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TERESA: I saw you sneak into Judd's house last night.
ALICIA: You can't tell Riley.
TERESA: Keep in mind. You owe me big time.

TERESA: I didn't kill anyone.
GRANT: You've got motive, you have no alibi.

ALICIA: What do you want?
TERESA: I found a perfect way to put my little blackmail scheme to use. 
You're going to be my alibi.

JESSICA: Are you asking me if Teresa is capable of murder?
GRANT: You can't completely rule it out, can you?
JESSICA: No. I guess not.

EVELYN: I'm going to invest in your club.
DONOVOAN: What are you suggesting?
EVELYN: I will only finance the club if it's rebuilt. I want this place demolished.

LAURA: I have a trick up my sleeve.
ELLIOTT: Who is this?
LAURA: Elliott, meet Jake Vincent. The man of your dreams.
ELLIOTT: Excuse me?
LAURA: The only way we're going to convince anyone that you didn't sexually
assault Malle Roberts is if we convince them you're gay.

JUDD: You're afraid that Riley is gonna be upset about your new job, 
aren't you?
ALICIA: No. Of course not.
JUDD: Promise me you aren't gonna let him ruin it.

ALICIA: I quit.
JUDD: What are you talking about?
ALICIA: I decided to go back to work for Riley.

MADISON: I'm the new Fashion Editor of YorkGirl Magazine.
LOGAN: Congratulations. I'm making dinner for you.
MADISON: That sounds great.

TREY: Hey, just the girl I wanted to see.
MADISON: You're drunk.
TREY: Yes I am.
(He kisses her)
MADISON: What the hell are you doing?
TREY: Don't pretend you don't want it. Maybe a drink will change your mind.
(He begins pouring a drink. She tries to stop him and he spills it on her)

TREY: Who are you?
(Madison walks in with her shirt off)
MADISON: Logan...
LOGAN: Enjoy your dinner, Madison.
(He walks off)
MADISON: Logan!!!



Frank Grillo as...


Karene Katz as...


Tyler Christopher as...


Elisa Donovan as...



Tara Westwood as...

