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TERESA: I'm sick of working with self-righteous trash like Jessica Murphy!
EVELYN: If you aren't on that set in an hour, consider yourself without
an agency.

(Teresa slaps Jessica)
TERESA: I warned you to leave me alone, you bitch!
EVELYN: Teresa, get out of my office now and don't bother coming back!

JUDD: This relationship - whatever we have - I want to know it's over.
ALICIA: It's over. I'm sorry.

JUDD: My relationship with's over.
JESSICA: I don't know what to say.
JUDD: Are you in love with me?
(He kisses her and they undress each other and fall to the floor)

ELLIOTT: I have the financial means to assist you.
DONOVAN: What's in it for you?
ELLIOTT: I don't want to invest in your club, I want to buy into it. Consider my 

ELLIOTT: I talked Donovan into building a restaurant alongside the club. We're gonna
call it Jake's.
JAKE: Thank you.
ELLIOTT: I want you to move back in.
JAKE: I'd love to. 

TREY: Madison told me that you tried to force her into a relationship with me.
SENECA: Congratulations. You've been promoted to fashion editor. Stay out of 
my hair and we'll keep it that way.

SENECA: (To Madison) You're fired.

LOGAN: (To Stephanie) Let's have a night to remember.

LOGAN:'re drunk.
MADISON: Well, what do you expect, Logan?
STEPHANIE: I want you to leave our table and leave us alone.
MADISON: Who asked you, bitch?!
(She throws a drink in Stephanie's face)

ALICIA: You promised to be quiet about this.
TERESA: I know. I won't tell anyone about your affair with Judd.
RILEY: What did she just say?!



Frank Grillo as...


Tyler Christopher as...


Deryl George as...


Brian Garrish as...



Matt Miller as...

