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Hold your mouse of the bottom right hand corner of the pics, you should see a button appear allowing to make the image bigger.

Click on every link and go in order, read entire page. I realize it is hard to read some of the text because of the colors, so all the info you nead is on this page as well.

If the shirts are boxed in blue, it means you select 2 shirts from this category.

If the shirts are boxed in yellow, it means you select 1 shirt from this catgory.

The shirt boxed in green you will get anyway.

With every shirt you get to pick the size and the background color (size and background colors listed on page 1. You also get to pick the logo colors, some logo color ideas are on the "ideas" section.

All the shirts pictured are black but you can have any color that is listed.

IM us with your order telling us the #, size, color, and logo color of the shirts.

If you have any other shirt designs you want us to know about, send it to me through aim or e-mail.