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(Teresa rips Jessica's gown)
TERESA: You think that's bad? If you don't stay away from me, I guarantee, your
life is gonna get much worse!

EVELYN: Did you rip the dress or not?
EVELYN: I warn you, Teresa, don't let anything happen this time.

LOGAN: Why are you here?
TREY: Madison wanted me to talk to you. I don't know what you thought was going on
between the two of you, but you were obviously under the wrong impression. You should
probably just keep your distance.

MADISON: Did you talk to Trey? What did he say?
LOGAN: Unlike you, he told me the truth.

MADISON: I don't want to be closer to Trey.
SENECA: But you will be. Let's just say there were other people in the running
for your promotion.
MADISON: Are you threatening me?

(Madison sees a woman kiss Logan)

LOGAN: I'm sure Madison will be happy to meet you.
(Madison opens the door in her bra and panties)
LOGAN: Is this a bad time?
TREY: What's going on?
LOGAN: Oh My God!
MADISON: Did you come to show off your new slut?
LOGAN: This is my sister.
LOGAN: I want both of you to stay the hell away from me!

EVELYN: (on phone) Give me the accounting office. I need to know how much the 
agency has in it's cash account. What? That's not enough.
TERESA: Financial troubles?

(Donovan is standing in front of the club's ruins)
EVELYN: I'm afraid I have some bad news. I don't have the money to rebuild 
your club.

ALICIA: I need your help.
JUDD: Of course. I'll do anything.
ALICIA: I need you to be Teresa's alibi.

ELLIOTT: You're welcome to stay as long as you want.
JUDD: I'll seriously consider staying.

LAURA: I spoke to Malle Roberts' attorney earlier today and they've decided
to settle out of court.
ELLIOTT: You're kidding!
LAURA: All I promised them was half a million dollars.

ELLIOTT: I'm grown pretty fond of you, Jake.
JAKE: Yeah, me too.

(Elliott and Jake are drinking. Elliott tries to kiss Jake)
JAKE: Elliott, you won the case. The whole charade about you and's over.
ELLIOTT: I know.
(He kisses Jake)



Tyler Christopher as...


Elisa Donovan as...


Tara Westwood as...



Dennis Franz as...

