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Frank Grillo as...


Sung Hi Lee as...


Karene Katz as...


Tyler Christopher as...

Jake Vincent

Nicole Trinian as...

Erika Fritz


Elisa Donovan as...

Carrie Todd
(BROOKLYN COURT: Alicia and Riley are seated at their kitchen table, eating breakfast) RILEY: Are you sure you're feeling okay? You don't look so good. ALICIA: I'm just really tired, that's all. I didn't sleep well last night. RILEY: I slept like a baby, surprisingly. Today's the day Seneca gives her decision about the promotion. I hate to admit it, but I'm worried. ALICIA: I'm sure you'll get it, sweetie. Seneca knows how hard you've been working. RILEY: Yeah, well, she and I didn't exactly see eye to eye on that whole Judd ordeal. I swear, if that bastard ruined my chance... (There's a knock on the front door) ALICIA: I'll get it. (She walks to the front door and opens it. Teresa is standing on the front steps smiling) TERESA: Morning, neighbor. How'd you sleep last night? ALICIA: Fine...why do you ask? TERESA: Well, I wasn't sure if you and Judd really had time to get much shut-eye. ALICIA: I don't know what you're talking about. (Teresa grabs Alicia's arm and pulls her outside. Alicia pulls the door shut behind her) TERESA: Save it! I don't have time for this whole playing dumb routine. I saw you sneak in through Judd's back door last night. ALICIA: It's not what you think, Teresa. Nothing happened. TERESA: Well, I'm sure your loving husband wouldn't believe that story any more than I do. ALICIA: You can't tell Riley! TERESA: Well, you know, that all depends on you. ALICIA: What do you want from me? TERESA: I'll keep my mouth shut for now, but you keep in owe me big time. (She walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: A police car parks in front of Trey's house. Grant steps out and begins walking up the sidewalk to Trey's door. Trey walks out, holding his briefcase) GRANT: Trey Anderson? TREY: Yes? GRANT: I'm Officer Grant Carter with the NYPD. I'd like to ask you a few questions concerning the recent murder of Jenny Davis, as well as... TREY: Look, Officer, I don't have any answers and I don't have any time either. If you'll excuse me. (He starts to walk off) GRANT: Mr. Anderson, it wouldn't be a very wise decision for you to walk away. This is a serious matter. TREY: Yeah, well my career is a serious matter to me, and if I'm not to the magazine in time, I won't have a career left to speak of. GRANT: YorkGirl Magazine, right? TREY: Yeah. GRANT: Isn't Seneca Ward the new owner? TREY: Unfortunately, yes, she is. And if I don't have my ass in the office by eight o'clock sharp, she won't mind kicking it to the curb. So, unless you plan on arresting me... GRANT: No, I'm not going to arrest you. TREY: Great. Have a nice day. (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison backs her car out of her garage. She pulls on to the street and begins driving. She sees Logan standing by his jeep with the hood up. She stops next to him and rolls down the passenger window) MADISON: Having problems, doc? LOGAN: You could say that. I guess the long drive from Wisconsin paid a toll on her. MADISON: Well, you need a lift? LOGAN: No thanks. MADISON: Come on. I can give you a ride to work. You can't be late your first day in the office. You can use my car phone and call AAA on the way. Get in. (He hesitates for a moment, then shuts the hood and grabs his briefcase. She leans over and opens the door for him. He gets into the car)
LOGAN: Thanks. MADISON: No problem. I wanted to talk to you, anyway. LOGAN: Oh yeah? About what? MADISON: Well, you and I kinda got off on the wrong foot. I want to apologize for my behavior. LOGAN: It's okay. MADISON: That's it? It's fixed? LOGAN: Sure, why not? MADISON: Wow, do you always forgive people so easily? LOGAN: I'm from the Midwest, remember? MADISON: Right. Thanks, Logan. LOGAN: Well, I think everyone deserves at least one chance. MADISON: Good. So, um, where am I headed? LOGAN: Oh, I'm over on Chambers Avenue. I'm just a few blocks down from the magazine. MADISON: Great. Maybe I can stop in and see you sometime. LOGAN: Not for a professional visit I hope. MADISON: I'm not gonna make any promises. (They smile at each other) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Riley and Alicia walk in. Trey walks up to them) TREY: Riley, hey. I wanted to wish you good luck on getting that promotion. RILEY: Thanks. I've got my fingers crossed. So, are you okay? TREY: Yeah. What do you mean? RILEY: Well, I saw the police at your house earlier. What's going on? TREY: I don't know. He's just trying to ask some nonsense questions about the shooting. I just told him that I didn't know anything...which I don't. RILEY: Well, I don't think anyone in the neighborhood is going to be able to rest for a while. The police seem pretty sure that one of us is behind the whole damn thing. TREY: To be honest, I would't doubt if one of us is behind it. (Alicia sees Judd walk in to a storage room) ALICIA: Riley, I'll meet you in the studio. There's someone I need to talk to. RILEY: Okay.
