Along Came Polly

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Along Came Polly - Reviewed by Robert Luis
Along Came Polly

Release Date: January 16, 2004
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sexual content, language, crude humor and some drug references
Written and Directed by: John Hamburg
Starring: Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston, Debra Messing, Hank Azaria, Alec Baldwin, Bryan Brown, Jsu Garcia, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Mitch Silpa

Ben Stiller plays risk-averse Reuben Feffer, whose best-laid plans for life and love careen wildly off track when his bride dumps him on their honeymoon for a muscle-bound scuba instructor. Stunned, humiliated and in the grip of acute indigestion, Reuben plans to play it safer than ever. But a chance encounter with an adventure-craving, childhood friend named Polly (Jennifer Aniston) shoots him into a whirlwind of extreme sports, spicy foods, ferrets, salsa dancing and living in the moment.

Coming straight into the new year there are always going to be a handful of romantic comedies. Some seem to always go down the gutter, some prevail and are surprising and some are just simply the worst of any genre you've seen in your lifetime.

If you would want to label Along Came Polly, then a romantic comedy would fit it precisely. It's just that and basically these type of films are never necessarily original. They continue to rehash the same story, but with different actors and a few different scenes when they feel it is appropriate to add.

Now, did I enjoy Along Came Polly, no I cannot say that I truly did, because I didn't. Are there any qualities in Along Came Polly that is good. Yes, of course. To answer that question, Mr. Anonymous, there are a few scenes in Along Came Polly that are memorable. There is actually one scene in Along Came Polly that I won't spoil, but it had me laughing for a good minute or so.

However, the joke is so terrible, but the way its aimed at is what made it funny, the unexpectedness of it also had to do with the laughter. Also, laughing is not all you expect from these type of movies, you also expect some chemistry between the characters. Something was lacking between Stiller and Aniston and I can't put my finger on it at the moment, but it just seemed like they both weren't extremely into their roles.

When people purchase a ticket for this movie, they expect a hilarious film, you are not going to get any here. Its also weird because Stiller is the main actor in this movie, but the comedy comes from the other actors. He had a bit to do with the comedy, but if I would label the funniest person in the movie, then it would either be Alec Baldwin or Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

The screenplay for Along Came Polly had Ben Stiller do many odd, but interesting things. When I say interesting, I am referring to the idea of it. However, the way they delivered the idea seemed to not have been the best way to do so. Many things that were interesting was that Stiller and Aniston were somewhat of the complete opposites. Stiller is an organized man who is very proper and Aniston is a very wild woman that enjoys taking risks.

It may seem like all I have to say about this movie is bad, but not really actually. Yes, there is more bad than good in this movie, but some comedy might strike you more than it did myself. With saying that, Along Came Polly is not necessarily a bad movie, it is just extremely disappointing and I wouldn't recommend it. Its sad to see the potential be flushed down the toilet.

As a final few words, I have to say that, plenty of funny moments is something Along Came Polly didn't have. With that said, Along Came Polly did feature some funny moments though. However, the gaps in between the scenes that there was no laughter, there was pointless situations and things going on that no one cared about nor did it progress the film in any way. At the end, you have this empty feeling about Along Came Polly, but you know its not a bad movie, it had its few moments.