(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott wakes up, looking hung over. He looks around the room and then gets out of bed. He pulls on a pair of pants and puts on a shirt without buttoning it. He walks out into the hall. Jake walks out of the bathroom in a towel, bumping into Elliott) ELLIOTT: Whoa! JAKE: Sorry. I didn’t know you were awake. How do you feel? ELLIOTT: Like crap. JAKE: Yeah. You got pretty wasted last night. ELLIOTT: Yeah. JAKE: Are you, um, are you know, with what happened? ELLIOTT: What do you mean? What happened last night? JAKE: Well, you and know... ELLIOTT: Oh my God. I don’t know how this happened, Jake, but it is not going to happen again! That is not who I am! I am not gay. JAKE: I know that. That’s why I stopped it after the kiss. I knew that you were just really drunk. ELLIOTT: Wait a minute. You mean we didn’t sleep together. JAKE: No. You can relax. After you kissed me, I just helped you to bed. You were really out of it. There’s no way I would have taken advantage of you, Elliott. I know you’re 100% heterosexual. ELLIOTT: And I think it’s time everyone else knew that as well. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do with my friends and colleagues. JAKE: Right. Well, I guess I’m gonna go get dressed now. ELLIOTT: Jake, you know, I really hate to say this, but I think you need to find a new place to live. I don’t think this is gonna work out. JAKE: Wait a minute. I just gave up my apartment. I don’t have anywhere to go. ELLIOTT: I’m sorry. I just think it’s for the best if you leave. (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison knocks on Logan’s front door. Stephanie opens the door) MADISON: Hi. Is Logan here? STEPHANIE: Yeah, but he’s in the shower. MADISON: You don’t have to lie for him. If he doesn’t want to speak to me, trust me, I’ll understand. I don’t blame him. STEPHANIE: Yeah. That was a pretty ugly scene last night. MADISON: I am really sorry for the things that I said. I had no idea that you were Logan’s sister. I had no right to be so rude. STEPHANIE: Thanks for the apology, but I think it’s gonna take a lot more than that to win back my brother’s friendship. MADISON: It seems like that’s all I’ve been doing since he’s moved to New York. I have a knack for messing things up. As you probably noticed. STEPHANIE: Well, I should really go. Logan would kill me if he knew I was talking to you. MADISON: I understand. Just tell him that I’m really sorry. STEPHANIE: Okay. (Madison walks off. Stephanie shuts the door. Logan walks up behind her) LOGAN: Who was that? STEPHANIE: It was Madison. She came by to apologize for last night. LOGAN: Stephanie, I want you to stay away from her. Madison Turner is nothing but trouble. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Alicia walks out of the house, carrying camera equipment. Judd walks up to her) JUDD: Good morning. ALICIA: Judd, hi. JUDD: I have good news. ALICIA: Is it about Teresa? JUDD: Yeah. I got her out of trouble. She’s off the hook. ALICIA: That’s great. Thank you so much. I’d hug you, but I don’t want Riley to get the wrong idea. JUDD: Whatever. ALICIA: So, what did you do? JUDD: I told Detective Carter that she and I were in the men’s room having sex. ALICIA: Oh my God. Wow. He bought it? JUDD: Yeah. I’ve tarnished my reputation but it was worth it to help you out. ALICIA: I do owe you. JUDD: Then I have an idea. Come back to work with me. ALICIA: Judd, you know I can’t. (Riley walks up to them) RILEY: That’s right. She already has a job. You know, I really don’t appreciate you meddling in my life. JUDD: You know, Alicia has the right to have her own life, too, Riley. You don’t own her. ALICIA: Judd, stop it! RILEY: You know, I’ve had it with you. JUDD: Why don’t you do something about it? ALICIA: Judd, just let it go! JUDD: No. This has been coming for a long time. (Riley swings at Judd and he misses. Judd punches him, knocking him to the ground) ALICIA: Riley! (she runs over and kneels beside him) Are you alright? (Riley wipes blood from his mouth) JUDD: Alicia... ALICIA: Judd, go home! JUDD: Fine. (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Evelyn knocks on Donovan’s door. He opens it) DONOVAN: What the hell do you want?! EVELYN: I think you know why I’m here, Donovan. DONOVAN: All I know is that you should leave. EVELYN: Donovan, I told you that I was sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I really wanted to help you build a new club. I just overguessed my finances. DONOVAN: A simple “I’m sorry” isn’t going