(She walks to the storage room and walks in. Judd turns to her) ALICIA: Judd... JUDD: Alicia, what are you doing in here? ALICIA: Don't worry. No one saw me come in here. At least I don't think they did... JUDD: What do you mean? ALICIA: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if someone was spying on us. JUDD: Alicia, why would anyone be spying on us? It's not like anybody suspects anything is going on between us. ALICIA: Don't be so sure of that. JUDD: What are you talking about? ALICIA: Teresa came by my house this morning. She was watching last night. She saw me sneak into your house. JUDD: What?! ALICIA: She promised not to tell Riley. JUDD: I don't believe this. What did she want? ALICIA: I don't know. She hasn't told me yet. JUDD: Dammit! I can't believe her! Nothing even happened last night. ALICIA: I know, Judd. I told her that. But if Riley found out... JUDD: I know. I know. ALICIA: What are we gonna do? JUDD: That's a very good question. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(SCHAEFFER/WHITE LAW OFFICES: Elliott is sitting across the desk from a young woman) ELLIOTT: How many times do I have to tell you this? I did not lay a hand on Malle Roberts. LAURA: That's not entirely true, Dr. Bridges. You did perform surgery on her. ELLIOTT: You know what I mean! There was nothing even remotely sexual about it. LAURA: I just really think the jury will find that hard to swallow. I'm an attorney and I've done over a dozen cases similar to this. A simple "I didn't do it" plea is not going to work. Especially with a doctor who has a reputation such as yours. ELLIOTT: What the hell is that supposed to mean? LAURA: I've interviewed a few of the female employees on staff at Luther-Thomas Hospital and plenty of them believe you may have been capable of this. ELLIOTT: Yeah, well, what do those bitches know? LAURA: This is exactly the kind of disparaging behavior I'm talking about, doctor. ELLIOTT: Fine. Well, since you're my attorney, isn't it your job to make sure the jury doesn't see me as some sexist creep? LAURA: That it is. That's why I have a trick up my sleeve. ELLIOTT: Well, now's as good a time as any to pull it out. (She stands, walks to the door and opens it. A man walks in) LAURA: Have a seat, Jake. (The man sits) ELLIOTT: Who is this? LAURA: Elliott Bridges, meet Jake Vincent. The man of your dreams. ELLIOTT: Excuse me? LAURA: The only way we're going to convince anyone that you didn't sexually assault Malle Roberts, is if we convince them that you're gay. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Teresa is working out in her living room. There's a knock on the door. She turns the stereo off and opens the door, as she dries herself off) TERESA: Yes? GRANT: Hi. Are you Teresa Sumner? TERESA: It depends. What the hell do you want? GRANT: I'd like to ask you a few questions. TERESA: If this is about that damn shoot-out at the Grey Tower, I didn't see anything. GRANT: Where were you at the time of the shooting, Ms. Sumner? TERESA: I was at the club. GRANT: Yeah, I realize that. But where exactly were you? I've spoken to numerous people who also attended the party and no one recalls seeing you as the shots were being fired. TERESA: Well, maybe that's because they were too busy running for their lives. I mean, seriously, officer, I don't think anyone was concerned about my whereabouts while some madman was using them for target practice. GRANT: Is it true that you have threatened the life of Seneca Ward in the past? TERESA: No, it isn't. GRANT: You better think a little harder about your answer. Several people witnessed a shouting match between you and Ms. Ward a week prior to the incident in the club. During the argument, you are quoted as saying...