M3C Productions

Tabula Rasa
n., pl. tabulae rasae [literally, smoothed or erased tablet]
the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving
outside impressions; something existing in its original pristine state.

M3C Productions
Completed 11 Apr. 2003.
Full Runtime: 9:55
Shot using a Panasonic PV-DV910
Edited with Sonic Foundry's Vegas 4.0


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clips require Quicktime 4 to run
right click and select "save as" to download

Tabula Rasa -- Preview (1.5 megs)
--> Mirror 1

Note: We apologize for the low quality of the image. The fully rendered file is over 2 Gigabytes in size! So until the day comes along that people can download at that speed, this will have to do for internet viewing.

"Chewie, get me the hell outa here!"

Email: watto_42@hotmail.com