(BROOKLYN COURT: Teresa and Alicia are standing near the doorway of Alicia and Riley’s house, looking shocked. Riley is standing near them) RILEY: Answer me, Alicia. What did she just say? ALICIA: Riley, I can explain... RILEY: Well, somebody better! TERESA: I think I’ll just leave the two of you alone. RILEY: That’s probably a good idea! (She walks off) ALICIA: Riley, I...I... RILEY: I think we need to take this inside.
(She walks inside. He walks in after her, slamming the door behind them) ALICIA: So, let me explain. RILEY: Is it true?! Are you having an affair?! ALICIA: No. Of course not. RILEY: Oh, I see. This is something Teresa just made up, right?! ALICIA: No. Not exactly. It’s really complicated. RILEY: I can’t believe this! How could you do this to me?! ALICIA: Riley, please, don’t get upset! Just let me explain! RILEY: Let you explain?! Let you explain? What?! What a slut you are! (He slaps her. She grabs her face and kneels down in terror) ALICIA: Riley...please stop! RILEY: Get up and get dinner ready. You make me sick! (He walks off. She slides down to the floor, crying) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Riley is standing in the bedroom, getting dressed. He is talking to Alicia, who is out of sight) RILEY: How’s it coming along?...Alicia!...Alicia, how does it look? (He walks into the bathroom, where Alicia is trying to put makeup over a bruised cheek)
ALICIA: Do you notice? RILEY: God, it looks so much worse that what it is. ALICIA: What should I do? RILEY: I think you should just stay home from work today. If somebody saw this, they’d probably think I was an abusive husband or something. And I don’t want you going anywhere today, do you understand me?! Nowhere. If I find out that you so much as stepped outside that front door, you’re gonna regret it. ALICIA: I won’t. Riley, I just wish you’d let me explain what’s going on. It’s not what you think. RILEY: Alicia, if I were you, I’d shut my mouth because if I hear one more word about this, I’m gonna end up losing my temper. I don’t think you want that, do you? ALICIA: No. RILEY: Good. Now be a good little wife and keep your legs closed while I’m gone. (He kisses her forehead and walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Judd wakes up and rubs his eyes. He slowly gets out of bed and walks down the hall. He looks over the rail and sees Jessica walking out the front door) JUDD: Jessica! (She shuts the door. He quickly runs downstairs. He runs out as she gets in her car, starts it and drives away, without seeing him) Jessica! Dammit. (He is standing on the road right in front of the driveway. A car speeds up behind him and honks the horn. He turns around and jumps, narrowly missing being hit by the car. He notices that it is Riley’s car. Riley continues driving away)
(Across the court, Alicia looks out of an upstairs window and watches Judd walk back into his house) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison knocks on Logan’s front door. He opens the door and walks out. He keeps walking past her) LOGAN: You’re not welcome here. (She follows him) MADISON: Actually, I’m here to see your sister. I want to apologize for my behavior last night. I was really drunk. LOGAN: No kidding? Well, I took Stephanie to the airport last night. But just so you know, even if she were here, she wouldn’t forgive you. MADISON: Whatever happened to the kind, caring, forgiving Logan I met? LOGAN: You used up all of your forgiveness already, Madison. MADISON: Logan, can’t you understand what I’m going through here? My whole life has just been yanked out from under me. LOGAN: You have no one to blame for that but yourself. (He climbs in to his jeep and starts the engine) MADISON: Logan, please wait. Just talk to me. LOGAN: You know, I almost considered moving back to Wisconsin but I refuse to let you have that kind of control over my life. Do me a favor. Leave me alone. (He drives off) (Elliott walks up to her) ELLIOTT: Couldn’t help but overhear what just happened. MADISON: I’m sure if you tried, you could’ve. ELLIOTT: You really have a way of getting yourself into messes, don’t you? MADISON: Oh, you should talk. ELLIOTT: Well, anyway, Jake and I are gonna have our own restaurant built and we’re gonna start hiring waitresses real soon. I just wanted to let you know, since you’re in the market for a new career and all. MADISON: Go to hell, Elliott. (She walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Seneca walks in to Trey’s office. He is sitting at his desk) SENECA: Are you capable of doing your job or should I find a replacement? TREY: