28 Days Later

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28 Days Later - Reviewed by Robert Luis

Release Date: June 27, 2003

Rated R for strong violence/gore, language and nudity

Directed by: Danny Boyle

Starring: Noah Huntley, Megan Burns, Bindu De Stoppani, Christopher Eccleston, Brendan Gleeson, Naomie Harris, Jukka Hiltunen, Luke Mably, Cillian Murphy, Ray Panthaki

A virus that locks those infected into a permanent state of killing rage, is accidentally released from a British research facility. Carried by animals and humans, the virus is impossible to contain, and spreads across the entire planet. Twenty-eight days later, a small group of survivors are trapped in London, caught in a desperate struggle to protect themselves from the infected. As they attempt to salvage a future from the apocalypse, they find that their most deadly enemy is not the virus, but other survivors.

British filmmakers are extremely good in general. One of the best I know is Director of Trainspotting, Danny Boyle. One of the things I have always wondered is, What If I was the only person left in the world, what would I do, how would I react etc. With 28 Days Later, Danny gets his own vision of how it will be and puts it on film. This is one of the better horrors and actually the best horror film I have seen so far this year.

Director Danny Boyle went ahead and filmed ninety-percent of the movie in digital cameras. This gave it a creepy feel and a haunting atmosphere. And for horror the atmosphere and feel is the key. You also can't go wrong with the actors in this film, they delivered very good performances. Cillian Murphy especially stood out.

Cillian Murphy was surprisingly good as the main character in the film. He wakes up in a hospital one day nude, and wonders around why everything is trashed and why there are no humans around. A virus has spread around and it has infected most of the humans in the world. So now Cillian Murphy who plays the character Jim gets out and is trying to discover if there is life.

With no one to be seen miles and miles away, its almost hard for one minute to think of this as a reality one day. Virus is a strong word and it is harmful to almost anything it touches. From humans to computers and the world itself, there is to be extreme caution with them.

There have been numerous films involving viruses, but not many are so haunting and amazingly filmed such as 28 Days Later. From the zombies to the sets and locations they filmed in, 28 Days Later does great nature to the eyes. Along with the mood and great visual of the film, the movies score is absolutely wonderful.

The sound and score of this film is truly quite stunning. The music is edited nicely and sometimes the music can run for scenes of up to six minutes long, but it just draws you in because the film just screams out beautifully crafted.

They must have all ran away laughing at my penis.

There was also so many good points in this film. The only woman in the film was Selena, besides the child. If they want life to continue, they must produce babies. However, in nine months they might be long gone. These infected humans will also never stop coming, there are probably thousands all around. You would have to live with one eye open all the time and that is true torture to live in such a way.

The whole process, just to think about it, is extremely haunting. Danny Boyle also gave us some jump off your seat scares. 28 Days Later never falls under the trap of cheap scares, they are all carefully planned and wonderfully delivered.

I also admired Danny for making the film quite realistic. Situations occur as they try to escape from the zombies and there are obstacles that stop their path. By doing this, Boyle is trying to give you the most he can of the problems that would occur. I had to give this film credit for that.

The film from the start to its finish is simply extremely entertaining. It also fills your body with fear and awe. Once the film comes to a conclusion, the satisfaction of what you witnessed is present and it simply was something else.

28 Days Later is a truly original and well crafted horror film. With so many disappointing horror flicks being released, its great to see a film that can actually be labeled "horror". This film definitely surprised me and is one of the best films this year, nonetheless.

28 Days Later