(he looks at a small notebook that he is holding) "You won't get away with this. I'll kill you." Are you denying saying this, Ms. Sumner? TERESA: That was a misunderstanding. They were just words. Seneca had decided to hire me for a big project with the magazine. Then, the bit-...then she backstabbed me. GRANT: What do you mean? TERESA: She opted to hire another model. GRANT: Jenny Davis. Am I correct? TERESA: Yeah. GRANT: Well, well. Ms. Sumner, that gives you motive for wanting both of these women dead. TERESA: I didn't kill anyone. GRANT: I'm finding that hard to swallow. I mean, you've got motive, you have no alibi... TERESA: And you have no proof. I didn't shoot either of those women. GRANT: If I were you, I'd stay close to home for a while. I'll be in touch. (He walks off and she slams her door shut) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison drives in to her driveway and parks her car. She and Logan step out of the car) LOGAN: Thanks again for the ride. MADISON: It was my pleasure. So, I guess I'll see you at eight. LOGAN: You know, I'm pretty hungry. Why don't we make it seven-thirty? MADISON: You got it. See you then. LOGAN: Bye. (He walks off. She sees Elliott and Jake carrying suitcases up his sidewalk. She walks over to them)
MADISON: Howdy neighbor. ELLIOTT: Madison... MADISON: What you up to? ELLIOTT: Uh, nothing. Nothing. MADISON: Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend? ELLIOTT: Um okay, yeah. Jake Vincent. Jake, this is Madison Turner. (She shakes his hand) JAKE: Nice to meet you. MADISON: Are you moving in here? ELLIOTT: No. Jake's just going to be staying here a while. No big deal. MADISON: Okay. Why are you acting so strange? JAKE: Elliott, we may as well tell her. I mean, it isn't going to take everyone long to figure it out. MADISON: Figure what out? JAKE: Elliott and I are lovers. MADISON: What? (She laughs) You can't be serious. Elliott? ELLIOTT: It's, um, it's true. MADISON: This is insane. I...You...Oh my God!! ELLIOTT: I know what you're thinking. I'm the person you'd least expect this from, right? MADISON: Yeah. Well, I guess you can never tell these things, huh? ELLIOTT: I guess so. MADISON: Well, I've gotta go. I, uh, I have to get ready for dinner. I guess I'll be seeing you around, Jake. JAKE: Yeah. (She walks off, smiling) ELLIOTT: Damn you! What the hell did you do that for?! JAKE: Laura said we had to convince everyone. We can't let anyone know what's going or else you'll lose your case and you'll end up in prison...then having a boyfriend won't just be an act, if you know what I mean. ELLIOTT: Yeah. I'm afraid I do. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Jessica walks out of her house and walks to her car. Grant walks up behind her and grabs her shoulder. She screams and turns around) JESSICA: Oh my gosh. You almost scared me to death. GRANT: Sorry, ma'am, but I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time. JESSICA: Um okay, sure. GRANT: You're Jessica Murphy - am I right? JESSICA: Yep. That's me. GRANT: Grant Carter, NYPD. I just have a few questions, you know, about the incident at the Grey Tower. You were there the night of the shooting, correct? JESSICA: Yeah, it was terrible. GRANT: Mind if I ask what you saw that night? JESSICA: I didn't see anything. I was in the restroom at the time of the shooting. You, uh, you don't think I'm the one... GRANT: No. No, calm down. You're actually one of the few people in this neighborhood who isn't a suspect. JESSICA: Good, because I would never... GRANT: I'm sure you wouldn't. Anyway, what I really need from you is a character reference. Do you know Teresa Sumner? JESSICA: Teresa? Of course I know her. She lives right next door. GRANT: What can you tell me about her? JESSICA: I don't know if I feel comfortable about this. GRANT: It's really important, Ms. Murphy. JESSICA: Well...she's pretty aggressive. When she wants something, she usually gets it. She doesn't let anything slow her down. Sometimes she can get carried away and... (She stops) Wait a second. Are you asking me if Teresa is capable of murder? GRANT: What's your opinion? JESSICA: I really don't think so. GRANT: But you can't completely rule it out, can you? JESSICA: No. I guess not. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Alicia is sitting in Seneca's office. Seneca walks in and shuts the door behind her) SENECA: Alicia...Oh, good, you made it. ALICIA: Yeah. Your message sounded pretty important. SENECA: Well, sorry I had to keep you here so late. It's just that I had a lot to catch up on around here. You know, that hospital stay was a real nuisance. ALICIA: (She smiles) I bet. SENECA: Anyway, the reason I asked you to stay is because I have a job offer for you. ALICIA: What kind of job offer? SENECA: Well, I got Judd to sign a contract with us this morning that appointed him as set designer for all major shoots that the magazine has in the next year. Now, don't get me wrong, Judd is a great designer, but he's a man. Therefore, his sets are always a bit masculine. Seeing how the name of the magazine is YorkGirl, it doesn't seem too appropriate to have a man in charge of the entire set. ALICIA: What are you getting at? SENECA: Judd's sets need a woman's touch. I've seen the inside of your house, Alicia. I know you're the one who decorated the place, so you obviously have wonderful taste. I think you would do wonders for Judd's creations. ALICIA: You mean... SENECA: I mean, you and Judd would be partners. ALICIA: Have you spoken to him about this? SENECA: Well, I did run the idea by him before he signed the contract. Of course, I didn't give him any concrete information, but he seemed to think it was a great idea. So, basically, it's up to you. ALICIA: I don't know, Seneca. I'm not sure Riley would approve. I mean, I am his assistant. We're kind of a team. SENECA: Well, as you know, I gave Riley that promotion he'd been pushing for today. In his current position, he has more than enough assistance. I've hired a few people to help him out. ALICIA: Forgive me for saying so, but shouldn't you have also asked me about that? SENECA: Alicia, at the risk of sounding rude - you really aren't big time enough to help Riley now. He needs people with more experience than what you have. He needs an assistant that does more than tote his camera bag. ALICIA: (She stands) I just don't think Riley will like the idea of me taking this job. SENECA: Is he your master? ALICIA: No. He's my husband. SENECA: Exactly. The decision is yours to make, Alicia. Let me know by tomorrow morning. (She walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(EQUINOX RESTAURANT: Logan and Madison are seated at a table) LOGAN: This is a really nice place. MADISON: That's one of the perks of living in New York City. In just one city block, you have every kind of food imaginable. I mean, you can start on one end with a slice of pizza and end up at the other end in a four star restaurant, and stop for Thai food in between. LOGAN: You sound like a walking city advertisement. MADISON: Yeah, well, I've worked at a few magazines. I've done some advertising work. The whole publishing world can really give a person a warped version of reality. LOGAN: I think New York in general can give you that. MADISON: So, you're not adjusting to well to big city life, huh? LOGAN: Well, when my first client laid down on the couch and told me how he's seen the Tooth Fairy in Central Park on numerous occasions - I started to wonder about this town. MADISON: Ah, lighten up, doc. That's the fun of it. New York isn't just a city - it's a way of life. Besides, you shouldn't be complaining. With all the crazies around, you'll be a millionaire before you know it. I just hope you won't forget us little people. LOGAN: Well, I hardly consider any of the residents of Brooklyn Court - "Little people". I mean, magazine owners, models, designers, doctors...not exactly scum of the earth. MADISON: Depends on what you define as scum. No, none of us are financially troubled, but there are plenty of scummy people in the court. LOGAN: I guess you're right. I mean, I can honestly say it's the first time I've lived in a neighborhood full of suspected murderers. MADISON: It sure isn't Wisconsin, is it? (They smile) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: It is dark outside. Alicia drives in to her driveway and gets out of the car. She begins walking to the house, when someone walks up behind and grabs her arm. She turns around, startled) ALICIA: Teresa, my God. Do you wanna give me a heart attack? TERESA: Isn't it a little late for a married woman to be out? ALICIA: Give me a break, Teresa. I was at the magazine talking to Seneca. (Judd drives into his driveway, gets out of his car and walks in) TERESA: Sure you were. ALICIA: Look, I don't have to... What do you want? TERESA: Well, I found a perfect way to put my little blackmail scheme to use. ALICIA: Why are you doing this to me? TERESA: Because I need your help and I honestly think that this is the only way I'm gonna get it. ALICIA: Fine. If I have no choice in the matter... TERESA: You don't. You're going to be my alibi. ALICIA: What? What are you talking about? TERESA: The shooting. You know, at the club? Ring a bell? ALICIA: What about it? TERESA: Well, that damn detectiv suspects that I'm the one who did it. ALICIA: You?! TERESA: Yeah. The problem is that I was in the little girl's room when the shots were fired. Unfortunately, the police don't believe me so I need you to confirm my story. ALICIA: You want me to lie to the police? TERESA: Yeah. ALICIA: Forget it. I could go to jail for that. TERESA: Listen very closely to me. If you don't want your hubby to find out about your affair with Judd, you'll do what I tell you to do. ALICIA: I told you, Teresa. I'm not having an affair with Judd. TERESA: Why don't we let Riley come to his own conclusions... (She starts walking toward the house) ALICIA: Teresa, wait! (Teresa stops and turns back to her) Fine. I'll be your alibi. TERESA: I knew you'd come to your senses. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(GREY TOWER: The place is empty. Evelyn walks in. Donovan walks up to the rail on the balcony) DONOVAN: Evelyn, this is a surprise. EVELYN: Can we talk? DONOVAN: Sure. (he walks downstairs) How are you doing? EVELYN: As good as can be expected, I guess. Donovan, I want to thank you for showing up at Jenny's funeral. That really meant a lot to me. DONOVAN: Please, Evelyn, don't thank me. Of course I had to be there. EVELYN: I want to apologize to you about the other day. I shouldn't have said what I said to you. You know, about the possibility of you killing Jenny. DONOVAN: Don't worry about it. I know you were just upset. I completely understand. EVELYN: Donovan, I had no right to say what I said. I know you would never harm a soul. I know you aren't the one who killed her. DONOVAN: It really means the world to me to hear you say that. EVELYN: There is another reason for my being here. I have a business proposition for you. DONOVAN: What do you mean? EVELYN: Well, I know that you've been clamoring to find an investor to help you expand the club. DONOVAN: Yeah, and so far I've been very unsuccessful. EVELYN: I'm going to invest in the club. DONOVAN: Evelyn, why would you do that? You have no interest in this business. EVELYN: That's true, but this place now stands as a horrible reminder of Jenny's death. I'll never be able to walk into this club without thinking of her. DONOVAN: So, what exactly are you suggesting? EVELYN: I will only finance the club if it's rebuilt. I want this place demolished. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(LUTHER-THOMAS HOSPITAL: Elliott and a young nurse are standing at a nurse's station) ELLIOTT: Well, hello Erika. ERIKA: Good morning, doctor. ELLIOTT: You're looking as beautiful as ever. You know, I was would you like to have dinner... JAKE: (walks up) Good morning, honey. ELLIOTT: Jake! What are you doing here?! JAKE: Well, I was in the neighborhood and I just thought I'd stop by and say hi to my #1 guy. I missed you. ELLIOTT: Excuse us, Erika. (he grabs Jake and pulls him aside) What the hell do you think you're doing?! JAKE: By the look of things, I'm saving your ass. You were just hitting on that nurse. ELLIOTT: Yeah, I know. And she was totally into me. JAKE: Elliott, look, if you are this hell-bent on destroying your cover, just say so now and I'll walk. I'm doing this for you. ELLIOTT: I know. Listen, this is just a little hard on me. I really, really like women. It's like, I can't help myself. MALLE: (walks up) You lying pig! ELLIOTT: Malle...what an unpleasant surprise. MALLE: Gay?! That's how you think you're gonna get out of this? By pretending that you're gay?! ELLIOTT: It looks like you misjudged me. You should've just taken the $2 million while you had the offer. MALLE: Don't think you're gonna get away with this! The court isn't gonna buy this for one second! You are not gay! ELLIOTT: Well, if I weren't...would I do this? (he grabs Jake and kisses him. Jake is obviously caught off guard) Now, if you two will excuse me, I have to get back to work. (he walks off smiling) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Seneca and Judd are standing near a set. Alicia rushes into the room) SENECA: Nice of you to join us. ALICIA: I'm so sorry I'm late...especially on my first day. I had to stop at the police station and talk to Detective Carter. SENECA: You know, that man is becoming a real pain in the ass. ALICIA: Seneca, I thought you, more than anyone, would be happy he's working so hard at solving this case. I mean, don't you want to know who's responsible for almost killing you? SENECA: No. What I want to do is get this damn sling off of my arm and put this whole mess behind me. Now, you two have a lot of work to catch up on. Get busy. (she walks to the door and turns back to them) Alicia, don't be late again. (she walks out) ALICIA: Gosh, what's her problem? JUDD: She's just under a lot of stress right now. With the shooting and all the changes going on at the magazine. ALICIA: I guess you're right. JUDD: Speaking of which, I hear Riley got the promotion he was after. You guys must be excited. ALICIA: I don't know. I haven't really seen him since he got it. JUDD: You haven't? ALICIA: No. He was asleep when I got home last night and I left before he woke up this morning. JUDD: It sounds to me like you're avoiding him. ALICIA: Avoiding him? Don't be silly. JUDD: This is me you're talking to. You're afraid that Riley is gonna be upset about your new job, aren't you? ALICIA: No. Of course not. JUDD: Come on, Alicia. We all know that Riley loves having you as his little puppy dog. He can't stand for you to be out of his shadow. ALICIA: Judd, that is not true. Riley is nothing like that. JUDD: If that were true, why aren't you modeling? ALICIA: Riley just needs help right now. He's trying to get his career going well before we start anything else, that's all. JUDD: Alicia, listen to me. You deserve this opportunity. Promise me you aren't gonna let him ruin it. ALICIA: He won't. JUDD: Great. Then let me be the first to congratulate you. (he hugs her) (Riley bursts in. Alicia pulls away from Judd) ALICIA: Riley... RILEY: Alicia, what the hell is going on here?! ALICIA: This isn't what you think. RILEY: Sure it is. You know how excited I was about this promotion. You know how much it means to me. How could you turn your back on me now?! ALICIA: Riley, please don't be upset. RILEY: Don't be upset?! How the hell do you expect me to react?! My own wife can't even stand beside me. We agreed to work on my career first! JUDD: Riley, give her a break. She... RILEY: You stay the hell out of this! ALICIA: Judd, can I please talk to Riley alone? JUDD: Just remember what I said. (he walks out) ALICIA: Riley, I only took this job because Seneca practically made me. RILEY: What are you talking about? ALICIA: She told me that she'd already hired new assistants for you. She didn't give me a choice. RILEY: So, you didn't want this job... ALICIA: Well... RILEY: Why didn't you just say so? I'm sorry for yelling, honey. Tell you what... I'm gonna talk to Seneca. Don't worry. You'll be back working for me by day's end. (he kisses her forehead and walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(LOGAN'S OFFICE: Madison walks up to his secretary) CARRIE: Can I help you? MADISON: Yeah. My name is Madison Turner. I'm here to see Logan Curtis. CARRIE: Do you have an appointment? MADISON: Oh, no. I'm not a patient. I'm a friend of his. CARRIE: Hold on. (she picks up a phone) Dr. Curtis, you have a guest. Madison Turner. (she hangs up the phone) He's down the hall. Last door on the left. MADISON: Thanks. (she walks to his office)