to help me at this point, Evelyn. You’ve ruined my club...and quite possibly, my entire life. EVELYN: I don’t know what else to say. DONOVAN: Well, I do...get an attorney, because I’m taking you to court. (He slams the door in her face) (Teresa walks up to her) TERESA: All kinds of turmoil in the court this morning. EVELYN: What are you talking about? TERESA: Don’t tell me you missed the knockout fight between Judd and Riley this morning. Great entertainment. EVELYN: Don't you have anything better to do than to spy on your neighbors? In fact, don't you have a shoot to be at right now? TERESA: That's actually what I was on my way over to tell you just now. I called in sick for the day. They got Mia to replace me. EVELYN: You don't look sick. TERESA: Well, I am. I'm sick of working with self-righteous trash like Jessica Murphy. EVELYN: I don't know who you think you are, Teresa, but I am the one who makes those kinds of decisions. If you aren't on that set within the hour, consider yourself without agency representation! (She walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Judd and Jessica are standing in their living room) JESSICA: What do you mean you hit him?! JUDD: He tried to punch me first, but he missed. So I punched him. JESSICA: Judd, that is not the way to solve things. You are two grown men. Right now, I am beyond angry at Teresa, but you don't see me hitting her. JUDD: I didn't say it solved anything, Jess, but it sure as hell made me feel a lot better. JESSICA: Listen, Judd, I know I'm your friend and you want support on this, but I think Riley is right. It really is none of your business what Alicia does with her life. That is between her and her husband. JUDD: No, Jess, that's just it! It isn't between her and Riley! It's her decision. He has her so scared that she won't even live her own damn life. JESSICA: But don't you think it's best to let them work it out together? JUDD: You don't understand. JESSICA: I do understand. I still don't think that it's any of your concern. JUDD: Yeah, well what I do with my life is none of your concern either. I'm gonna make sure that Riley can't control Alicia anymore! (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(LOGAN'S OFFICE: He walks in. He walks up to Carrie's desk) LOGAN: Good morning, Carrie. CARRIE: Good morning, doctor. Your first patient is already waiting for you. LOGAN: Okay, thanks.
(He walks back to his office and walks in. Madison is sitting on the sofa) LOGAN: Madison, what are you doing here?! MADISON: You're twenty minutes late, doctor. LOGAN: That's because I was waiting for you to leave the court this morning, so I wouldn't run into you. MADISON: That mad, huh? (she stands) LOGAN: Madison, although I do think seeking professional help is a good idea for you, I think you should find it elsewhere. I want you to leave. MADISON: I already paid for my hour of service. Besides, I called in late to work just to come here and talk to you. If I feel this is worth losing my job over, then it must be important, right? LOGAN: Fine. Say what you have to say. Just know that it's not gonna change the way that I'm feeling. MADISON: Last night, that whole was over a silly misunderstanding. LOGAN: That seems to be your excuse for everything. MADISON: I didn’t know your sister was in town, Logan. I thought she was someone you were sleeping with. LOGAN: Yeah, you made that very clear last night when you called her a slut. MADISON: Look, I was jealous, okay? I’m sorry. That just shows you that I care about you. LOGAN: No, that just shows me what a twisted person you really are. MADISON: There’s one other thing that I think you should know. The reason you found me with Trey is because Seneca basically blackmailed me into it. LOGAN: Oh, that is really lame, Madison - even for you. MADISON: It’s the truth. I swear. She threatened to take my job away from me if I didn’t commence a relationship with Trey. LOGAN: Well, suppose that is true. All that proves is that you aren’t the only person in our neighborhood who should be here on a professional visit. MADISON: Logan, I know this all sounds really insane, but that’s just how things are done around here. LOGAN: Well, thanks for the warning. I’ll be sure to get my house back on the buyer’s market as soon as possible. MADISON: Listen, I’m willing to tell Seneca to go to hell and quit my job just to prove to you what you mean to me. LOGAN: Don’t bother. MADISON: Logan... LOGAN: This conversation is over, Madison. (She waits for a moment and then