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Firewall - Reviewed by Robert Luis


Release Date: February 10, 2006
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some intense sequences of violence
Directed by: Richard Loncraine
Starring: Harrison Ford, Paul Bettany, Virginia Madsen, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Robert Patrick, Robert Forster Alan Arkin

Jack Stanfield is a bank security expert, whose specialty is designing infallible theft-proof financial computer systems. But there's a hidden vulnerability in the system he didn't account for - himself. When a ruthless criminal mastermind kidnaps his family, Jack is forced to find a flaw in his system and steal $100 million. With the lives of his wife and children at stake and under constant surveillance, he has only hours to find a loophole in the thief's own impenetrable system of subterfuge and false identities to beat him at his own game.

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