Wow. You don’t waste any time, do you? Roughly 8 a.m. and you’re already in full bitch mode. SENECA: Do you want to tell me what the hell this article is all about?! TREY: What do you mean? SENECA: Well, first of all, how could you allow this garbage to pass by your desk? TREY: Seneca, look closely. I’m the one who wrote that. SENECA: I wouldn’t go around bragging about that if I were you. TREY: Look, what’s wrong with it? SENECA: It’s purely opinionated fluff. No tangible information whatsoever. To put it bluntly, it’s crap. TREY: Well, I think you should let me be the judge of that. I am the new fashion editor of this magazine, or have you so quickly forgotten? SENECA: You’re right. I apologize. I’ll let you get back to work. TREY: Thank you. (She walks out. She walks up to her secretary’s desk)
SENECA: Get Madison Turner on the phone.
(She walks into her office, sits at her desk and picks up the phone) SENECA: Madison, hi. It’s Seneca. I have a plan that I would really like to discuss with you. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott is sitting at the kitchen table. Jake is standing at the stove, cooking) JAKE: So, what’s everyone like around here? I mean, you know, anyone who plays for my team, so to speak? ELLIOTT: You mean are you the only queer in the neighborhood? JAKE: Well, yeah. I guess you could put it like that. ELLIOTT: I’m pretty sure you’re a one-of-a-kind here. JAKE: That’s too bad. I’ve seen a lot of really cute guys out and about. ELLIOTT: Well, there’s always Donovan. JAKE: You think he’s gay? ELLIOTT: Well, if anyone is - it’s him. He says he was married once. But no one knew him at the time and he can offer no explanation as to the whereabouts of his one-time bride. And no one has ever seen him with a woman, and that says a lot with all of these nosy neighbors. So who knows? JAKE: So, anyway, what are Donovan’s feelings on the new restaurant? Is this something he’s happy about? ELLIOTT: Sure. Anything that makes money, makes Donovan happy. I think that can be said for anybody, especially anyone around here. JAKE: That’s true. ELLIOTT: But seriously, Donovan and I had a little chat last night and he said that he’d like to talk to you about the restaurant, if you don’t mind. JAKE: That’d be great. (He carries the pan over to the table and offers Elliott a spoonful) JAKE: Taste this. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Riley walks in to a room where Judd is working on a set) RILEY: Let’s hurry it up! We have a shoot to do! JUDD: Riley, you and I need to talk. RILEY: Didn’t you just hear me, you imbicil? I said we have work to do, so get your ass busy! I’m tired of you screwing around. Even though, it apparently is something you’re very good at. JUDD: What the hell is that supposed to mean? RILEY: Let’s not play stupid, okay, Judd? We both know you’ve been having your way with my wife. JUDD: Well, at least that explains the murder attempt this morning. RILEY: Trust me, if I had wanted to kill you - I would have. JUDD: Look, Riley, I don’t know what you think is happening between Alicia and I, but I can promise you that you’re wrong. RILEY: That’s not what Teresa seems to think. And let’s just say that my wife didn’t deny it. JUDD: Teresa is the one who told you this? RILEY: Let’s not dwell on the particulars. Let’s just say that if I see you and Alicia within 50 feet of each other, I’ll see to it that you spend an eternity hell, because I’ll kill both of you. (He walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(NEW WORLD MODELING: Evelyn is standing with a young woman, who is taking notes. Evelyn notices the elevator door open and Teresa steps off) EVELYN: As if my financial troubles weren’t enough - here comes more trouble. (Evelyn walks up to Teresa and grabs her arm) TERESA: Evelyn... EVELYN: I suggest you turn around and get right back on that elevator. If you’re not out of here in five minutes, I’ll call security. TERESA: Get your hands off me! (She jerks away) What the hell are you doing? EVELYN: Need I remind you, Teresa, you are no longer an employee of this agency. I don’t want anything to do with you. TERESA: Evelyn, come on. You weren’t serious about that whole firing me thing, were you? EVELYN: Do I seem like the joking kind to you? TERESA: Look, the resentment I feel for Jessica Murphy is completely a personal matter. It has nothing to do with business. EVELYN: Well, I think it does. And I’m the one whose opinion matters. TERESA: You can’t just boot me out, Evelyn. I’ve brought a lot of money and clients to this place. I’m one of the most