leaves) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Seneca walks into a room. Teresa is sitting down, getting her makeup done. Seneca walks up to her) SENECA: So, I hear that you’re no longer the main suspect in the shooting. TERESA: That’s right. Why? Were you hoping you’d be able to pin this on me? SENECA: Well, of all the people I despise, you’re definitely high on the list. I can’t say that I wouldn’t like to see you put away for a long time. TERESA: Just like I can’t say that I don’t wish it had been me that shot you. SENECA: Well, just so you know, Teresa, you better enjoy this shoot, because it’s gonna be the last one you ever do for YorkGirl Magazine. Now that I’m the owner here, I don’t want filth like you decorating our fashion pages. TERESA: You don’t actually think I take that as an insult, do you? Judging from your personal wardrobe, you wouldn’t know fashion if it bit you right on the ass. SENECA: Well, even so - in five years, I’ll still be the owner of a mega-successful business, and you’ll just be a washed-up, dried-out has-been. (She walks off. She walks out of the room and sees Madison. She walks up to her)
MADISON: Before you say anything, the reason I’m late is because of you. SENECA: What on earth are you talking about? MADISON: Your sick little scheme is ruining my life. SENECA: I’m still lost. MADISON: I was about to sleep with Trey last night and Logan found out. Now he won’t even speak to me. SENECA: If you’re talking about that no-name, Midwestern hick, who cares? MADISON: You know, that’s exactly what Trey said, but guess what? I care. That’s all that matters. SENECA: How touching. However, that doesn’t dismiss the fact that I want you to continue seducing Trey. MADISON: Of course not. You’ve never been one to take other people’s feelings into consideration. SENECA: And that’s why I’m the owner of this magazine and you’re just a sad, pathetic loser. (She walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(LUTHER-THOMAS HOSPITAL: Elliott is walking down the hall. He sees Jake standing at the nurse’s station. He walks up to him) ELLIOTT: Jake, what are you doing here? JAKE: Oh, Elliott. There you are. I came by to drop off your house key. ELLIOTT: I’m actually glad you stopped by. I wanted to talk to you. JAKE: I don’t really have much time. I have to go apartment hunting before work. ELLIOTT: That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. JAKE: There’s really not much to say. ELLIOTT: Jake, I’m really sorry for the way I acted this morning. I was totally out of line. JAKE: No, you were just being honest. ELLIOTT: No. I was just being scared. I was really uncomfortable and I reacted very badly. JAKE: You don’t have to apologize or explain anything to me, Elliott. ELLIOTT: Jake, you don’t have to leave. I’d like you to stay at the house. JAKE: I can’t do that. ELLIOTT: Why not? JAKE: It’s your house, Elliott, and no one should feel uncomfortable in their own home. That’s not fair to you. ELLIOTT: Jake, I told you...I want you to stay. JAKE: I’m sorry, but I can’t. Goodbye Elliott. (He walks off) (Evelyn walks up) EVELYN: It doesn’t look like the happy couple is doing too good. ELLIOTT: Evelyn...oh, Jake and I aren’t together. I’m not gay. EVELYN: You sure picked a weird time to be confused about your sexuality. This sort of thing usually happens during the adolescent years. ELLIOTT: No. I’ve never doubted my heterosexuality. Jake and I were just pretending to be a couple so that Malle Roberts would drop her case against me. EVELYN: Okay. If you say so. ELLIOTT: Evelyn, what the hell do you want? EVELYN: I have a matter of business to discuss with you. ELLIOTT: This is all I need. EVELYN: I think you’ll like what I have to say. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Jessica is standing near a set. Judd walks in and walks up to her) JUDD: Hey, Jess. You got a minute? JESSICA: Sure. What’s up? JUDD: I just want to apologize for the way I acted this morning. I really didn’t mean to take it out on you. JESSICA: It’s fine. I know you’re just trying to help out your friend. I shouldn’t put you down for that. But Judd, there is something I really want to know... JUDD: What? JESSICA: Well, it’s none of my business, but are you having an affair with Alicia? JUDD: Where would you get an idea like that? JESSICA: Teresa suspects that the two of you have been together. JUDD: Excuse me. (He rushes off) JESSICA: Judd, wait...
