Taking Lives/Dawn Of The Dead

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Taking Lives/Dawn Of The Dead
Just watched the first nine minutes of Taking Lives online. For one thing, nothing impressed me and the scene where the boy kicks the other kid onto the moving vehicle was already shown on the trailer, so that was nothing new. I'm also glad these kids grow up fast into adults in the film because they are not good actors at all. When they spoke inside the bus it was simply awful. However, I'm not going to judge by the first nine minutes of the film, that would be ridiculous.

Taking Lives looks like an interesting thriller and I just hope it doesn't fall under the trap of other thrillers. I also hope the story is strong and I hope that it has an interesting script to it.

Some thrillers tend to rely too much on its ending and they attempt to have a jaw dropping ending. As a result it turns into a disapointing thriller. So Taking Lives needs to take the other route than that of Secret Window. Secret Window is not a bad film and I can see why some people would enjoy it, but its simply a bland scripted film and has a preditable ending to make long stories short.

Besides the nine minutes of Taking Lives, the first ten minutes of Dawn Of The Dead was shown on USA, its a shame I missed it, but then again its only a few days away so I don't really mind. I enjoyed the original Dawn Of The Dead, but it truly isn't a classic.

What an odd thing it will be if the Dawn Of The Dead remake is better than the original. That hardly happens and it actually came close with Texas Chainsaw Masscre, but the original Texas Chainsaw Masscre is still more pure and realistic than the remake, therefore being the better film.

Either way, I am watching both Taking Lives and Dawn Of The Dead this Friday. Not to mention the Jim Carrey film, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind which I eagerly wait. Overall it looks like a very strong weekend for movies. Everyone should check at least one of those three films out.

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