(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison and Trey are standing in his living room) MADISON: I’m glad to see you’re so happy about this. TREY: Who was that loser anyway? MADISON: Logan is not a loser. He’s the only decent guy I’ve met in a long, long time and thanks to you, I may have lost anything I had with him. TREY: Who cares. I think we should get back to us. MADISON: If you think anything is ever gonna happen between us, you’re not only’re crazy. (She runs out of the house. She runs up to Logan’s jeep as he drives off) MADISON: Logan! Wait! (Elliott walks up to her) ELLIOTT: Okay, fill me in. What’d I miss? MADISON: Elliott, this isn’t funny. Trey just ruined my night. ELLIOTT: Wait a second. You mean you weren’t trying to be alone with Trey? MADISON: God, no. What made you think that? ELLIOTT: Well, for starters, you told me not too long ago that you wanted to get him into bed. MADISON: That was before I met Logan. ELLIOTT: So, you actually wanted to have dinner with this guy? MADISON: Yeah. ELLIOTT: Well, then this is kinda my fault. MADISON: What do you mean it’s kinda your fault? ELLIOTT: Let’s just say I may have let Logan believe that something was going on between you and Trey. MADISON: Dammit, Elliott! How could you?! ELLIOTT: Sorry, but you work your way through so many men, it gets kinda confusing keeping them all straight. MADISON: I don't think I need a lecture from you on being straight. ELLIOTTT: That's a low blow. MADISON: I just wish people in this neighborhood would mind their own business. ELLIOTT: Look who’s talking. (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Alicia and Riley are lying in bed) RILEY: I’m sure Seneca will understand, honey. You don’t have to worry. ALICIA: I just don’t want her to be angry. I mean, she went out of her way to help me and I feel bad just turning my back on her. RILEY: Alicia, we already talked about this. It’s settled, okay? If Seneca has anything to say, I’ll handle it. ALICIA: Okay. I’m sorry for bringing it back up. RILEY: Now, there is something I wanna talk to you about. ALICIA: What? RILEY: I want to know why you’re lying to the police. ALICIA: What are you talking about? RILEY: Alicia, I don’t like you keeping secrets from me. I know that you spoke to Detective Carter and I know you passed yourself off as Teresa’s alibi. ALICIA: How do you know about that? RILEY: That doesn’t matter. Why are you trying to hide this from me? ALICIA: I’m sorry, Riley. I just thought you’d be mad if you knew. RILEY: Why would you do something like this for her? We were nowhere near Teresa at the time of that shooting. ALICIA: I know, but she was in the restroom at the time. If I didn’t stick up for her, she could’ve gotten arrested for murder. RILEY: And you could get in trouble yourself for lying to the police. Teresa Sumner can take care of herself. I don’t want you getting yourself caught up in her messes. ALICIA: Riley, she’s our friend. RILEY: You’re gonna go down to the police station first thing tomorrow and you’re gonna tell Detective Carter the truth, do you understand? ALICIA: But Riley... RILEY: This isn’t open for debate, Alicia. Good night. (He turns over and closes his eyes) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Jessica walks to Teresa’s house, carrying a dress. She knocks on her door. Teresa opens it) TERESA: You actually have the nerve to show your face here. JESSICA: Teresa, please don’t start another fight. I’m here by Evelyn’s request. She wanted me to bring over the dress for tomorrow’s shoot and make sure it fits right. TERESA: I don’t know. Are you sure you want a murderer to model your precious gown? Don’t you have a goodie-two-shoes reputation to uphold. JESSICA: Look, I told you I was sorry about the things I said. I don’t know what else you want from me. TERESA: Oh, trust me, Jess, you’ve already done enough. JESSICA: Can you please just try on the dress? TERESA: Fine. (She grabs the dress from Teresa and rips it) JESSICA: What are you doing? (Teresa throws it back to Jessica) TERESA: Oops! I guess this one needs a little work. JESSICA: How could you do this?! TERESA: You think that’s bad? If you don’t stay away from me, I guarantee, you life is gonna get much worse. (She slams the door in Jessica’s face) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: The next morning. Trey walks outside, rubbing his eyes, and picks up his newspaper. Madison is about to get in her car, when she notices him. She walks over to him) MADISON: Hung over? TREY: Yeah, just a little. MADISON: Good! What you did last night was terrible! I am very pissed at you! TREY: I’m sure you’ll get over it. See ya. (He starts to walk inside. She grabs his arm) MADISON: Not so fast. You owe me, Trey. TREY: I don’t owe you anything. MADISON: Come with me. TREY: Where are we going? MADISON: We’re going over to Logan’s house right now and you’re going to apologize to him and me, and you’re gonna explain to him exactly what happened. (Seneca drives up next to them and rolls down her window) SENECA: Madison, I want that article on my desk by 7:30 sharp, which gives you about 20 minutes. So if I were you, I'd save whatever this is