(He walks into the next room where he sees Teresa. He grabs her arm and pulls her aside) TERESA: Ow! JUDD: What the hell is your problem? TERESA: My problem? You’re the one who burst into the room and attacked me! JUDD: I’m talking about what you said to Jessica. TERESA: Is that bitch stirring up more trouble? I’ve had it with her. JUDD: Did you tell her that Alicia and I were having an affair? TERESA: No. JUDD: Then why would she say that? TERESA: I don’t know. Maybe because she has no life of her own so she’s trying to ruin mine. JUDD: You better not say a word to anyone. I saved your ass, remember?! TERESA: Look, the only reason Jessica is concerned is because she’s jealous. JUDD: What do you mean? TERESA: Oh, please, don’t tell me you don’t notice how she falls all over you. Jessica is totally in love with you. JUDD: Do me a favor, Teresa. Just mind your own damn business! (He walks off)
(Judd walks into a room where Alicia is standing. He walks up to her) JUDD: Can we talk? ALICIA: Judd...I don’t think that’s a very good idea. Riley is gonna be back any minute and he’ll go ballistic if he finds you in here. JUDD: I think I proved this morning that I don’t give a damn what Riley thinks. Besides, what I have to say is pretty important. I think Teresa is talking about us having an affair. Now Jessica suspects something. ALICIA: I thought she promised not to talk. JUDD: She did, but this is Teresa we’re talking about. How much can you trust her? ALICIA: Riley can’t find out! JUDD: I know that, Alicia. God, I’m so sick of hearing the name Riley. ALICIA: You know, I’m still very angry with you for the way you behaved this morning. JUDD: Don’t tell me he didn’t deserve it. ALICIA: Judd, you keep forgetting that Riley is my husband... JUDD: How can I forget it when you remind me every five seconds?! You know, you’re gonna waste your life away defending him and never have a life of your own. I know you hate me right now but everything I do, I’m doing for you. ALICIA: I told you, Judd. I don’t need your help. I know what I’m doing. JUDD: Fine. I’ll stay away from you if that’s what you want. But first I want to hear you say the words. This relationship - whatever we have - I want to know it’s over. ALICIA: Judd, don’t make me do this. JUDD: Say it, Alicia. Say it’s over. ALICIA: It’s over. I’m sorry. (He walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott knocks on Donovan’s door. Donovan opens it) ELLIOTT: Hey buddy, how’s it going? DONOVAN: So far, bad. . . now that you’re here, it’s just been upgraded to terrible. ELLIOTT: Yeah, I heard about the bad luck with the club. Tough break. DONOVAN: Thanks for the condolences. (He starts to shut the door but Elliott holds it open) ELLIOTT: Can I come for a minute? DONOVAN: No. ELLIOTT: Come on. I really want to talk to you about something. Just give me five minutes. DONOVAN: Fine.
(Elliott walks in. Donovan shuts the door) ELLIOTT: Thanks. DONOVAN: I’m timing you. (he looks at his watch) Go. ELLIOTT: Stop joking around. This is serious. Can I pour myself a drink? DONOVAN: Just get to your point, Elliott. (Elliott walks to the wet bar and pours a drink) ELLIOTT: Well, Evelyn explained to me the fix that you’re in. DONOVAN: Yeah, and did she tell you it was all her fault? ELLIOTT: You know Evelyn...won’t ever admit to being wrong. DONOVAN: Yeah, well, she majorly screwed me over. ELLIOTT: And I’m here to unscrew you, so to speak. DONOVAN: Judging from your recent change in lifestyle, I don’t want you using me and the word "screw" in the same sentence. ELLIOTT: Very funny. By the way, I’m not gay. Long story. That’s not what’s important. What is important is that I’m gonna help you rebuild your club. DONOVAN: Yeah. I’ve heard that before. ELLIOTT: No, I’m serious. Even though you just mocked my so-called sexuality, it saved me one and a half million dollars. So, let’s just say I now have the financial means to assist you. DONOVAN: Why would you do this for me, Elliott? What’s in it for you? ELLIOTT: Ah, you know me too well. Let’s just say I don’t want to invest in your club, I want to buy into it. DONOVAN: Forget it. ELLIOTT: No, hear me out. I have a lot of great ideas. You and I could be partners on this. DONOVAN: I would rather be hit by a train. ELLIOTT: Come on. I don’t see any other offers flying around. DONOVAN: You know, the only reason Evelyn told you about this is so she could get herself out of a fix. She doesn’t want me to take her to court. ELLIOTT: Ulterior motives aren’t important. At least consider my offer. (Donovan opens the door. Elliott finishes his drink and walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Trey barges into