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1994:  David Letterman
(March 27, 1995.  Shrine Auditorium)

With Billy Crystal not around, those tacky musical bits seemed to find their way back.  Kathy Najimy and Tim Curry opened the show with a rendition of 'Make 'em Laugh'. 

When Billy Crystal bails, the producers go to David Letterman.  Letterman was hot in 1994, and he seemed like a sure bet for a successful show.  The result?  Two words ... Uma ... Oprah.

You know it's a dull year for the Academy Awards when I correctly guess each and every winner.  I remember my first time on the Internet, I entered a contest to pick the 1994 winners.  In the end, I was one of 42 recipients of a fabulous new t-shirt that featured the logo of some Internet start-up company.  It was no statue, but it came in very handy for the gym.  

The big news at that year's ceremony, wasn't who won or lost - but who hosted.  David Letterman was in the middle of a heated battle against Jay Leno in what would soon be called the 'Late Night Wars'.  When Billy Crystal stepped down as host, Letterman stepped in, and it seemed like a major victory for him.  

The theme of the evening, according to Arthur Hiller, Academy President, was Comedy in the Movies.  Sadly, Letterman's sophomoric brand of humor that made him a staple on late night television, didn't translate well to the Academy Awards.  His stint has become historic as being one of the biggest flops ever.

From the Monologue

(After a long applause)  Thank you very much.  Now we're five minutes late.

By the way if Mr. Hiller is still in the auditorium, there are some guys out in the parking lot who would like to talk to him about Hoop Dreams.

I won't lie to ya!  I'm very, very excited.  I've been dying to do something all day.  And I think we can take care of this ... Oprah -- Uma.  (Letterman thought this joke was hysterical, and while it later became a catchphrase to sum up the evening, nobody really quite got it.  Even as other jokes failed, he would revert to saying "Uma - Oprah."  Ugh!)

By the way, the people that I work for have asked me to make an announcement.  CBS has signed off for the evening.  

Losers tonight will not go home empty handed.  In fact, everyone in the Best Actress category will get to have a child with Anthony Quinn.

You know, tonight is certainly an important event.  Almost as important as a Dreamworks press conference.  

Well of course, Forrest Gump said 'life is like a box of chocolates.'  You never know what you're going to get, unless of course you're sitting next to Roger Ebert.  Then you know you're not going to get any.

Interview with a Vampire - did over a hundred million dollars business.  Of course in New York City, that film is now going under the title - Bite Me.  ... You know I know that's not much of a joke - but I just wanted to stand in front of a billion people and say, 'Bite me'.

Nominated for Best Foreign Language film, Eat Drink, Man, Woman.  Coincidentally, this is, how I understand, that Arnold Swartzenegger asked Maria Shriver on their first date.

Letterman's brand of humor, that worked so well on his talk show, seemed to flop with the Academy.  Highlights (or lowlights) included clips with Dave talking to cab drivers about the nominated films, and audition tapes of huge stars like Madonna, Paul Newman and Steve Martin, saying "Wanna buy a monkey?" - Dave's line from Cabin Boy.   Perhaps the only one that worked was his Top 10 List.

Top Ten Clues that the film you are seeing will not be nominated for Best Picture.

10.  It still has the time code from the camcorder on it.
9.  Any combination of the words police or academy in the title.
8.  It's a movie about the civil war and general grant is wearing Dockers.
7.  You hear someone yelling focus and you realize its the director. 
6.  It's a beautifully made movie about two kids in the inner city trying to realize their dream of playing basketball.
5. The last twenty minutes is a shot of Richie from the local 262 eating doughnuts.
4. You date had to jam a needle full of adrenaline in your heart, just to keep you awake.
3. Before it starts you hear, Thank you for coming to Loew's.  Sit back and relax.  This movie blows.
2. Nude scene with Uma Thurman replaced by nude scene with Strom Thrumand. 
1. Four words ... Dom Deluise as Gandhi.

Jessica Lange gets her second award for a three year old film!

Orion Film Studios had been bust for three years, and any films that had not been released prior to their collapse seemed doomed.  Then, in 1994, during a particularly poor year for female roles, someone decided to release Blue Sky.  The film was made in 1991, but was shelved as nobody was willing to finance its release. Blue Sky, while hardly seen, got good notices for Lange, and suddenly, she found herself as the frontrunner for the Best Actress award.

Like is like a box of chocolates ...

Tom Hanks weeped his way through his second Academy award.  The actor became the fourth to win acting awards back to back, following in the footsteps of Luise Rainer, Spencer Tracey and Katharine Hepburn.  





Diane Weist won her second Supporting Actress Oscar, for Bullets Over Broadway, yet another Woody Allen film.

Lizzie Garnder and Tim Chappel won the award for Best Costumes for Pricilla, Queen of the Desert.  Lizzie made a splash that year, donning the best outfit at the ceremony - a dress made entirely of American Express cards.

Steve Martin provides a temperature check.  "Wasn't Dave funny tonight?  Of course, who wouldn't be funny, following Arthur Hiller?"

Martin Landau became the latest victim of the Oscar clock.  He took his time thanking everyone - and was rushed off the stage by the band.  "Please don't play the Mission Impossible Theme.  I'll be very angry."

She's the girl who had a hit in the 80's with The Warrior!  In 1994, she was singing an Academy Award winning song - Look What Love Has Done to Me.

Quincy Jones gets the Humanitarian Award.

I was reminded of Bette Davis presenting the Best Actor Award to Paul Newman back in 1986, when Newman presented the cinematography award.  Like Daivs, he lost step with the clips, and failed to mention the nominees.

Jamie Lee Curtis made the most impressive entrance of the night, being air dropped via helicopter ... a la True Lies.

Letterman introduced Tim Robbins and Susan Surandan by saying, "Pay attention.  I bet they're pissed off about something."  This year they weren't pissed off about anything.  In fact, nobody had anything politically challenging to say.

Michaelangelo Antonoini, director of such classic films as Blow Up, couldn't speak English.  His young wife accepted his honorary award for him.

This ain't the Tony's!  Elton John brushes past his lover, David Furnish, as he goes up to accept his award for Best Song.

Quentin Tarentino should be given credit for his honesty anyway ... "I'm probably not going win anything else here tonight .." as he won the Best Screenplay award.  His writing partner, Roger Avery, concluded with, "I would like to say something, but I really have to pee."

Clint Eastwood gets the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.