21 Grams

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21 Grams - Reviewed by Robert Luis
21 Grams

Release Date: November 21, 2003
MPAA Rating: R for language, sexuality, some violence and drug use
Directed by: Alejandro González Iñárritu
Starring: Benicio Del Toro, Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, Clea DuVall, Charlotte Gainsbourg

This film tells the complex interconnected story how the lives of a former drug addict and mother, Cristina (Watts), a terminally ill mathematics professor, Paul (Penn), and a spiritual ex-convict, Jack (Del Toro) intersect both tragically and redemptively following a car accident.

Many people say movies are purely for entertainment and ever since I can remember, I have disagreed with that statement. Movies are partially for entertainment, but there are those true film analyzers like myself that know there is much more to some movies than just entertainment. I say this because some movies take you in deep into their story and are you necessarily having a blast? No not all, but instead you are being moved and are experiencing something far better than just a film, a work of art.

A work of art always begins with great filmmaking, one of the signs in 21 grams. It combines a screenplay packed with originality, a direction that provides plenty of stunning visuals and music so touching that it'll will leave you breathless. Its hard to describe how unique this movie is because it is entirely complex of life and death situations and it can't be anymore right on certain levels.

What makes part of 21 Grams so intriguing and unique is how it presents itself to the audience. It slowly begins distributing the past and present of the occurrences in the film. Every person that worked with this film deserves every bit of compliments. The main person behind making 21 Grams come to life is Alejandro González Iñárritu.

With 21 Grams, Director Alejandro González Iñárritu has done arguably something no other Director has. He doesn't display the film straight in chronological order to the audience, but instead the film is quite like a puzzle. It can be considered almost like a maze of visionary images. The man took a risk with continuously cutting from past to present much like a maze and the result was a masterpiece.

Alejandro González Iñárritu debuted with a stunning piece of filmmaking in 2000 called Amores Perros. He poured everything he knew about filmmaking into his low budget first feature. In his second feature he cleverly adds what he learned with Amores Perros and then some. Much like Quentin Tarantino who debuted with Reservoir Dogs and then surpassed it with Pulp Fiction, Alejandro does the same with 21 Grams.

He took a very different approach than that of Amores Perros, but you still sense that style of his in this film. Alejandro has done a film here that has to be experienced and it is a film that makes you think and think, 21 Grams is not a film you can just lay back, eat popcorn and enjoy. Its far from that. Its also by no means a film that will confuse the audience, you just need to pay close attention, but its all lying in front of you, its just your job to place everything together.

21 Grams has a wonderful cast which brings out the pure essence of becoming emotionally involved with the film. Naomi Watts who starred in David Lynch's masterpiece that is Mulholland Dr. as well as the haunting and disturbing The Ring is on a roll in her career. In 21 Grams she plays Cristina Peck and her acting is simply stunning and can definitely be considered her best work up to date.

Naomi Watts has an amazing talent as an actress in transforming herself into almost two different roles in a solo film. With Mulholland Dr. she did just that and with 21 Grams, she changes throughout the film because of obvious reasons. Naomi has gave such a great performance that she most undoubtedly will be nominated for Best Actress this year. While clearly robbed in 2001 for not being nominated for Mulholland Dr., the Academy will definitely take it into deep consideration.

Along with Naomi, the film features actor Benicio Del Toro in a performance that is easily his best since 2000's Traffic. He plays a father of two kids and husband of Melissa Leo in the film. Throughout the film he has many tragedies and negative things going on with his life. His character in he film is one to be taken seriously and Benicio plays it great transforming into many different moods.

If that wasn't enough, Sean Penn also stars in 21 Grams. He has chosen wisely in 2003 and starred in two great films. 21 Grams of course and Mystic River as well. He delivers a nice raw performance with much intensity and his character is why this story is told. Penn's performance is stronger in Mystic River and that is because there was more to work with emotionally wise and the film basically relied on dialogue.

In 21 Grams his character is sick and doesn't have much to say at times, but then again when the film has progressed their are signs of intensity with his character. Either way, Sean Penn has given two great performances this year and has starred in two great films, not to mention from two great directors.

The film is so great because it features interesting concepts on life. Very real situations that occur everyday within our neighborhoods. Life is a precious thing and it can end quicker than you think. Its hard to imagine how any human can continue to live with negative things in their life and crimes for that matter.

If I were to be completely truthful on a rating for 21 Grams, it would receive a notch higher than four stars. Since there is no such rating on my scale I am going to have to settle with giving it four. A film as this doesn't come very often, but when it does, boy does it make you love filmmaking. Alejandro has made an enormous achievement here and I eagerly look forward to his next project.

21 Grams is the defining motion picture of 2003. With only a month left in the year, I highly doubt anything will come close to what this film has accomplished with its amazing story and passionate filmmaking. In fact, 21 Grams is one of the best films I have seen in years. A review is not enough to explain how great this film is, but that will have to do.