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Scienic Railway Picture Gallery by Rail-Fan World

Directory: /railworld/copy/at/jpn

Last update: 2004-04-30


Looking at statistic books, Japan has about half the population than the USA, and in average about the same population density like European countries. However, Japan as the image, that the people live on very limited space and the streets in Tokyo are always crowed. The reason is, that the middle of Japan consists of wild and unpopulated mountain ranges, and only a few traffic lines pass through. The people have settled in the flat land regions near the coast. Especially the three great bays, Tokyo bay, Osaka bay and Nagoya bay became the most populated regions. The three metropolises have total different character, Tokyo is the administrative center, capital and the location for the headquaters of most of the great companies. Nagoya is the engineering area, with automobile companies (in Toyota), ceramic companies (in Seto and Tajimi) and chemical industry (in Yokkaichi). Osaka and the surrounding Kinki region is the cultural area, the Kabuki theater and many music performances are the main entertainment, while Kyoto and Nara are the sightseeing spots with many traditional temples, shrines and beautiful parks.

In this homepage Central Japan is considered, that is the Kanto area around Tokyo, the Tokai Area around Nagoya and the Kansai/Kinki areas around Osaka. The former Japan National Railway (JNR) was divided in 1988 into five private companies, the one concerning the area focused on here are the West Japan Railway operating in the area Osaka, Kyoto, Nara to Maibara, which is between Otsu and Gifu. The Central Japan Railway operates around Nagoya from Maibara to Atami including the Shinkansen line from Osaka to Tokyo and on Chuo-Line to Matsumoto. The area around and North of Tokyo is the domain of the East Japan Railway company. On this map the Shinkansen-High speed line is marked red, also the 42km testline for the linear-motor high speed train Maglevsouth of Kofu. The JR lines are shown in black, and the private lines in blue.

Line Tokyo - Shizuoka- Nagoya (Shinkansen-Line)

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Shinkansen means New-Main-Line and means Express bullet trains running with a speed of 280km/h. This line was opened in 1964 for the Olympic games in Tokyo. This high-speed train class 700 is soon arriving at Tokyo terminal, here in the dense shopping area near Yabakucho close to the Ginza shopping street. At every time, streets in Tokyo are crowded with people.
Photo Rail-Fan World in 2001-09-29

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The station Shinagawa is the main depot for local and commuter trains. This picture shows the densely populated area in Tokyo. In 2003-10 this station has been modernized and rebuild, so that Shinkansen trains can stop here, allowing a higher capacity of trains on the Tokai-Shinkansen line.
Photo by Railfan magazine

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Shinkansen class 700, the newest type of high-speed trian introduced in 1999 and meanwhile built in rather high number, is passing the famous Fuji mountain on the way from Tokyo to Shizuoka and Nagoya. From October until June the top of this ex-vulcano is covered with snow and due its perfect shape it is a model for many ancient and modern paintings.
Photo by Train calendar 2002

Line Tokyo - Shizuoka - Nagoya (JR-Tokaido-Line)

Tokyo- Yokohama- Shizuoka - Hamamatsu- Toyohashi - Nagoya

This is the 1067mm-main line, on which mainly regional, local trains are running, but also freight trains and some long-distance night trains. For passengers the costs for a journey on this line is about half of that compared to the Shinkansen-line and furthermore, many different kinds of season tickets are valid, so that especially young people use this line. The night-trains are also called blue trains according to the color of the coaches.

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Shinbashi station is almost the center of Tokyo within only five minutes walk from the famous shopping street Ginza. It was the endpoint of the first railway line in Japan, open 1895 between Shinabsi and Yokohama, and a steam loco is displayed as a reminder. The commuter train has brought many salary man going to work and almost ignoring this character puppet, which are so popular in Japan, here in peperoni shape advertising a chain restaurant. The blue commuter trains with 16-coaches run on the Yokohama-line every 2min, and between Ueno/Tokyo and Shinagawa the Yamanote-line and Tokaido-line are running parallel with the about same dense frequency, making this area the most busiest railway line in the world.
Photo by railfan-world , 2001-09-29

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Modernized electric locomotove type EF66 with container freight train between Hayakawa and Nebugawa,
The fastest freight trains in Japan runs with 110km/h, and the exchange of conatiners at the freight terminal is very efficient: The train stops briefly and a crane loads the container from one train to another. after a few mminutes, the trans continues the journey.
Date: ca. 2000

The Tokai line between Odawara and Atami offers a beautiful view on the Tokyo bay. This train with double-decker cars connects Tokyo with the resort hotels in Atami and the Ise-penisula.
Photo by Kunihiko Uno, Date: 1997-06-07
downloaded from in 2003-01

Private Lines around Tokyo

Famous Japanese cherry blossoms with the Keio suburban railway in Tokyo
Photo by Keio Railway Co. calendar 2003

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Freight train on the Keio line. The locomotives look quite old, but are from the sixties.
Photo by Keio Railway Co. calendar 2003

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This pictures shows the Romance car of the Odakyu line, which connects one of the main stations of Tokyo, Shinjuku, with the beach in Enoshima, the tourist spot Kamakura and other places. The driver sits elevated, so that the passengers in the front seats have the famous front-view.
Photo by Odakyuu Railway Co, calendar 2002

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The private Tokyu railway company runs commuter trains in the south east of Tokyo, connecting also Yokohama. This area is hilly, so a lot of tunnels are necessary. The characteristics of the units is stainless steel in the design of the 60'ies.