(Logan is sitting at his desk eating) LOGAN: Come in. MADISON: Hi. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm interrupting your lunch. LOGAN: No, it's okay. Have a seat. MADISON: Actually, I can only stay for a second. I have great news and I don't know who else to share it with. LOGAN: What's going on? MADISON: You're looking at the new Fashion Editor of YorkGirl Magazine. (he stands up and hugs her) LOGAN: Madison, that's wonderful. Congratulations. MADISON: Thanks. So, I have an idea. How about I make dinner for you tonight... you know, to celebrate. LOGAN: No way. I'm sorry. I can't let you do that. MADISON: What? Why not? LOGAN: This is your night. I'm making dinner for you. MADISON: That sounds great. Thank you, Logan. LOGAN: It's my pleasure. MADISON: Well, I better let you get back to lunch. I should get back to the office or else I won't be Fashion Editor for long. LOGAN: Alright. I'll see you tonight. (she smiles and walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Teresa knocks on Elliott's door. Elliott and Jake pull into the driveway, not noticing her. They get out of the car, laughing) TERESA: So, it is true. ELLIOTT: Teresa, what are you doing here? TERESA: I just had to come and see this for myself. I would have never believed it. ELLIOTT: How'd you find out? TERESA: I ran into Madison at the magazine today. ELLIOTT: I should've known. Jake, why don't you run in and get the tickets. They're on the kitchen counter. (Jake walks off) TERESA: Tickets? ELLIOTT: We're going to a Broadway show. TERESA: This is pretty out of nowhere. I ELLIOTT: Yeah, well, I couldn't keep living a lie. It wasn't fair to me or anyone else. TERESA: Well, I, for one, am gonna miss you. We had some really good times together. ELLIOTT: Yeah, we did. I mean...well, actually, I really didn't like it. It was pretty much just a charade. TERESA: You certainly fooled me. ELLIOTT: Look, Teresa, can't you just be supportive? Jake is a great guy. I'm finally happy. TERESA: It appears that way. How 'bout a farewell kiss...for old time's sake? ELLIOTT: Well, okay, if you insist. But just one. she kisses him and reaches down his pants. she smiles and walks off) Dammit, Malle! (he walks off)
(Teresa walks across the court to her house. Jessica is just getting out of her car) TERESA: Hey, Jess. JESSICA: Teresa, hi. Can I talk to you for a second? TERESA: Sure, what's up? JESSICA: I did something. Well, said something, and now I realize what a big mistake I made. But it's something I can't take back. TERESA: Oh my gosh! You told Judd that you're in love with him! JESSICA: No! Teresa, I told you...I am not in love with Judd. We are just friends. TERESA: Sure, Jess. Whatever. JESSICA: I'm serious! TERESA: Well, look, if not that...then what are you talking about? JESSICA: I think I may have let Detective Carter think that you're the one who... you know. TERESA: No, I don't know. I'm the one who what? JESSICA: The one who shot Jenny and Seneca. TERESA: Wait a second! You?! You're the one who gave him this ridiculous idea! How could you?! JESSICA: I'm so sorry, Teresa. He came asking questions about you. I didn't tell him that you did it. I just... TERESA: You know, you were the one person in this neighborhood that I actually respected. But I guess you're no different than the rest of these low-lifes. JESSICA: Teresa, you know I'm not out to hurt anyone. I would never intentionally hurt you. I was just upset by your comments the night of the shooting. You have to admit that you weren't as saddened by