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**This is a non-commercial, for-fun-only, site!** This page will be a *works in progress* with simple 3D video viewing and conversion instructions, eventually including screenshots. For now, however, you will have to settle with these initial instructions in text. It's all very simple, anyway, so get started! Come Visit The Kid


A simple, tiny, FREEware viewer/converter for all 3D video formats on your PC! (Nothing to *install*! Just download it, unzip it and start using it! You can even use it from a CD!) This program plays and converts 3D MPEG or AVI videos (crossed, parallel, over/under, interlaced, anaglyph). Even usually-difficult red/blue anaglyph conversions are amazingly good quality and almost completely ghost-free! And... you don't have to save a converted video to view it! (Use the program as a simple 3D media player.)

2 Simple Steps To Downloading VirtualDub and The 3D Filters:

1. Download the latest version of VirtualDub freeware from

2. Download only the *filters that you need and unzip them into the "plugins" folder: (Here's a great "How To" about adding filters to VirtualDub:
*For red-blue anaglyphs: A) Interlaced RGB (near bottom of page) B) Hue/Saturation/Intensity (Desaturation of colors for anaglyph conversion and viewing. Click here for screenshots and a description of the filter)
*For conversion to over/under (and back): A) ViewFields B) UnViewFields
*And a couple of great filters (mainly for advanced editing and conversions) for general alignment purposes: A) Field Align (near bottom of page) B) Field Shift (near bottom of page)

VirtualDub3D Viewing And Conversions:

Before you start viewing or converting... Open VirtualDub, go to "Options" and click on "Swap Input/Output Panes". Go to "File" and "Open Video File" and open the video. If the video does not play smoothly, in "Options", click on "Drop Frames When Behind" and also "Enable DirectDraw Acceleration". To play the video, click on the second play button from the left at the bottom of VirtualDub.

***Resizing the videos with the "Resize" filter: My original crossed videos are usually two 352 X 240 videos, side-by-side (VCD resolution X 2), so when viewing them in anaglyph or interlaced formats, for example, you can view them at 352 X 240 or you can enlarge them as long as you preserve the aspect ratio. My favorite size is 639 X 436. Whenever you enlarge a video, be sure to add the "Bicubic" setting in the "Filter Mode" in the Resize filter window. Don't forget to do this!!!

To view a cross-viewed video (like the ones I always make) in other 3D formats, apply these filters (under "Video", then "Filters", then "Add") and settings:

Red-Blue Anaglyph: Add the "Deinterlace" filter and "Fold Side-By-Side Fields Together". If there are bright reds or cyans (or blues) in the original crossed video, at this point you can add the "Grayscale" filter so you can view the video as a "grayscale" anaglyph. A better choice is to play with the "Hue/Saturation/Intensity" filter. I usually have luck with desaturating a specific color (usually red ) by 50% or so. Have fun :-] Add the "Interlaced RGB" filter. Under "Even Lines" and "Clone", click on "G" and "B". Under "Odd Lines" and "Clone", click on "R". Add the "Resize" filter and change the settings to whatever you want. (See *** above.)

LC Shutter Glasses, Row Interleaved - Left First: Add the "Deinterlace" filter and "Fold Side-By-Side Fields Together". Add the "Resize" filter, put a check in the box next to "Interlaced" (under the "Filter Mode" in the Resize filter window) and change the other settings to whatever you want. (See *** above.) If you need to swap fields, you can simply drag the video up or down on your monitor, or add the "Field Swap" filter.

Parallel: Add the "Deinterlace" filter and "Fold Side-By-Side Fields Together". Add the "Field Swap" filter. Add the "Deinterlace" filter and "Unfold Fields Side-By-Side".


3D Videos: Full Screen Viewing. Click Here For Complete Instructions!

(Yes, this applies to 3D MPEG and compressed AVI videos downloaded from the internet, too! The better the quality of the video, the better this works, but you'll be surprised how good the quality is from compressed videos viewed in this manner!)