House Of The Dead

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House Of The Dead - Reviewed by Robert Luis
House Of The Dead

Release Date: October 10, 2003
MPAA Rating: R for strong violence/gore, language and some nudity
Directed by: Uwe Boll
Starring: Jonathan Cherry, Ona Grauer, Jürgen Prochnow, Clint Howard, Tyron Leitso, Enuka Okuma, Ellie Cornell, Will Sanderson, Steve Byers

On a remote island in the Straight of Juan de Fuca, the mother of all raves is taking place. Planning to join their friends at the party, a group of young people charter a boat from an apprehensive sea captain and set out for the long weekend of their lives. But when the group reaches shore, they find that local legends surrounding the "Isla del Morte" are terrifyingly real and an unspeakable evil has been anticipating their arrival. Nightmarish horrors from beyond the grave lurk behind every sound and shadow, each waiting for their chance to pounce on the living and bring them into the swelling legions of the damned. The only place that offers the survivors any hope of sanctuary is the dilapidated, foreboding structure that resides at the very heart of the island... the "House of the Dead."

House Of The Dead is one of my favorite arcade video games. House Of The Dead the movie, is truly one of the wost horror films of the year.There is no stopping the video game based movies. Resident Evil was surprisingly well done, but that is not the case with this mess.

There were so many problems with House Of The Dead. Who are these teen actors they chose? I haven't seen this much bad acting in a while. The problem wasn't only with the acting, everything that makes a film good was done the opposite way. The dialogue was disgusting. By Disgusting I mean pointless and meaningless. There was also an incredible amount of references towards other films. It was truly sad how unoriginal this was.

Another problem I must deliver was the cinematography. There was no need to have the camera spin around 360 degrees everytime someone was holding a gun. It is sad to think that the cinematographer came out proud of how he filmed this and its even more sad to think that Director Uwe Boll wanted it this way.

All these teens wanted to do was go to a rave that is only held once a year. Obviously to drink, smoke and have sex. I don't really recall in the arcade game that these humans were going to a rave. They totally said "Screw the game and lets make it our way" They didn't pay any attention of how the games storyline was, but what they did do was place pieces of the game in the film. How pathetic is that? They should have made this film of just a kid playing the arcade for an hour and thirty minutes. That truly would have been more exciting.

There is a handful of female nudity to be found in House Of The Dead. One girl gets nude because she was by the beach with her boyfriend. However her boyfriend didn't want to go in with her because the water was too cold. Oh and If I didn't mention before, they take a boat in order to go to the island where the rave is at. In this boat, one of the guys gets seas sick and throws up on one of the girls clothes. She gets disgusted and takes her shirt off after. This was for the sake of showing nudity. The director was thinking, what a better way than getting the audience into it with some nudity. Nudity is fine, but if it is truly needed. There has to be a point for it, there was no point for it here.

I didn't spoil the film for you by listing the scene above, so don't get angry. This film featured a lot of running and shooting. It was quite a pointless and repetitive process. These teenage characters would think they are safe in a house, but then the zombies would appear out of no where. This called for loud music to be edited into the film and more running, if you catch my drift.

The zombies were also badly done. They didn't get creative with the main creatures that are going to carry this film. It looks like they got a lot of people, tossed a bit of fake blood on them, tore off their clothes a bit and sent them off after these teenagers.

House Of The Dead is a type of film that you should receive your money and your hour and a half back. There are hardly any interesting elements. It features a script that was completed in one day and features a cast that has never acted in their life. This is one of the worst horror films someone can come across.