sought-after models in New York. EVELYN: Well, if you have so many offers, I suggest you go take one, because like I said, you’re not wanted here anymore. TERESA: Fine. But you’re gonna regret this. (Evelyn pushes the elevator button) EVELYN: Somehow, I doubt that. TERESA: I can’t believe you’re turning your back on me for that lying, backstabbing whore. (The elevator door opens) EVELYN: If anyone around here is a lying, backstabbing whore, Teresa - it’s you. (She pushes Teresa forcefully into the elevator. The door shuts. Evelyn dusts off her hands and walks away) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Jake walks up Donovan’s sidewalk, carrying a covered dish. Donovan walks out of the house as Jake reaches the door) JAKE: Oh, looks like I barely caught you. DONOVAN: Jake, hi. Yeah, I was just on my way to the site. I wanted to make sure everything was cleaned up and we’re ready to rebuild. JAKE: You must be pretty excited. DONOVAN: Yeah. I think this is exactly what the club needed. A fresh, new beginning. JAKE: Kinda like my life. DONOVAN: Yeah. I heard that you’re gonna be living with Elliott indefinitely. JAKE: He’s really a great guy. DONOVAN: Let me let you in a little secret, Jake. He’s not that nice. (Jake laughs) JAKE: I think Elliott is just really misunderstood. DONOVAN: Well, either way, I know it’s not gonna be a smooth ride being business partners with him. In fact, I hope since you’re gonna be the one who’s actually running the restaurant, that you’ll be the one I do most of the work with. JAKE: Yeah, I think that’s the way Elliott wants it to. I mean, he really has no interest in trying to run a restaurant and a club. DONOVAN: You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. JAKE: Well, I’ll let you get to the site. I just wanted to bring by this dish I’ve been working on. Elliott loved it and if you agree, I’m hoping to put it on the menu when the restaurant opens. (He hands the dish to Donovan) DONOVAN: Okay. Well, I’ll just take it with me and eat it at lunch. I’m sure if you’re half the chef Elliott says you are, I’ll love it. JAKE: Okay, well, I’ll see you later. DONOVAN: Okay. (Donovan starts walking. He stops and turns around) Jake... JAKE: Yeah? DONOVAN: I was just wondering - if you’re not busy tonight, would you like to have dinner with me? JAKE: Um, sure. That’d be wonderful. DONOVAN: Okay. Let’s shoot for 8. I’ll swing by and pick you up. JAKE: Great. (They smile at each other. Donovan walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(CENTRAL PARK: Madison sees Seneca sitting on a bench. She walks up to her. Seneca stands) SENECA: Well, it’s about damn time. MADISON: Sorry, but you’re directions weren’t exactly crystal clear. Do you know how many park benches I’ve been to on the westside? Why didn’t you just have me meet you at the office? SENECA: Because, you moron, what I have to talk about involves someone at work. And as plaintive as it sounds, I can’t trust anyone in that office. MADISON: Well, on behalf of your staff, working under one of the most conniving bitches in Manhattan, you don’t exactly learn to be trustful and virtuous. SENECA: Enough with the flattery. Let’s get down to business. I’ve found a sure-fire way to get Trey out of my life...for good. MADISON: Okay, I’m really not following. If you want Trey out of your life so bad, why don’t you just fire me? It doesn’t make much sense to me that instead you gave him a promotion. SENECA: That’s because you’ve never learned to think like a real business woman. Firing Trey would be easy, sure, but that would only leave me looking hateful and vindictive. MADISON: I hate to burst your bubble, Seneca, but everyone who knows you would use those two words in your character profile. SENECA: Just shut up and listen, okay? I want you to go to the police and tell them that Trey is the one responsible for the shooting. MADISON: Oh my God. Is it true? SENECA: I don’t know. It could be. That’s not the point. The point is that the gunman is still at large and it doesn’t appear that the NYPD are gonna find him anytime soon, so why not use that to my advantage. We can set up Trey up and have him sent to prison for a very, very long time. MADISON: If you’re so hell-bent on destroying Trey, why don’t you just turn him in yourself? SENECA: It seems too obvious that I’m just out to get him. Whereas if you’re the one pointing the finger, it won’t look like a sham. And Trey will never suspect that I had anything to do with it...after all, I’m on his side. I mean, I just gave him a hefty promotion at work, didn’t I? MADISON: Just one more question...what’s in it for me? SENECA: How does your old job and a 5% raise sound? MADISON: 20% and you’ve got a deal. SENECA: 10%. Final offer. Take it or leave it. MADISON: Deal. SENECA: Wonderful. Don’t fail me, Madison. (She walks off) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(SKYLINE MODELS: Teresa walks into an older man’s office. He is sitting at his desk) TERESA: Hello, Mr. Garner. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak with you. RAYMOND: Have a seat, Ms. Sumner. (She sits) TERESA: Thanks. RAYMOND: Did you bring your portfolio along with you? TERESA: Uh, yes sir. Right here. (She hands it to him and he begins to look through it) RAYMOND: Not too bad. TERESA: It’s not exactly my best work. RAYMOND: Well, I hate to break it to you, Ms. Sumner, but that’s sorta the point of a portfolio. If you don’t consider this your best work, perhaps you should get your act together and come back another time. TERESA: See, the problem is that I just left my previous agency, New World Modeling, and I really haven’t had a chance to steal my portfolio away from them. It was a very sudden decision to leave. RAYMOND: And what prompted this decision? TERESA: I like to cite my reasons as personal. RAYMOND: Well, at the risk of sounding rude, Ms. Sumner, I’m not highly impressed with this interview thus far. TERESA: Sir, listen, I’m sure you can get by these little technicalities. I mean, we both know that I’m one of the top models in the market right now. And besides that, I have so much more to offer than most. RAYMOND: What do you mean? What do you have to offer me? (She stands and drops her dress to the floor) TERESA: How about this? RAYMOND: Trust me, Ms. Sumner, this is nothing I haven’t seen before. Girls like you are a dime a dozen. They’re called sluts and I don’t deal with them. My agency hires on the basis of talent. It’s quite clear that you have none. Put on your clothes. You’ve not only wasted your time, but you’ve wasted mine as well. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Jessica drives into her driveway. She sees Judd walking across the court. She watches as he knocks on Alicia’s door. Alicia opens the door and Judd goes inside) ALICIA: Judd, you really shouldn’t be here. JUDD: I just wanted to see how you were doing. ALICIA: I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be? JUDD: You don’t have to play dumb, Alicia. I know that Riley found out about us. ALICIA: How did you find out? JUDD: Well, if the fact that he tried to run me over this morning isn’t enough, he threatened me at work today. ALICIA: Oh my God. I was afraid this was gonna happen. JUDD: What did you expect, Alicia? The guy just found out that his wife was sleeping with his mortal enemy. ALICIA: Judd, we aren’t sleeping together. JUDD: I know. I told him that, but of course, he didn’t believe me. I am really gonna kill for Teresa for this. ALICIA: Judd, this isn’t her fault. JUDD: What? Riley said that Teresa is the one who told him about this. ALICIA: Not really. He just happened to overhear she and I talking. Teresa was actually promising not to tell anyone when Riley snuck up behind us and heard. JUDD: Anyway, how are you? What happened between the two of you when Riley found out? ALICIA: Nothing, so I hope you didn’t come here hoping that we could start a real affair. I’m gonna work this out with him, Judd. JUDD: That is not what I’m doing, Alicia. I was just worried about you. ALICIA: Well don’t be. He was just a little upset, that’s all. It wasn’t that big a deal. JUDD: Not a big deal? Alicia, the guy’s a psycho even when there isn’t a life-altering secret being kept from him. ALICIA: He wasn’t angry, okay? He didn’t lay a hand on me! JUDD: Alicia, that’s not what I was suggesting. ALICIA: Good. Because that’s not the kind of person he is. He’s not violent. Riley would never hit me. JUDD: You’re right. Because if he ever does... ALICIA: Judd, just drop it, okay? I just think you should leave. Riley is gonna come home anytime now. JUDD: You let me know if anything happens. Promise me. ALICIA: Fine. I promise. Now go. (He walks out. She shuts the door and cries) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Jessica walks across the street and knocks on Logan’s door. He opens it) LOGAN: Can I help you? JESSICA: Yeah, hi. You and I haven’t been formally introduced yet. I’m Jessica Murphy. (shakes his hand) LOGAN: Logan Curtis. JESSICA: I just live right over there. LOGAN: Right. I think I’ve seen you around. JESSICA: Probably. Living in such a confined space, everyone seems to see