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And here is the first 'bot, Cambot! I basically built him out of junk I had around whil I was waiting for repro parts from Ed Miarecki. His base is a flexible lamp (the lens end originally had the switch on it). The lens assembly itself is a vitamin bottle (I plan to get a small mirror to fit on the end to look like a lens), and the black tubing behind it is a joint from a scuba snorkel. The black detail below is some sort of plastic toy hovercraft, and on top the white boxy thing is made from a Star Trek innerspace Galileo shuttlecraft turned upside down with all the decals and engines removed. I plan to place a red spinning "siren" light on to of this, but all I had for the moment was the medicine cup so I stuck it on. Also note that I hadn't glued the thing together yet, so the tape holding it together falls apart progressively in the pictures. Look, you can even see the bloody tape!! Coming off as we speak!! Hi-Keeba!! Oh well. Anyway, the black thing on the back is made from the lower half of a Moon lander toy (another Star Trek Innerspace thing) with the original switch cover of the lamp glued on the bottom. The detail on top is made from half of a cheap toy keychain lightsaber. the whole thing is about a foot and a half tall, and he's really cute in person.

I relize this cambot does not even remotely resemble the TV version (except it's a distant cousin of the season 2-5 one) but Cambot was always built of basically what was left over in the studio from "found objects". Mine, too, was built out of "found objects". So sue me.

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