Seneca’s office. She is sitting at her desk) SENECA: What the hell do you think you’re doing? TREY: Is it true?! SENECA: What are you babbling about? TREY: Madison told me that you tried to force her into a relationship with me. Is that true?! (Seneca stands) SENECA: That little bitch will never learn when to keep her mouth shut, will she? TREY: So, then it is true. SENECA: Of course it is. I want to keep you out of my life and I saw a perfect chance to do so with Madison. Unfortunately, you can never count on anyone but yourself to get the job done. TREY: You are really a piece of work, Seneca. SENECA: Speaking of work, you should get back to yours, unless you wanna lose your promotion. TREY: Promotion? What are you talking about? SENECA: Surprise. Congratulations, Trey. You’ve just been promoted to fashion editor. Stay out of my hair and we’ll keep it that way. (She walks out of the room and into Madison’s office)
SENECA: You’re fired. You have five minutes to pack up your things and get the hell out. (She walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(HOT DOG VENDOR: Logan and Stephanie walk up) LOGAN: Two with everything, please. (he turns to her) Sorry. This is all I had time for today. My patient load is really growing. STEPHANIE: I’m really glad things are working out so well for you here. LOGAN: Yeah. Professionally, anyway. (They get their food and begin walking) STEPHANIE: Right. I guess your personal life could stand a few improvements here and there. LOGAN: I think now that I have this whole Madison thing behind me, I’ll be fine. I’m just gonna make sure to steer clear of all those people in that neighborhood. I don’t think I trust a one of them. STEPHANIE: I bet you’re missing home right now. LOGAN: Yeah. All of a sudden, mom and dad don’t seem so bad anymore. STEPHANIE: Well, when they ask about my trip, I’ll be sure to leave out all of the parts that involve Madison. If I told them what was going on, they’d never stop badgering you about moving back. LOGAN: That is not gonna happen. STEPHANIE: Calm down, Logan. I wasn’t suggesting anything. LOGAN: I know. It’s just, despite everything, I really am happy to be living here. I know you haven’t seen it yet, but New York has the potential to be a really cool place. I just wish your trip had turned out better. STEPHANIE: Don’t worry about it, Logan. I had a good time. LOGAN: Are you sure you have to leave tonight? STEPHANIE: Yeah. If I’m not back tonight, James is gonna kill me. LOGAN: Fine. Then what do you say we have a night to remember. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(NEW WORLD MODELING: Evelyn and Jessica are standing in her office, looking at drawings) JESSICA: I think this one would really be the way to go. It’s more elegant. EVELYN: Yeah, but the red dress is more multi-functional. It could be worn on a simple dinner date or to a museum opening. JESSICA: That’s true. So, then we’ll go with the red one. I’ll have it ready by tomorrow morning. EVELYN: Perfect. JESSICA: Evelyn, I really want to thank you for agreeing to still work with me. EVELYN: Of course. Why wouldn’t I? JESSICA: Well, after everything that’s been going on between Teresa and I, I would understand if you chose to use a different designer. EVELYN: You don’t have to worry, Jessica, I assure you. I hold Teresa responsible for everything that’s happened. I spoke to Seneca Ward earlier and she’s already banned Teresa from any further shoots with her magazine. She’s giving my company a very bad name and I am not gonna allow her to get away with it. (Teresa bursts into the room, walks up to Jessica and slaps her) TERESA: I warned you to leave me alone, you bitch! JESSICA: What is wrong with you? EVELYN: That’s it! Teresa, get out of my office now and don’t bother coming back. TERESA: Go to hell - both of you! (She walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(GINO’S: Elliott walks into a dirty restaurant and takes a look around. He walks to a man behind the counter) ELLIOTT: Hi. I’m looking for Jake Vincent. GINO: Jake!!!! (Jake walks out front) JAKE: Yeah? GINO: Someone's here to see ya. JAKE: Elliott...what are you doing here? ELLIOTT: I need to talk to you for a minute. (Jake looks to the man for approval) GINO: Make it fast, kid! JAKE: Let’s go outside.
