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Scienic Railway Picture Gallery by Rail-Fan World

Directory: /railworld/am/bol and /railworld/am/arg

Last update: 2004-04-30

South America: Bolivia and Argentinia

The railway across the Andes is the highest railway line in the world and climbes up to 4782m. The number of trains is few, and mainly used for tourists.


The Fcab is a private company concerning the ore transport. This company has a long history and it started the service with ancient steam locomotives.

The web-side of this company is

Line LaPaz (km0)- Oruro (km246) - Uyuni (km507) - Potosi - Villazon (km862)

The Lake Titicatalies on the border between Peru and the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, and it is not far. Soon the railway line reaches Oruro towards the south. THis pictures shows a freight train with an Andina locomotive no 1012 in Oruro.

Date: 2002-02-06, Photo Colin J. Churcher
downloaded from in 2003-01

The railway line runs just trough the market of Oruro towards the north. The train has to whistle a lot to give people time to get their things out of the way.
Date: 2002-02-06, Photo Colin J. Churcher
downloaded from in 2003-01

At Uyuni the passenger train named Wara Wara from Oruro leaves for Villazón  in the south. When this picture was taken in 2002, the train was packed with people.

Date: 2002-02-07, Photo Colin J. Churcher
downloaded from in 2003-01

Condor is the highest railway station in the world at 4782m. Two railway radio technicians with their Operation Lifesaver pins are posing under the station name.
Date: 2002-02-07, Photo Colin J. Churcher
downloaded from in 2003-01

As the railway line heads further to Potosi, the Lamas, sheeps, goats become more and more. At one time in the past the Potosi was the largest city in the world, expanded by the Spanish for their need of silver.
Date: 2002-02-07, Photo Colin J. Churcher
downloaded from in 2003-01

Typical village along the railrod.
Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

This advertisement indicates a Hotel.
Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

D9801BolvKurv1.jpg (123kb)
The railway line between Uyuni and Potosi
Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Date: ca. 1994, Photo unknown
copied from Victor Video, Japan "Trains around the world - No.10 -Bolivia -Peru "

Argentina: Line Bariloche - Ingeniero Jacobacci - Esquel (broad gauge)

View towards the Andes from between Bariloche and Ing. Jacobacci. This train is very comfortable. The line to Ing. Jacobacci runs through semi arid country. One can see the snow capped Andes in the background. The main occupation is cattle ranching.
The line from Ing. Jacobacci to Esquel (15km) is a dual gauge track with both broas and narrow gauge.
Date 1995, Photo by Colin J. Chrucher
downloaded from

Argentina: Line Ingeniero Jacobacci - Esquel - El Maiten (narrow gauge)

K010000Esquel.jpg (75kb)
This 95 cm narrow gauge line is the route of the Patagonia Express.

Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3

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Esquel Line near Nahuel Pass

Date 1994-09
Photo by Hiroshi Wada
published in "Far Whistles - Rail Graphic Gallery" by Kobayashi, Miyaji, Wada
publ. by Hikari Syobo, Tokyo 1998 ISBN 4-938951-62-2

K030000Esquel.jpg (87kb)

Date ca. 1995
Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3

K049409EsquelElMaiten.jpg (89kb)
Esquel Line near El Maiten, the horses are afraid of the steam loco

Photo by: Keisuke Miyaji Date 1994-09
published in "Far Whistles - Rail Graphic Gallery" publ. by Hikari Syobo, Tokyo 1998 ISBN 4-938951-62-2

K050000Esquel.jpg (73kb)

The last sunlight before the strom comes.

Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3

K060000Esquel.jpg (64kb)

Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3

K070000Esquel.jpg (89kb)

Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3

K08000Esquel.jpg (104kb)

Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3

K090000.jpg (100kb)

Photo Hiroshi Sugie, Date ca. 1995
published in " Steam Journey - Asia, Africa", Seibundou Shinkousha Tokyo, 1998, ISBN 4-416-39809-3