for later. (She drives off) TREY: Saved by the bitch. MADISON: I have to go, but I'm serious. I want you to go over and talk to Logan. TREY: Fine. (She walks off. Trey walks to Logan's house and knocks. Logan opens the door) LOGAN: Oh, it's you. How was dinner? TREY: Truthfully, I thought it was great. Did you cook it? LOGAN: Why are you here? TREY: I don't know. Madison wanted me to talk to you. LOGAN: In that case, you should leave. TREY: Look, I don't know what you thought was going on between you and her, but you obviously were under the wrong impression. You should probably just keep your distance. LOGAN: Gladly. (He shuts his door) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(POLICE STATION: Alicia and Riley walk into Grant's office. He stands up) GRANT: Mr. and Mrs. Hart, good morning. RILEY: Good morning, detective. GRANT: What brings you here? RILEY: My wife has something she'd like to clear up with you. GRANT: Okay. RILEY: I'll just wait right outside. (He pats Alicia's shoulder and walks out) GRANT: So, Alicia, what is it that you want to tell me? ALICIA: Well, um, I'm not sure how to say this but...I, uh...I lied. GRANT: What do you mean you lied? ALICIA: I mean I wasn't exactly telling the truth when I said I was in the restroom with Teresa Sumner at the time the shooting occurred. GRANT: Where were you? ALICIA: I was out in the main area with my husband. GRANT: Why would you lie to me and say that you were with Teresa? ALICIA: Because she's a good friend of mine. I know she isn't the one who did it. Teresa is not capable of murder. GRANT: You let me be the judge of that. ALICIA: I'm not in any serious trouble, am I? GRANT: No. I appreciate your honesty. But let's not let it happen again. ALICIA: So, can I go now? GRANT: Unless there's anything else you have to share with me. ALICIA: No, that's it. (She waits a moment and then walks out) RILEY: How'd it go? ALICIA: I told him the truth. RILEY: Good. Don't you feel so much better now? ALICIA: Can we please just go? RILEY: Sure. (They walk out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(NEW WORLD MODELING: Evelyn steps off of the elevator and walks up to the receptionist) EVELYN: Get Teresa Sumner in my office now!
(She walks to her office and drops her purse on her desk. She picks up her phone and pushes a button) EVELYN: Give me the accounting office...Hi. This is Evelyn. I need to know how much the agency has in our cash account...What?! That can't be right!...No! That's not enough!...Check it again!...Fine! (She slams down the phone and notices Teresa standing in front of her desk) TERESA: Financial trouble? (she smiles) EVELYN: None of your damn business. Now, what is this I hear from Jessica about you ruining the dress for today's shoot? TERESA: Is that what she said? EVELYN: Well, I didn’t make it up. TERESA: Evelyn, I demand a little more respect. I am one of your top models. I hardly think this is the kind of behavior you should expect from me. EVELYN: Teresa, I don’t have time for this. Did you rip the dress or not? TERESA: No. The damn thing was just too small. When I tried to slip into it, it tore. If you wanna place blame on someone for this, look to the designer herself. EVELYN: I see I’m gonna get nowhere with this. I’ll have Jessica redo the gown. We’re gonna reschedule for tomorrow. But I warn you, Teresa...don’t let anything happen this time. TERESA: I’ll make sure of it. EVELYN: Now get the hell out of my office and get to work. (Teresa walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Seneca is walking through the office, Riley and Alicia step off of the elevator and she walks up to them) SENECA: Alicia, there you are! Where the hell have you been? Judd said something about you quitting. RILEY: I’ll take care of this. Alicia, you go on in and set up. (Alicia walks off. She walks into a room where Judd is throwing pillows on a bed) ALICIA: Judd, you’re here. Thank God. JUDD: Alicia, what’s going on? ALICIA: I need your help. JUDD: Okay. What is it? ALICIA: It’s about Teresa. You remember how I told you that she saw me sneaking in your house and that she threatened to tell Riley? JUDD: Yeah. ALICIA: Well, to keep her quiet, I had to lie to the police for her. JUDD: What?! ALICIA: She made me tell Detective Carter that I was with her at the club when the shots were fired. But Riley found out, somehow, and this morning he took me to the station and made me tell the truth. JUDD: Oh God. So, you think Teresa will tell Riley now? ALICIA: I’m sure of it. Unless you help me out. JUDD: Of course. I’ll do anything. ALICIA: You have to be Teresa’s alibi. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(LOGAN’S OFFICE: Madison walks in and walks up to the secretary) MADISON: Hi. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m a friend of Logan’s. CARRIE: Yeah, you look kinda familiar. He’s with a patient right now but he should be done any minute. If you’ll have a seat, I’ll let him know you're here. MADISON: Well, I only have a minute and this is kinda urgent. I promise it won’t take long. CARRIE: Hold on. Let me buzz him. (She buzzes him) LOGAN: Yeah? CARRIE: Dr. Curtis. Your friend from the other day is here to see you... Ms... uh... MADISON: Turner. Madison Turner. CARRIE: Ms. Turner. LOGAN: I don’t want to see her. CARRIE: I’m sorry, Ms. Turner. MADISON: Wait a minute. What’s going on? CARRIE: I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. MADISON: No. I don’t think so. (She walks to the back. Carrie chases her) CARRIE: Ms. Turner. You can’t go back there. Ms. Turner!
