Box Office Predictions/Results Comparison

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Box Office Predictions/Results Comparison - 4/9 - 4/11

1. The Alamo_______________________$21.4m

2. Passion Of The Christ_______________$18.8m

3. Hellboy__________________________$14m

4. The Girl Next Door__________________$13.6m

5. Walking Tall_______________________$9.5m

6. Scooby Doo 2______________________$9.1m

7. The Whole Ten Yards________________$8.8m

8. Ella Enchanted_____________________$7.4m

9. Home On The Range_________________$7.2m

10. The Prince and Me__________________$5.2m

Total: $115m


1. Passion Of The Christ________________$15.2m

2. Hellboy___________________________$10.8m

3. Johnson Family Vacation_____________$9.4m

4. The Alamo_________________________$9.1m

5. Walking Tall________________________$8.4m

6. Home On The Range__________________$8.1m

7. Scooby Doo 2_______________________$8m

8. The Whole Ten Yards_________________$6.7m

9. Ella Enchanted______________________$6.2m

10. The Girl Next Door___________________$6m

Total: $87.9m


Correct Movie?___________Off by how much?

1. No___________________$6.2m
2. No___________________$8m
3. No___________________$4.6m
4. No___________________$4.5m
5. Yes__________________$1.1m
6. No___________________$1m
7. No___________________$0.8m
8. No___________________$0.7m
9. No___________________$1m
10. No__________________$0.8m

Best Prediction

#5 Walking Tall with a $1.1m difference

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