever said sequels can't be better than the original? Well whoever did is incorrect because both From Russia With Love and Goldfinger are better films than Dr. No. However, it is extremely rare to find sequels that surpass the original and James Bond is a perfect example of that rarity.

After two straight films concerning members from the organization Spectre, this film separates itself from that story and comes up with one completely different. In Goldfinger, a man named Auric Goldfinger has a passion for gold and he intends to complete Operation Grand Slam. Its a plan in which he has been preparing for years in and years out in his lifetime.

The plan deals with sneaking in Fort Knox, where the entire United States gold supply is held. One would think he would want to steal the gold, but he plans to bombs the entire bank, so his gold can go up in value. An extremely ingenious plan I'd say from a very evil and menacing villain. With a very intelligent state of mind and controlling for that matter, Goldfinger turns out to be one of the best villains of the entire series.

Goldfinger is played by actor Gert Frobe who is actually German, but plays British in this film. He is a rather heavy man, but is the leader of a very big company and has many working for him. Possibly his best assistant is none other than the henchman Oddjob. A small, heavy man he is, but his primary weapon is his hat. Sharp as can be when he throws his hat it acts as a weapon and can easily slice off a human head.

Moving away from the villains, the opening scene of Goldfinger after the pretitle sequence can be considered one of the most clever scenes in the series. With Goldfinger playing poker with a man, having an ear piece and a woman by the name of Jill Masterson telling him what cards the other man has, its definitely is an easy way for Goldfinger to win money and that's just what he does until Bond interferes.

Speaking about Jill Masterson who is an incredibly beautiful woman and even with a short time in Goldfinger she makes her scenes in the film very memorable. Perhaps her death is also her most memorable scene as she was killed and painted in gold. As far as classic goes, Jill Masterson lying on the bed stomach down and painted in gold is as memorable as it gets.

Along with Jill Masterson the film introduces a bond girl that has a name which caused a lot of controversy and discussion in the 60's. That name of course is Pussy Galore which is obviously a sexual innuendo. Some would take it as comedy and that's what it was intended for and some would take it as wrong and disturbing, but either way the woman who played her, Honor Blackman played her to perfection.

Pussy Galore played a woman who denied Bond again and again and the his charm had no power over her. Later in the film you can see how it turns out between the two. The acting overall in Goldfinger is great. From Honor Blackman to Gert Frobe and Sean Connery himself they all show their acting skills in the film. This film can easily have Connery's best performance and he looks the best as well, wearing tuxedos and suits and never getting a scratch on him.

What Goldfinger started was the routine formula for future James bond films to follow. Some films have come close to it, but never had the exact elements that made Goldfinger stand out as greatness. Goldfinger begun the tradition of Q's laboratory and Q actor Desmond Llewelyn showing Bond his gadgets and vehicles in the mission. From Russia With Love had Q explaining his suitcase gadget, but Goldfinger is the first film we see the laboratory and the way the different gadgets work.

Overall, Goldfinger has indestructible villains, sexy women, exotic vehicles, powerful gadgets and beautiful locations. Everything a bond film needs. Many claim that Goldfinger is the ultimate bond film. They might just be right. However, I wouldn't straight out completely say that, because along with From Russia With Love they are both the ultimate bond films.

Goldfinger is truly just as good as From Russia With Love and represents Bond at his best. The formula was complete here and stands as an example for all the rest of the bond films to come. Everything is classic in Goldfinger and like it has been said by Cubby Broccoli, "At least 50% of the world has seen Goldfinger making it the most viewed film in cinema history. What can be better than that?