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undefined The Rice Family of Arkansas Sept 4 due date it's a Girl - Megan Nicole Rice

First Sonogram, Initial thought it was Twins!!!!! 

Second sonogram, Confirmed only one. Both sad and happy at once.

We Have Found out Megan is just like her DADDY in the MORNING!!!! WE don't Wake Up the BABY Under any Circumstances.  

Progress report

Site up - 4/16/03  So Far Everything is very good, Morning sickness is gone along with the sense of equilibrium.  The barn is Progressing To Hope to have Flooring down this weekend If Weather Cooperates. This is a Pic of the Dog run next to the barn. Where old barn was  Mommy is doing good,  giving dad a run for his money on the expansion. Visual Proof  Try to catch every one up as I go but hey One thing at a time.

4/18/03 - Well got to Finally Play with My New Circular Saw. Dewalt 15 amp Works quite well Only weights 9 Pounds I think. Well Steve came By earlier this week and Got the Drain/waste line in for me. SO Let the flooring Begin. I got 3 piece of Tongue and groove 3/4 Plywood dry fitted, and Realize I am not a very good carpenter.  It will work But and nothing is really wrong with it, I'm just never happy until it's perfect. But once again My loving pregnant wife brings it all back to reality. "It's a Barn get over it" and Work continues. found out yesterday I'm going to Oklahoma City next Thursday and Friday. then coming back on Saturday. and taking a week off. just because I can and because 10 weeks of vacation is about to Drive my wife insane. don't tell her that thou. time is going by quickly so better go.

4/21/03 - Ok Easter Came and When, Got  more PICTURES!!!!! My love in her Easter dress Got a Couple of the house Outside inside I got a picture of the barn  so far everything is still going good. Me and the hospitals are already about to argue. It seems any lab work is billed twice by 2 different companies. Once for the Lab work the other is a "Facility Fee", Of course the "Facility Fee" is more than the lab work and boils down to you pay the hospital to sit in the lab and then pay the lab to do the work. (now Stepping off my soap box) Well I must say I have enjoyed our Pregnancy thus far.  the happy time the scary times and the anxious times  I would not trade these time in for the world. Oh one last Picture, family at Church

5/5/03 -  Sorry for the delay alot going on and little time to report in.  made it to Oklahoma np  had vaction didn't do anything on the barn, but clean up around the yard and outside the house, now I have been sick for 4 days. Well Tomorrow is the DAY. Should have pictures up and New color on the back ground and to boy or girl. Lastest growth and new look. (I almost cried while it was done but it looks good)  Oh yeah Can't for get this is the current prince of the house, BUBBA and the princess with tyler(Nephew) well got to run lots to do. talk to you tomorrow

5/6/03 It's a GIRL Like you Could not tell

5/21/03 - Sorry for the long wait.  Been Busy these past few weeks. When camping last week end, had a pretty good time.  Mommy did fine no problems there.  Haven't really had any other news Mommy is doing fine. Megan is Very active now during the day and sleep most of the night.   I got a couple of pictures from the camping trip.  Going to work on the Fence this weekend Hopefully I can get the dogs some place to go other than the house.  this is the happy mom Well got to get back to it.

6/25/03 Had to relocate. Been very busy, moving website, moving delta, Taking care of jen, getting a new addtion to family, and learning new programing language in week and a half. Other wise I haven't been doing much. I'll have to post a lucy picture later, Choclate lab 8 months old. Oh sorry for the re-locate but things happen!

more to come