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Scienic Railway Picture Gallery by Rail-Fan World

Directory: /railworld/af/zar and /railworld/af/zim

Last update: 2003-01-31

South Africa and Zimbawbe

South Africa

In this web-side the main line of South Africa is considered. This is the connection from the scenic Cape Town at the Indian Ocean to South Africa's metropolis Johannesburg and the capital Pretoria, which has many interesting places to visit for tourist. Also the Indian Pacific coast with the two cities Port Elizabeth and Durban is a famous tourist spot. The light blue route on the map is the route of the Blue train.

Line Cape Town - Johannesburg - Pretoria

The Jakaranda trees with their blossoms in purple color are characteristic for South Africa's beautiful nature.

downloaded from the homepage of the Blue Train in 2003-01

The exterior of the blue train.

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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The locos at the front of the blue train are in design of English locos.

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The logo of the Blue Train is the symbol for the most comfortable journey through the beautiful South African landscape. South Africa has a pleasant climate the whole year, at the sea coast, but also inside, because of its height of 1000m, the nights get rather chilly.

The Blue train leaving Cape Town. The characteric Table mountain can be seen for a long time.

downloaded from the homepage of the Blue Train in 2003-01

Dining car in a usual passenger train.

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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The Trans Oranje express train is also a long-distance express-train and has the same starting and end point as the blue train, but runs slightly different route in between. It is much cheaper than the blue train.

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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The "Trans Oranje Express" approaching Cape town.

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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Blue train approaching the mountains between the coast and Johannesburg

The metro train in Johannesburg might be a little dangerous and is only recommended for adventures.

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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Locomotive 91 003 of South African Railways

Photo: Michael H. Geisler Date: 2002-05 downloaded in 2003-01 from

North of Pretoria is the Kruger National Park, where tourists can enjoy watching the wild life
Photo downloaded from the homepage of the Blue train in 2003-01

Line to Victoria-Falls (Zimbabwe)

Route of the Blue train between Pretoria and the Victoria falls in Zimbabwe. The most famous sightseeing spot is the Victoria-Falls, a huge waterfall and the railway line is passing by on a tall bridge. It is the final highlight of the journey with the Blue train. Another special service is offered for exclusive steam railway fans: A Luxus train even more expensive than the Blue train, is hauled by preserved steam locomotives.

downloaded from the homepage of the Blue train in 2003-01

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Zimbabwes Garat on the Victoria Falls line near Bulawayo station. The children seems to have more interest in the photographer than the steam engine.

Date 1996-01
Photo by Masato Tsuzuki
copied from "World's Steam locomotives" in Japanese
by Masato Tsuzuki published by JTB Can Books, Tokyo, 1996

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Passenger traveling with a lot of luggage are leaving the train which has arrived at Bulawayo station after a long night journey.

Date 1996-01, Photo by Masato Tsuzuki
copied from "World's Steam locomotives" by Masato Tsuzuki in Japanese published by JTB Can Books 1996

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Garret with freight train near Thomson Junction

Date around 1995, Photo by Hiroshi Sugie
copied from "Steam Journeys - Asia, Africa" Hiroshi Sugie ,
published by Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo 1998, ISBN 4-1416-39808-5

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A special tourist train for rich steam railway fans runs towards Niagara falls.

Photo copied from their advertisement
downloaded from the web in 2003-01

Steam train for tourists approaching Victoria Falls

downloaded from their homepage in 2003-01

The famous bridge across the Zambesi River, on the right corner the Victoria Falls

Photo by: Hiroshi Sugie Date: ca. 1995
published in "Steam Journeys - Asia, Africa" Hiroshi Sugie ,
published by Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo 1998, ISBN 4-1416-39808-5

Victoria falls

downloaded from the homepage of the Blue train in 2003-01

Blue train on Zambesi Bridge near Victoria fall

downloaded from the homepage of the Blue train in 2003-01

New rolling stock of Zimbabwas railways, Date: ca. 2000.

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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The homepage of the company is:

Passenger train arriving at Victoria Falls station

Photo Seat61 Date unknown
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Old pictures from steam trains in South Africa

Around 1990 it became popular among railway fans all over the world, to visit the last steam engines running regular trains in the countryside. It was an initiative of a workshop manager, Dr. Watson, that they were preserved and even the construction of a new steam locomotive, the Red Devil, was considered. Some of the steam locomotives are still running, for more information please check this webside: But, the railway company tries to improve their image by advertising modern locomotives, so it is a question how long it will last.

Steam engine at a factory in Selebi-Pikwe

Date: 2001-07-06, Photo Roland Erdmann, downloaded from

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We can feel the sound and the power of the steam engines climbing the slope in Willowmore

Date 1996-08, Photo by Hiroshi Wada
published in "Far Whistles - Rail Graphic Gallery" by Kobayashi, Miyaji, Wada
publ. by Hikari Syobo, Tokyo 1998 ISBN 4-938951-62-2

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The sunset in South Africa is fast. Steam train in the last sunlight near Willowmore

Date 1996-08
Photo by Hiroshi Wada
published in "Far Whistles - Rail Graphic Gallery" by Kobayashi, Miyaji, Wada
publ. by Hikari Syobo, Tokyo 1998 ISBN 4-938951-62-2

Other Lines: near Kaimaans along Pacific Ocean

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This bridge near Kaimaans along the Indian ocean became famous among railway fans.

Photo by: Hiroshi Sugie Date: ca. 1995
published in "Steam Journeys - Asia, Africa" Hiroshi Sugie ,
published by Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo 1998, ISBN 4-1416-39808-5


Photo by: Hiroshi Sugie Date: ca. 1995
published in "Steam Journeys - Asia, Africa" Hiroshi Sugie ,
published by Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo 1998, ISBN 4-1416-39808-5

K069601Knysna.jpg (61kb)

Photo by: Hiroshi Sugie Date: ca. 1995
published in "Steam Journeys - Asia, Africa" Hiroshi Sugie ,
published by Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo 1998, ISBN 4-1416-39808-5

Scenic view near Knysna at the Indian Ocean

Date around 1995, Photo by Masato Tsuzuki
copied from "World's Steam locomotives" in Japanese
by Masato Tsuzuki published by JTB Can Books 1996