Photo: Tokyu Postcard serie

Chuo-Line Tokyo - Kofu (- Nagano)

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On the Oume-line, a branch line of the Chuo-line, this JR commuter train to Tokyo passed beautiful cherry blossoms between Futamatao and Ikusabata leaving a tunnel on a typical steel bridge in typical red color.
Photo: Kunihiko Uno in 1998-04-05 downloaded from in 2003-01

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The Minobe line runs through the mountain area in the mainland of Japan. The modern class 105 diesel units makes the journey for passengers more comfortable, although it is rather slow. The country-side of Jaan can be very lonely.

Photo rail-fan train calender 2002

Chuo-Line (Nagano -) Nagoya

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Freight train on the Chuo-Line in the mountain area in Central Japan.

Photo by rail-fan magazine.

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The forest area between Nakatsugawa and Kisofukushima was the center of the forest cultivation and a huge narrow gauge network of forest railways was constructed in order to transport the timber and cedar trees. Only a 12km long part in the mountain areas is remained for tourists and hiking.

Photo: Shin-rin Tetsudo

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The express train Shinano connects Nagoya with Nagona and runs with 160km/h, but in the mountain areas it is slower. The most scenic views are between Nakatusgawa and Matsumoto and the longest tunnel on this line is more than 10km long.
Photo: JR Central Railway Co., calendar

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Typical view of the Chuo line in the beautiful Japanese autuum. Due to the high humidity the marple tress and others show these intensive redish colors for about two weeks.
Photo: JR Central Railway Co.

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Apartmenthouses without almost no trees in the suburbs of Nagoya near the Ozone station. The bridge belongs to the Meitetsu Seto line connecting the ceramic town Seto with the center of Nagoya. Date: ca. 2000

Photo by rail-fan world, 2002-05

Private Lines around Nagoya

Bus service in Nagoya city, leaving from Nagoya Central station, the 54-floor building in the back-ground. This 254m high building was opend in 2001-12 and contains a hotel, offices and departments stores. The Ginko trees in the foreground turn their color end of October.

Photo: Nagoya Transport Co., published in calender 2002.

The main subway line in Nagoya connects Nagoya station with the center of the city, Sakae, running to Fujigaoka, from where in 2005 a mono-rail connection to the world exposition park will be opened. Most of the line runs underground, but the last 7km are elevated. Snow is very rare in the Tokai area, only about a week each winter.

Photo: Nagoya Transport Co., published in calendar 2002.

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The Meitetsu Company is the largest private railway company in Tokai area. The employees at the workshop pose for a photo, like many Japanese people do. The uniform is also typicla for Japan. Taking a picture is a conservation of this moment for the eternity. The workshop is on the main line Gifu-Nagoya-Toyohashi near Gamagori. Date: ca. 2000

Photo: Meitetsu Co.

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The Tanigumi-line was very popular among railwya fans, but it was closed in September 2001, due to deficit in income. The station at the endpoint Tanigumi is preserved as a kind of museum. Altough Tanigumi is only about 20km from Gifu city, people in this country area recently prefer to travel with their prvate car. The trains were running through into the Gifu tramway system, which still exists, but the number of passengers of the four lines is decreasing more and more. Th eproblme is, the tram car has no priviledge and waits at every traffic light, and becomes sloer than cars or busses. Date: ca. 1999

Photo: Meitetsu Co.

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The Panorama car built 1963 was running as express train, until newer units were introduced. Now it runs on local trains on the main line, like here in the south of Nagoya. The cherry blossom season end of March in Japanese is a kind of special season and everybody welcomes the spring after the cold winter.

Photo: Meitetsu Co., calendar 2001

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Near Gamagori this Meitetsu branch lines runs close to the Nagoya bay. Although Gamagori is a place for relaxing and enjoying at the beach, the number of passengers on this line are few, so this train has only two cars. Date: ca. 1999

Photo: Meitetsu Co.

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An pink-red local train from Tokoname passes the bridge, while the white-red Express train on the Mainline of Meitetsu (Nagoya Railway Co.) will soon make a brief stop at Jingu-Mae. This station is near the famous Atsuta Shinto-Shrine was in the 60ies the endpoint of the line from Toyohashi. The office still remained from that time, and so often the drivers are changed at this station. Date: ca. 2000

Photo: Meitetsu Co.

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The express panorama train passes a dam covered with tsutsuji, a kind of rhododendron with beautiful blossoms in May. Date: ca. 2000

Photo: Meitetsu calendar 2003

Line Nagoya - Kyoto - Osaka

(no pictures yet in this homepage)


Private Lines in Osaka area (Kansai-area)

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Some trains of the Kyoto subway run towards Nara. Date: ca. 2000

Photo: Kansai train calendar 2003

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The private Nankai Railway runs from Osaka to the south, and also connecting the Kansai Airport, where this picture is taken. These trains with the unique, futuristic design are the express trains called Rapit connecting Kansai Airport with Namba, the main entertainment area in the south center of Osaka.
Date: 2000-02 Photo: Rail-fan world

The Osaka monorail was opened in 1970 for the world exposition and gives the northern part city a modern flavor. Date: ca. 2000

Photo: Osaka monorail, calendar 2003

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The Hankyu line with the typical dark-brown colors are passing by at the World Trade Center Osaka. The red Hinanbana-Flowers are blooming in September, Date: ca. 2000

Photo Hankyu Railway calendar 2003