(She bursts into Logan’s office) LOGAN: Madison, what is going on here? (He stands and walks over to her) MADISON: That’s what I’d like to know. Didn’t you talk to Trey? LOGAN: Yeah, I did. And that’s why I think you should leave. MADISON: What did he say to you? LOGAN: Unlike you, he told me the truth. Now please leave. MADISON: I’m not going anywhere until you answer me. LOGAN: Fine. (He turns to Carrie) Carrie, call security. CARRIE: Yes, sir. MADISON: Forget it. (She walks out) (Logan turns back to his patient) LOGAN: I apologize for this. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott is sitting at the bar in the kitchen. Jake puts a bowl of food down in front of him and he takes a bite) ELLIOTT: Mmm. Jake, this is delicious. JAKE: Thanks. I learned that recipe back in college. That’s the dish that eventually landed me at the restaurant where I’m working now. ELLIOTT: I can see why. (Jake walks to the window and looks out at the other houses) JAKE: You know, I could really get used to living here. These houses are all so beautiful. It’s a far cry from my apartment in Queens. ELLIOTT: I’ll tell you what, you keep making food like this and you’re welcome to stay as long as you want. JAKE: Yeah right. I have a good feeling that this case is gonna blow over soon. My days here are numbered. ELLIOTT: Jake, I’m serious about staying. JAKE: You are? ELLIOTT: Yeah, I mean, who cares about the trial. I mean, sure that’s why you came here to begin with, but I’m really liking spending time with you. It gets really boring around here by myself all the time. Now, I have a live-in buddy. JAKE: It is pretty fun. Someone to watch the game with, go have a beer with. ELLIOTT: Exactly. Please, don’t take this wrong way, but I’ve grown pretty fond of you, Jake. JAKE: Yeah, me too. ELLIOTT: So, what do you think about the offer? JAKE: Well, it means a lot to me that you’d ask. I’ll seriously consider staying. ELLIOTT: Good. Now, how about another helping? _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Seneca walks up to Alicia, who is standing near a set) SENECA: Can I have a word with you? ALICIA: Sure. (They walk behind a curtain) SENECA: Who’s idea was it for you to quit the set design position? ALICIA: It was a joint decision between Riley and I. We work better as a team. I’m no good without him and likewise. SENECA: Just a word of advice, Alicia. This is my magazine. From now on, why don’t you let me make those kinds of decisions.
(She walks out and sees Madison step off of the elevator. She walks up to her) SENECA: FYI Madison, lunch break is one hour, not an hour and fifteen minutes. Keep in mind that I’m watching you. (Madison walks to Trey’s office and barges in. He is at his desk on the phone) MADISON: What did you say to Logan?! TREY: Can I call you back? (he hangs up the phone and stands) What the hell is your problem?! MADISON: You are. Now, tell me what you said to Logan. TREY: Sorry, but I don’t have time to discuss personal matters right now. MADISON: Trey! What did you say?! TREY: I just told him that he was wasting his time on you, that’s all. MADISON: Why the hell would you say something like that?! TREY: Because it’s true. He’s not man enough to handle you, Madison. You’re too high maintenance for him. You need someone with an edge...someone like me. MADISON: Look, I don’t know what the hell you think is happening between you and I, but I guarantee whatever it is, it’s wrong. I don’t want to sleep with you. I don’t even want you in my life! Got that? (she walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(JESS GOWNS: Jessica is standing next to a mannequin, working on a dress. Judd walks up) JUDD: Hey. You got a minute? JESSICA: Judd...sure. What’s going on? JUDD: I need your help with something. JESSICA: Okay. JUDD: It’s kinda complicated, but it would mean the world to me if you could do it. JESSICA: Do what? JUDD: I need you to vouch for Teresa’s whereabouts during the shooting. JESSICA: What? But I didn’t even see her. I don’t know where she was. JUDD: She was in the restroom. I remember you saying that you were also there when you heard the shots. JESSICA: Yeah, I was there, but I don’t remember seeing Teresa. In fact, there were only two other girls in there and Teresa wasn’t one of them. JUDD: Are you sure? JESSICA: Yeah. But wait a minute, why would you want me to stand up for her? What’s going on? JUDD: It’s not really important. Just forget I asked. JESSICA: Judd, is everything okay? JUDD: Yeah. I think it will be. I’ll see you at home. JESSICA: Okay. (He walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Madison sits at her desk, picks up the phone and dials a number) MADISON: Logan, hi. It’s Madison. I’ve been trying to call you at work all day but you weren’t taking my calls. But I guess