it as the rest of us. TERESA: So, that makes you think I did it? JESSICA: No. I told you...I don't think you actually did it. I'm sorry. How can I prove that? TERESA: You should've thought of that before you accused me of murder. You are a self-centered bitch and I'm sorry I even bothered trying to be your friend. (she walks off) JESSICA: Teresa! _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Judd is packing tools into a toolbox. Alicia walks in behind him) ALICIA: Judd... JUDD: Alicia. Where the hell have you been all day? Luckily, Seneca didn't stop back by or else she would've fired you. ALICIA: She can't fire me. I quit. JUDD: What are you talking about? ALICIA: I've decided to go back to work for Riley. I think it's for the best. JUDD: You think it's for the best or Riley does? ALICIA: This is my decision, Judd, and I don't need you second guessing it. JUDD: Alicia... ALICIA: Judd, I don't want to go through this again, okay?! We know where you stand. You don't have to keep bringing it up, okay? Riley is my husband. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make him happy. Besides, this is better for me, anyway. I'm married, Judd. I can't have the temptation of being around you every day. JUDD: Don't you dare make this about us! ALICIA: My decision is final. I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone. (she walks out. she stops outside the door and begins to cry) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison pulls into her driveway and gets out of her car. She sees Trey stumble into his yard. She walks over to him)
MADISON: Trey... are you alright? TREY: Hey! Just the girl I wanted to see. MADISON: You're drunk. TREY: Yes. Yes, I am. MADISON: Come on, let me take you inside. TREY: What a good idea. (She helps Trey inside) MADISON: So, you wanna tell me what this all about? TREY: Well, let's see. I lost my job, my wife, my girlfriend... MADISON: And you think getting wasted is gonna change any of that? TREY: No, but it sure helps. You know what else would help? (he leans over and kisses her. she pushes him away and stands up) MADISON: What the hell are you doing, Trey? TREY: Don't pretend you don't want it. I know how bad you want to sleep with me... everyone knows. MADISON: Wanted. Past tense. (he stands up and walks to the wet bar) TREY: Well, maybe a drink will change your mind. (he begins pouring a drink and she tries to stop him) MADISON: Trey, come on! (he accidentally knocks the bottle over, spilling it on both of them) TREY: Oops! MADISON: Dammit, Trey! Do you know how expensive this blouse was? You better hope this comes out!
(Across the court, Logan walks out of his house carrying food. He walks to Madison's door and rings her doorbell. Elliott is standing in his driveway) ELLIOTT: You just missed her, buddy. LOGAN: Excuse me? ELLIOTT: Madison. I just saw her go over to Trey's house. LOGAN: Oh, thanks. (starts to walk off) ELLIOTT: I wouldn't bother going over there if I were you. LOGAN: Why's that? ELLIOTT: Well, from what she told me, she's been waiting to get him alone. No telling what's going on in there. LOGAN: Thanks, but I'm sure it's not what you think. (Logans starts walking to Trey's house)
(Inside: Madison is in the bathroom washing out her shirt. Trey, who is still in the living room, takes off his shirts and his pants. There's a knock on the door. Trey opens it) TREY: Who are you? LOGAN: I'm Logan Curtis. I'm new to the neighborhood. TREY: Well, Logan, I hate to be rude, but this welcoming party is going to have to wait. I'm kinda busy right now. (Madison walks in the living room without her shirt on) MADISON: Trey, you're lucky this came out! (she notices Logan) Logan... LOGAN: I don't believe this. MADISON: This is not what it looks like. (Logan forcefully hands the food to Trey) LOGAN: Enjoy your dinner, Madison. (He walks off. Madison runs to the door) MADISON: Logan! (Trey smiles)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER 2000 Back To Brooklyn Court Back To Main Page