The Passion Of The Christ

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Passion Of The Christ - Reviewed by Robert Luis
The Passion Of The Christ

Release Date: February 25, 2004
MPAA Rating: R for scenes of graphic violence
Written and Directed by: Mel Gibson
Starring: James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, Maia Morgenstern, Francesco Cabras, Rosalinda Celentano, Claudia Gerini, Ivano Marescotti, Matt Patresi, Sergio Rubini

This film tells the story of the last 12 hours in the life of Jesus (Caviezel), on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem. This film's script is based upon several sources, including the diaries of St. Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) as collected in the book, "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ", "The Mystical City of God" by St. Mary of Agreda, and the New Testament books of John, Luke, Mark and Matthew.

The world tends to be divided in many sections of religion such as the Catholics, the Christians, the Jews and many more. The beliefs in each are strong and are to be followed. As well as the believers there are the non-believers, but in either case we are the same species and should all simply learn to survive in our lifetimes and help one another.

Who better to show us that as humans we need to understand the ways that we are and the way that we act than Jesus Christ. The man we look up to and pray for our concerns, wishes and just to have a regular healthy life. Its a struggle in the dark side of this reality world, but if you have faith then you might just be able to pull through.

The controversy comes to a halt and finally after almost a year of arguments, discussions and debates, Mel Gibson's Passion Of The Christ hits the theatres. Of course, there was talks of Mel Gibson being anti-Semitic and that he did the film for his hatred towards the Jewish religion and many other absurd things. Gibson even received insults and bashing for this film, simply because he had the testes of actually making a film that probably no other director would in a million years.

Gibson's Passion Of The Christ depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus's life. The most brutal, emotional and intense piece of his life. This is obviously the most important part of his life to all of us because it represents what Christ did just to give us peace and love. While we the people just laid back and watched helplessly, they were killing an innocent man. We the people had a lot to do with Jesus's death, but then again if it wasn't for his sacrifice we all might not be where we are today.

If the film were on Christ's entire life then I'm sure everyone would agree to show up in the theatres and watch this film, but the fact that it was his death, many have boycotted, especially the people that are beyond religious. However, I see no reason why to avoid this film. If someone cannot see that this is what happened and just witness the truth then they simply have lost faith or the love for what Christ has done for the better.

Either way, there will be people that will think this was nothing more than a devilish manner of a film by Mel Gibson. Then of course there will be the people that can see what an amazing film this is, done with so much love and heart for the leader we live for each day.

Yes, Passion Of The Christ is brutal and yes it is extremely violent, but notice that Gibson went almost word for word on how it was written in the books. He wanted to show us almost a perfect way of how it happened if we were existent some two thousand years ago. This film has earned Mel Gibson great respect, in my terms.

As far as filmmaking goes, Passion Of The Christ is some of the best filmmaking I have seen in my time. The locations are beautiful and it was filmed exactly where it happened some two thousand years ago. The great additions that Mel gave such as the fogginess and cloudiness gave it that feeling that you were there experiencing it yourself. The actors as well were carefully chosen and all gave great performances.

Beautiful cinematography might I add kept the mood of the film stomping you on the chest time after time with emotional impact. There are scenes that are shot almost to perfection. I especially saw the originality when Jesus is falling in slow motion on his back, the way that was filmed with a point of view shot was ingenious. Straight coming from Mel's vision.

Passion Of The Christ has many signs of genius. It has taken Mel a slow, but hard-working process of ten years to get this film started. That is no surprise because it clearly shows that it was a lengthy process to get nods and everything together to make the film happen.

It certainly paid off to Mel Gibson because what he has created here is an amazing motion picture. A picture so moving and emotional that it is only fair to shed tears for. It is almost as if the pain is also being given to us, but in reality we are recognizing that we did wrong.

This isn't a film of entertainment, its a film to hit you hard and make you look how Christ looked. This isn't a film that can be called your favorite film, it isn't a happy film. Its a film that you admire the heart and strength of an innocent man that would do anything for his friends and loved ones. Even if there is wrong doing, the forgiveness would be given because they simply don't know what they are doing.

The film is Rated R for extreme graphic violence and there is no doubt that it is. Some of the violence is almost unwatchable because it pains just watching someone go through that torture. The film closely shows the torture that Jesus went through and it almost feels like we are the ones being tortured. If you get a sensation in that matter, it only means that you feel strongly for Jesus and to himself you would replace yourself. Just like one of the lines told by Jesus in the film. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"

The score in this movie is amazing. The music brings such a spiritual and just a great atmosphere all around. It fits very well for the way of life and sinister doing that one did to our leader. Gibson brought many qualities into this film of his and one of the many is definitely the music.

Another quality that Gibson brought to the film is the fact that there are people and certain things that represent evil. He shows the side of when someone is cursed, how they react and what their intentions are. This is simply a genius way to look through Jesus's eyes and what he saw at the time. It also shows us how others reacted and what brutal things it made them do.

Whether you are religious or not, this movie is bound to make an impact on every human being. And if you walk out like if you have watched just another film, then by all means you are not a human being. Its almost as if we are experiencing the same pain Christ went through because we the people had the word in his death. All he wanted was peace and love and even for all the sins we have committed, Jesus Christ forgives and he encourages to love one another.

Passion Of The Christ is not entertainment, it is an act of faith, its truth that has been given to you on a platter, Passion Of The Christ is a film so moving that it is bound to change thoughts on how you look at holiness again.

What Mel Gibson has made here is not only the story on the last twelve hours of Jesus Christ life. He has made much more than that, this is superb filmmaking. Passion Of The Christ is a cinematic achievement and it is a powerful film that will make your emotions run.