(He and Elliott walk outside) ELLIOTT: This is where you work? This is the restaurant that you always bragged about?! This place is a dump! JAKE: Well, if you’re done berating me... ELLIOTT: No. I’m not berating you. I’m sorry. I was just a little surprised, that’s all. I expected something a little nicer. JAKE: I knew you would. That’s why I lied. See, I’m not like you and your friends. I don’t have money and a big house and a new car. I’m just an average guy. ELLIOTT: You’re not average, Jake. You’re a really great guy. That’s why I came here. I have some good news for you. JAKE: What do you mean? ELLIOTT: You remember the club I told you about that was being torn down in our neighborhood? JAKE: The Grey Tower? ELLIOTT: Yeah. Well, Donovan, the owner...his investor fell through. So, I worked my magic and bought half of the club. We start rebuilding at the end of the week. JAKE: Congratulations. But what does all of this have to do with me? ELLIOTT: I talked Donovan into building a restaurant alongside the club. We’re gonna call it Jake’s. JAKE: Jake’s? ELLIOTT: Yeah. One guess at who is gonna run the restaurant... JAKE: What? Are you serious? ELLIOTT: Completely. JAKE: Why would you do this for me? ELLIOTT: Two reasons...first of all, because I still feel really terrible for the way I treated you. Secondly, because I really owe you one. You saved me a lot of money on that Malle Roberts case. It’s the least I could do for you. JAKE: I don’t know what to say. No one’s ever done anything like this for me. ELLIOTT: A simple thank you would suffice. JAKE: Thank you. ELLIOTT: You’re welcome. And since you’re gonna be working in the neighborhood, I thought you’d need to be close by, so I want you to move back in. What do you think? JAKE: I’d love to. (He starts to hug him, but stops and puts out his hand. Elliott hugs him) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Jessica walks in. Judd is sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hands) JESSICA: Hey. What’s going on? JUDD: It’s over. JESSICA: What are you talking about? JUDD: My relationship with’s over. JESSICA: So, Teresa was right. You two were having an affair. JUDD: Not exactly. We love with one another. It’s never gone past that. JESSICA: Judd, I don’t know what to say. JUDD: Was Teresa right about you? (He stands up and walks to her) JESSICA: What do you mean? JUDD: She told me you’re in love with me. JESSICA: What? JUDD: Are you? JESSICA: That’s absurd. We’re just friends. JUDD: That still doesn’t answer my question. Are you in love with me? JESSICA: Yes. (He kisses her. He unzips the back of her dress and it falls to the floor. She pulls his shirt off and they lie down on the ground) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(EQUINOX RESTAURANT: Stephanie and Logan are eating dinner) STEPHANIE: This is really a nice restaurant. You won’t find anything like this back in Wisconsin. LOGAN: Yeah. It’s great. In fact, Madison is the one who showed this place to me. She and I have had dinner here before. (Madison walks up, obviously drunk) MADISON: Well, well...look who it is. LOGAN: Madison...what are you doing here? MADISON: Just at the bar having a few drinks. LOGAN: More like a few too many. You’re drunk. MADISON: Well, what do you expect, Logan? I lost my job today. I told Trey about Seneca’s little plan and she fired me. LOGAN: Well, that’s your problem, not mine. I hope you didn’t come here looking for sympathy. MADISON: No. I wouldn’t expect it. After all, I got myself into my own mess, right? STEPHANIE: I’m sorry to butt in. I’ve tried to hold my tongue for Logan’s sake, but I’m not gonna do it anymore. I want you to leave our table and leave us alone! MADISON: Who asked you, bitch?! (Madison picks up Logan’s glass and throws his champagne in Stephanie’s face. Stephanie screams. Madison walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Alicia is in her kitchen setting the table. There’s a knock at the door) ALICIA: I’ll get it!! (She rushes to the door and opens it) Teresa. TERESA: Don’t freak out. I just want to talk to you a second. ALICIA: I’m about to have dinner. TERESA: I just want you to know that whatever Jessica Murphy says, I didn’t tell her about you and Judd. ALICIA: Then how does she know? TERESA: I don’t know. I just wanted you to know I’m not the one, that way Judd won’t go to the police and tell them he lied about being my alibi. Without Judd’s help, I’d be in big trouble right now. ALICIA: Well, I hope it wasn’t you, because you promised to be quiet about this. TERESA: I know. I won’t tell anyone about your affair with Judd. RILEY: What did she just say? (Alicia turns around and sees Riley standing behind her)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER 2000 Back To Brooklyn Court Back To Main Page