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Copyrights, Disclaimers, et Cetera

(Oh, my!)
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000 is copyrighted by Best Brains, Inc.
  • Doctor Who and Time and the Rani are both copyrighted by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • Neither this website nor the creator/owner of this website (hereinafter, "the Creator") claim any ownership of or copyright to the previously bulleted items; and had no hand in creating the not-for-profit, amateur, fan-made video production Mystery Science Theater 3000: Time and the Rani (hereinafter, "the Fanvid").
  • The purpose of this website is to provide a central location for information about the Fanvid.
  • Brian Uiga (the producer of the Fanvid) has given his permission to use his likeness on this website, and has provided materials from which much of the content on this website has been derived (e.g. - original photographs, and specially written commentary).
  • ALL content on this website is copyrighted by the Creator (including, but not limited to, the graphics, HTML code, text, and layout), except where noted. The absence of a notification is not neccesarily a claim of ownership or copyright of anything copyrighted by others.
  • If you want to link to this site from yours, please link to the "index.html" file only. Also, please send the Creator a courtesy e-mail.
  • Do not link to this site if your site has any illegal or indecent content. The Creator does not wish to be associated with that sort of material.
  • If you wish to use anything (e.g. - background graphics) from this site in your own works, please contact the Creator to ask for permission. Or, in the case of the common literary practice of quoting portions of another's work, remember to use proper procedure (i.e. - citing). Please, also send a courtesy e-mail to the Creator (who is very interested in seeing how your works/creations turn out).
  • The Creator does not encourage the violation of copyright laws. If you believe that your legal rights have been violated by any content on this website, please contact the Creator so that the issue may be resolved. The Creator does not wish to violate the law in any way, and has made no conscious effort to violate your legal rights in creating this website.
  • If you believe that your legal rights have been violated by the people, places, or things mentioned or described on this website, please contact those entities directly -- the Creator has no control over anything done by any other entity.
  • The Creator may be contacted by sending an e-mail to the e-mail account "ranimail". NOTE: This address is checked infrequently, and sometimes the emails get deleted in the interim due to inactivity. If you don't get a quick reply, post a message on the fanmst3k group at Yahoo! Groups (You have to sign up.) and the Creator will reply much quicker.