everyone else a little too much. LOGAN: Yeah. You can say that again. I’ve only been here a short while and I’ve had my share of all the snooping neighbors. (She laughs) JESSICA: Yeah, I know what you mean. Probably isn’t too great being squished between Madison and Trey. LOGAN: You have no idea. So, um, is this just a friendly welcome or is there something I can do for you? JESSICA: Well, this is gonna seem highly unprofessional and completely inappropriate, but I was wondering if you could help me out with a problem I’m having. I mean, I know that you’re a psychiatrist and I realize these aren’t office hours or anything, but it’s really the only time of the day I’m free. I’d be willing to pay extra for your help. LOGAN: Why don’t you come in? JESSICA: Are you sure? LOGAN: Yeah. JESSICA: Oh, thank you so much.
(She walks in and he shuts the door) LOGAN: Can I get you something to drink? JESSICA: Oh no. You’re being too generous, as it is. LOGAN: Okay. Why don’t you have a seat? (They sit down) LOGAN: So, what’s your problem, Jessica? JESSICA: It’s one as old as time. The person I’m in love with is in love with someone else. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott walks into his house. Jake comes rushing out of the hallway, dressed nicely) JAKE: It’s about time. I thought you’d never get home. ELLIOTT: What are you so excited about? JAKE: I have really, really great news. But first, tell me how I look. ELLIOTT: I thought I told you, Jake. I’m not interested in men. JAKE: Oh shut up! ELLIOTT: Honestly, you look very nice. What’s the occasion? JAKE: I have a date. ELLIOTT: A date? Wow. You don’t waste any time, do you? Who’s the lucky man? JAKE: Well, let’s just say that you’re suspicions about a certain neighbor turned out to be true. ELLIOTT: Donovan? JAKE: Yep! Isn’t that great? ELLIOTT: Don’t ask me. JAKE: Elliott, I’m serious. Stop with the gay jokes. ELLIOTT: Oh, this has nothing to do with being gay, buddy, I just personally think the guy’s a big loser. JAKE: Donovan is not a loser. He’s a very sweet, caring person. ELLIOTT: Let’s see, you’ve known him all of...what? Five seconds? JAKE: He just seemed really great. Can’t you be happy for me? ELLIOTT: You know I am. So, how’d you find out about this? I mean, you didn’t just go up and question his sexuality, did you? JAKE: Actually, he’s the one who asked me out. ELLIOTT: Well, congratulations, Jake. I gotta hit the shower. Knock ‘em dead, kid. (He walks out. Jake smiles) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(POLICE STATION: Grant walks into a hall where Madison is sitting) GRANT: Ms. Turner, you can come on in. (She stands and walks into the office. He shuts the door. She sits down and he walks to the opposite side of the desk and sits) MADISON: Thanks for making time to see me, Detective. GRANT: Well, you said you had some information about the shooting at the Grey Tower. MADISON: Yeah, I’m afraid I do. GRANT: Anything you have will be great. Our investigation was cut rather short due to the fact that the club was demolished. It took away any chance we had of finding clues. That’s why right now, I’m keeping a close eye on the owner, Donovan Grey. I think he may have intentionally had the club destroyed in order to throw us off his trail. MADISON: Not a bad theory, but you’re wrong. GRANT: What do you mean I’m wrong? MADISON: Well, I know for certain that Donovan isn’t the one responsible for the incident. GRANT: Then who is? MADISON: Trey Anderson. GRANT: Do you have any proof to back up your conjecture? MADISON: Oh, this is no guess, Detective. Trey came to me personally with his plan. He told me that he was planning on hiring someone to kill his wife. GRANT: You mean Seneca Ward? MADISON: Yeah. I didn’t think he’d actually go through with it or else I would’ve notified someone back then. GRANT: Well, what about since? Why haven’t you come forth with this information? MADISON: To be honest, I was scared for my life. If Trey knew I turned him in, no telling what he’d do to me. GRANT: I see. Is that all the proof that you have to offer, Ms. Turner? MADISON: Not quite. I have something that’s gonna make you 100% sure that Trey is behind this. GRANT: And what’s that? MADISON: Not what. Who? (She stands and opens a door and a young man walks in) GRANT: Who is this? MADISON: Seth Helton. This is one of the people Trey tried to hire to kill Seneca. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Teresa is lying on her couch in the dark, watching T.V.) WOMAN ON T.V.: It’s ruined! My whole life is ruined! I have nothing to live for anymore! I should just kill myself!! TERESA: What a great idea. (There’s a knock on the door. Teresa turns off the T.V. and opens the door. There is a man standing in her doorway with a briefcase) LYLE: Are you Teresa Sumner? TERESA: Unfortunately. What do you want? (He shakes her hand) LYLE: Sorry to bother you so late. I’m Lyle Morgan. I’m with Afterglow Cosmetics. TERESA: Of course. I’ve heard of you. Come in. LYLE: Thank you. (He walks in. She shuts the door) TERESA: Can I get you something to drink, Mr. Morgan? LYLE: No. I’m fine. And please, call me Lyle. TERESA: Sure. Whatever you like. So, what brings you to my home, Lyle? LYLE: Well, actually, I come with great news. TERESA: I like you already. LYLE: Out of the three hundred candidates we had to choose from, our company has chosen you to represent us. TERESA: Oh my God. This is awesome. LYLE: We’d like to offer you a contract to model for us. It’s a 3 million dollar, 2 year contract. Would you be interested in a commitment like that? TERESA: Would I be interested? Hell yes! Where do I sign? LYLE: Well, I can have all the papers drawn up and come by your agency tomorrow and we can finalize it. TERESA: Oh, well, actually I’m in between agencies right now. LYLE: Oh, that’s too bad. TERESA: What do you mean ‘too bad’? LYLE: Our contract is only available to models who are represented by an agency. I’m sorry. _________________________________________________________________________________________
(EQUINOX RESTAURANT: Jake and Donovan are seated at a table, eating) JAKE: The food here is really great. DONOVAN: Yeah. It’s one of my favorite restaurants in the city. JAKE: This is the kind of place I dreamed of working in when I was in college. Unfortunately, I ended up in that hole in the wall, Gino’s. DONOVAN: That’s actually what I admire about you, Jake. You didn’t have an easy life like most of the people in our neighborhood. You didn’t have everything handed to you on a silver platter. JAKE: That’s not completely true. I mean, that’s what you and Elliott are doing for me now. DONOVAN: Don’t sell yourself short, Jake. You earned this. You worked really hard for this. Elliott isn’t the kind of person to just give things away. He must’ve felt you worthy of this opportunity. JAKE: Well, I owe you guys a great deal. DONOVAN: I’m glad to be able to help you. JAKE: You know, this is really a great place. Not to dream ahead of myself, but I hope our place turns out just like this. DONOVAN: I’m sure it can, with a lot of work, of course. That’s actually why I brought you here tonight. Like you, I want to see Jake’s turn into a fine dining establishment, just like this one. I thought we could look around the place, check out the menus, get a general idea of what we’re gonna do with our restaurant. So, we should probably get down to business. JAKE: You mean, that’s the only reason you invited me to dinner tonight? DONOVAN: Yeah. Why? What did you think this was about? JAKE: Nothing. Nothing. I’m really embarrassed. DONOVAN: Oh God. You thought this was a date, didn’t you? JAKE: I should go. DONOVAN: Jake, it’s not a big deal. Really. JAKE: I’m sorry. I just have to go. Excuse me. (He stands and walks out) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(BROOKLYN COURT: Seneca and Trey are standing on the sidewalk near his house) TREY: So, what brings you over to this side of the court? SENECA: Well, I came to give some words of praise. TREY: Make sure Elliott’s home before you do. I just might go into cardiac arrest. SENECA: I’m serious, Trey. You’re doing a wonderful job as fashion editor at the magazine. I’m pleasantly surprised and extremely proud of you. I’m really happy with my decision to get rid of Madison. You’re doing so much better than she ever could have dreamed of doing. TREY: Thank you, Seneca. This really means a lot to me. Especially coming from you. SENECA: You’re welcome. (Grant pulls up and gets out of his car) TREY: Oh God. Not this jerk again. Can I help you, Detective? GRANT: You can put your hands behind your back, Mr. Anderson. You’re under arrest. TREY: What? SENECA: What the hell is going on here? GRANT: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. (He handcuffs Trey and begins leading him to the car) SENECA: I don’t believe this. GRANT: You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights? TREY: Yes. Seneca, call my attorney and tell him to get his ass to the police station. (Grant puts Trey in the car and drives off. Seneca smiles)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER 2000 Back To Brooklyn Court Back To Main Page