you already know that. I just want you to know that whatever Trey told you was a lie. Nothing happened between him and I. The reason that I’m so upset about this is because for the first time in my life, I actually care enough about someone to be honest. I just hope that you can believe me, because I wouldn’t lie to you. Please give me the chance to prove that to you. (She hangs up the phone) (Seneca walks in) SENECA: We need to talk. MADISON: Look, I’m sorry about lunch. It won’t happen again. SENECA: I know it won’t. But that’s not what I wanted to talk you about. MADISON: Oh. Then what is it? SENECA: Well, I couldn’t help but notice all of the spare time you’ve been spending with my husband lately. MADISON: Seneca, I can explain... SENECA: No need to. I don’t really care what’s happening between the two of you. All I know is that you’re keeping him out of my hair. I couldn’t ask for a better gift. So, to ensure my happiness, I’ve decided to help draw the two of you even closer together. MADISON: What are you talking about? I don’t want to be closer to Trey. SENECA: But you will be. MADISON: No. I’m sorry. SENECA: How should I put this so that you’ll understand. Let’s just say, there were other people in the running for your position. MADISON: Are you threatening me? SENECA: Take it how you like it. I just hope to see you and Trey spending a lot more time together in the future. (She smiles and walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Alicia and Riley are packing up his equipment) RILEY: See, I told you it would be fun. The two of us back together again, working as a team. ALICIA: Yep. RILEY: Alicia, honey, what’s wrong? ALICIA: Nothing. RILEY: Come on. I’d like to think I know my wife a little bit better than that. ALICIA: I’m fine. RILEY: If you say so. I just hope this has nothing to do with what Seneca said to you earlier. You know what she’s doing, don’t you? She’s just trying to intimidate you. For some strange reason, she really wants you for that job and she’s trying to bully you into changing your mind. ALICIA: Because I’m talented! RILEY: What? ALICIA: Because I’m talented, that’s the reason she wants me for the job. I don’t think that’s so strange. RILEY: Honey, calm down. I didn’t mean it like that. ALICIA: I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to believe that maybe you’re not the only one with any skills or ambition. RILEY: Alicia, I said calm down. I mean it. I don’t want to hear another word about this. Do you understand me? (She nods) Now, get the rest of this equipment packed up. I’m gonna wait for you in the car! (He walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Logan walks into his house and sets his keys down on the table. He walks over to the answering machine and pushes play. He hears Madison’s message. He stares at the machine for a minute then picks up the phone and dials a number) LOGAN: Yeah, hi. My name is Logan Curtis. I’m calling for Madison Turner...Oh, she has?...No. No message. Thanks. (He hangs up the phone) (There is a knock on his door) (Madison drives up to her house and steps out of her car. She sees a young woman standing at Logan’s door. He opens the door and smiles. He gives the woman a kiss and she walks in. He shuts the door) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(SCHAEFFER/WHITE LAW OFFICES: Elliott walks in and sits down. Laura is sitting at her desk) ELLIOTT: So, what’s so important that you had to pull me out of rounds? LAURA: I spoke to Malle Roberts’ attorney earlier today and they’ve decided that they’ll settle out of court after all. ELLIOTT: You’re kidding. LAURA: No. ELLIOTT: That’s great. But wait. Wait a minute. How much money does she want? LAURA: All I promised them was half a million dollars. ELLIOTT: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Half a million?! LAURA: Yeah. Do you have a problem with that? ELLIOTT: Yeah. That’s a lot of money. LAURA: Not when you were planning on giving her a full two million. ELLIOTT: Yeah. That was before I came up with this whole ‘gay plan’. LAURA: That was my idea. ELLIOTT: That’s not what’s important. I just think we should go ahead and take that gold-digging bitch to court. I know we could win. LAURA: Elliott, I’m the attorney here. Don’t you think you should take my advice on this one? ELLIOTT: I don’t see you shelling out 500 grand. LAURA: If you go to court, you still run the risk of losing a lot more than that. Malle Roberts is very credible. You'd be surprised how the judge may rule. ELLIOTT: Are you 100% sure that this is the best idea? LAURA: Yes. ELLIOTT: Then fine. I'll do it. