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Underworld - Reviewed by Robert Luis
Release Date: September 19, 2003

Rated R for violence/gore and some language

Directed by: Len Wiseman

Starring: Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen, Kevin Grevioux, Shane Brolly, Robby Gee, Erwin Leder, Wentworth Miller, Sophia Myles

Set in the secret nocturnal and supernatural world of vampires and werewolves, two groups that have been at war for centuries, this is the story of a romance between a female vampire warrior, Selene (Beckinsale), who's famous for her strength and werewolf-hunting prowess, and a peace-loving human, Michael (Speedman), who wants to end the war.

Vampires versus Lykans or werewolves, if you don't have a large vocabulary. From the trailers and previews, Underworld seemed like a fun vampire flick. This had the elements to stand out, but it failed because the story was not happening and the dialogue was sometimes off and not straight to the point.

When you want to release a dark movie as such, at least have some sense to take time with your scenes instead of everything just happening so fast. Set a creepy mood, something that will get the crowd yelling Give Me More! Give me More! But instead, you got me yelling stop the action, stop the action! I'm a fan of action, when it is used well mixed with the story. There is no need to have action in every corner, just like Blade 2.

This film combined the likes of a lot of rock music and action. I'm not saying thats bad because it is not. But there is a limit. We have a limit in life, we have a limit in time, we need to have a limit of action in order to save room for the dialogue and story. You can seriously chew all the popcorn you want and still be able to hear how loud it is, unless you are not watching it in theatres.

Underworld features the debut of Director Len Wiseman. He has worked in the Art Department for Independence Day and Stargate and it shows because the costumes and sets are clearly the strongest points in Underworld. The vampires dungeon in which Selene which is played by Kate Beckinsale enters is well crafted and very gothic looking. As well as the costumes. The costumes are nicely done and I won't be surprised if it gets nominated for either Costume Design or Set Design. However, I doubt The Academy will even think about nominating Underworld, but thats just my thinking.

So Len Wiseman not only directed it but he worked with the story and had his own share of ideas he shared to the crew. He definitely chose a good actress to play Selena because I enjoyed Kate Beckinsale in that role, she fit it well. But unfortunately no one else was high up there like her.

I'll get those werewolves or...lykans.

Kate Beckinsale was the person to watch in this film. More macho than everyone else in the movie. You can expect a lot of car chases and jumping from high places in this movie. Beckinsale didn't disappoint and gave a good performance, but its a shame that we can't say that about the other actors.

Scott Speedman played Michael Corvin who we don't exactly know what side he is on. Selena doesn't want to kill him because she has feelings for him. One thing I also noticed in this film was not many vampire bites. Thats one of the things I look for and enjoy, it was mostly gun shots. They focus too much on guns. Every action scene consisted of guns.

The action scenes did always contain guns except for the final battle which I won't spoil. And this final battle is the best battle of the entire movie. Well this battle was mano and mano, how most fights should be. A little twist awaits you at the end as well. Not exactly a twist, but more of a surprise. I can tell you, that it was original.

When you don't need to you use your brain for a movie, when it doesn't require thinking, you feel like you are in for a ride that is fast, but silly. A perfect way to describe Underworld is a loud, non stop action, lackluster sci-fi film.

