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Now, onto Jackie top ten films... Please remember that these are only my opinions, and you may have different views, and I'm sure you do because chances are you've seen more of his films than I have. (About me) Now on to the list...

Jackie Chan's Top Ten Films
1. Police Story
2. Drunken Master II
3. Armour of God
4. Armour of God II: Operation Condor
5. Police Story III: Supercop
6. Project A
7. Police Story IV: First Strike
8. Miracles: Mr. Canton and Lady Rose
9. Wheels on Meals
10. Dragons Forever

Please don't kill me! If you think I'm crazy, read the About Me section. Click on the link above. Anyways, I hope some of you agree with my choices.

I couldn't really decide between Police Story and Drunken Master II, so I went with Jackie's own decision and named Police Story my favorite. (I think JC actually named this his favorite in terms of action, and DMII his favorite overall...) Going down the list, Armour of God, great film, terrific action, Armour of God II, my second favorite film of his that he made in the 90's, I saw it four or five times in the theater. Police Story III, one of the first JC films I saw, and made me a die-hard fan. Project A, a great all-around film, Jackie at the height of his career. First Strike, a whole lotta fun to watch. Miracles, the best movie Chan has directed in my opinion, and it's more than an action-drama... Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever, two great films with the three Brothers (Jackie, Sammo, and Yuen) performing at their best. Please let me know if you disagree with my choices, and I will try to explain them..
Now, On to the Box Office Reports!

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