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Grant pulls up to the curb in front of Teresa's house and steps out of his car. He walks up to the door and knocks. She opens the door) TERESA: Oh God, not you again. GRANT: Ms. Sumner, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me down to the station for questioning. TERESA: Haven't we already gone throught this? I told you that I had nothing to do with that damn shooting! If you believe Jessica Murphy, well then you're dumber than you look because she's a liar who's only out to get me! GRANT: Ms. Sumner, please just cooperate with me on this. TERESA: Look, I told you all I know. I didn't see anything. Don't you get that?! Besides, I thought Alicia Hart already attested to the fact that we were in the restroom when everything happened. GRANT: Yeah, well, it turns out that your witness lied. TERESA: What do you mean she lied? GRANT: Alicia Hart came by the station this morning and told me that she only said that she saw you that night in order to protect you from being arrested. TERESA: What?! That little bitch! GRANT: Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm going to have to handcuff you since you won't come on your own free will. Please turn around. JUDD: That won't be necessary, detective. GRANT: Pardon me? TERESA: Judd...what are you doing? GRANT: You're interfering with police business. I suggest you keep your distance. JUDD: I'm sorry, but there's something that you should know. There's no way that Teresa could be capable of committing this crime. GRANT: And how do you know that? JUDD: Because I was with Teresa at the time of the shooting. GRANT: Is that so? JUDD: Yes. Teresa didn't lie about being in the restroom, she just lied about which restroom she was in. TERESA: Judd, what are you talking about? JUDD: It's okay, Teresa, you don't have to lie anymore. GRANT: What the hell is going on here? JUDD: At the time the shots were fired, Teresa and I were in the men's room... together. We were having sex. TERESA: Judd! JUDD: I was ashamed so I forced Teresa to lie to you about her whereabouts. I never realized it would go this far. GRANT: Is this true, Ms. Sumner? TERESA: Uh, yeah. Completely. GRANT: If you two are lying, I will get to the bottom of this. (He walks to his car, gets in and drives away) TERESA: Okay, so you mind telling me just what the hell that was all about?! JUDD: I just saved your ass. TERESA: Yeah, but why? JUDD: I did it so that you would stay off Alicia's back. I trust that you will. TERESA: I guess I have no choice. JUDD: Good. (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Logan and the young woman walk out of his house and begin walking towards Madison's house) LOGAN: I hope you don't mind coming along. This is really something I need to do. STEPHANIE: Logan, it's fine. I'd love to meet one of your new friends. LOGAN: I'm sure Madison will be happy to meet you, too. STEPHANIE: So, if you don't mind my asking...what kind of problem are you two having? LOGAN: Oh, it was just a silly misunderstanding on my part. But I'm just gonna wipe the slate clean with her and have a nice, fresh start.
(They walk up to Madison's door and he knocks. No one answers) LOGAN: I'm sure she's home. Her car is here. (He knocks again. Madison opens the door in her bra and panties) STEPHANIE: Ooh.. (she covers her eyes) MADISON: It's okay, honey. I'm not shy. LOGAN: Is this a bad time, because we can come back later? (Trey walks up behind Madison, in his boxers) TREY: What's going on..?'s you again. LOGAN: Oh my God. MADISON: You didn't really expect me to be alone, did you? LOGAN: I should've known. How could I be so stupid? MADISON: Why are you here, Logan? Did you come to show off your new slut because I already knew about her. LOGAN: This is my sister. MADISON: What? STEPHANIE: Logan, maybe we should just go. LOGAN: That’s a great idea. MADISON: Logan, wait! LOGAN: I want both of you to stay the hell away from me! (Logan and Stephanie walk off) (Madison slams the door shut) MADISON: Dammit! (Trey tries to kiss her) TREY: Now, where were we? MADISON: Get away from me! Put your clothes on and go home! (She walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(GREY TOWER: Donovan is standing among the ruins of the building. There are workers cleaning up the debris. A car pulls up beside him and Evelyn steps out) DONOVAN: Evelyn, hi. So, what do you think? Pretty weird, huh? EVELYN: I was afraid I would be too late. DONOVAN: Too late. What are you talking about? EVELYN: I have some bad news, Donovan. DONOVAN: What the hell do you mean? EVELYN: I'm afraid I don’t have the money to rebuild your club. I’m sorry. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott and Jake are sitting on the couch, drinking champagne) JAKE: I think we should make a toast. ELLIOTT: Wa- wait. Wait. Let me get another glass. (He stumbles to the kitchen and pours a full glass of champagne then stumbles back to the couch and sits down) JAKE: Okay, ready? ELLIOTT: Go for it. JAKE: Okay. To you for... ELLIOTT: You mean ‘to us’. JAKE: Right. To us for making sure Malle Roberts got what she deserved. ELLIOTT: Wait, she got more than she deserved. JAKE: True. Okay, well then, screw it. Let’s make this a toast to brand new roommates. ELLIOTT: Cheers. JAKE: Cheers. (They each take a drink) ELLIOTT: Thank you so much for your help, Jake. JAKE: It was my pleasure. (Elliott leans over and tries to kiss Jake, but Jake pulls away) JAKE: Whoa! Hold on. ELLIOTT: What’s wrong? JAKE: Elliott, you won the case. This whole charade about you and’s over. No one is watching us anymore. ELLIOTT: I know. (He kisses Jake)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER 2000 Back To Brooklyn Court Back To Main Page