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RILEY: Is it true? Are you having an affair?
ALICIA: No. Of course not. Just let me explain.
RILEY: Let you explain? What a slut you are?
(He slaps her)

(There's a bruise on Alicia's cheek)
RILEY: I think you should just stay home from work today. If anybody saw this, 
they'd probably think I was an abusive husband or something.

(Judd walks into the street as in almost hit by Riley's car)

JUDD: I was just worried about you.
ALICIA: Well, don't be. It wasn't that big of a deal.
JUDD: Not a big deal? Alicia, the guy's a psycho.
ALICIA: Riley would never hit me!

JESSICA: I was wondering if you could help me out with a problem I'm having?
RILEY: So, what's your problem, Jessica?
JESSICA: The person I'm in love with is in love with someone else.

ELLIOTT: Well, there's always Donovan.
JAKE: You think he's gay?
ELLIOTT: Well, if anyone is - it's him.

DONOVAN: If you're not busy tonight, would you like to have dinner with me?
JAKE: That'd be wonderful.

DONOVAN: We should probably get down to business.
JAKE: That's the only reason you invited me to dinner tonight?
DONOVAN: Oh God, you thought this was a date, didn't you?
JAKE: I'm sorry. I just have to go. Excuse me.

SENECA: I've found a sure fire way to get Trey out of my life..for good. I want 
you to go to the police and tell them that Trey is responsible for the shooting.
MADISON: Why don't you just turn him in yourself?
SENECA: Trey will never suspect that I had anything to do with it.
MADISON: What's in it for me?
SENECA: How about your old job and a raise?

GRANT: Our investigation was cut short due to the fact that the club was
demolished. That's why I'm keeping an eye on the owner, Donovan Grey. I 
think he may have intentionally destroyed the club to throw us off his trial.
MADISON: Not a bad theory. But you're wrong. Donovan isn't the one repsonsible
for the incident.
GRANT: Then who is?
MADISON: Trey Anderson.
(A young man walks in)
GRANT: Who is this?
MADISON: This is one of the people Trey tried to hire to kill Seneca.

SENECA: You're doing a wonderful job as fashion editor.
TREY: Thank you, Seneca. This really means a lot to me.
GRANT: Mr.'re under arrest.
TREY: Seneca, call my attorney.

EVELYN: Need I remind you, Teresa, you are no longer an employee of 
this agency.
TERESA: You're gonna regret this!

LYLE: I'm Lyle Morgan. I'm with AfterGlow Cosmetics. We'd like to offer you a
contract to model for us. It's a 3 million dollar, 2 year contract.
TERESA: Where do I sign?
LYLE: I can have the papers drawn up and come by your agency tomorrow and
finalize it.
TERESA: I'm in between agencies right now.
LYLE: Our contract is only available to models who are represented by an 
agency. I'm sorry.



Frank Grillo as...


Matt Miller as...



Yvonne Davis as...

(BROOKLYN COURT: Madison walks out of her house and walks up to Seneca who is standing on the sidewalk in front of Trey’s house) MADISON: So, I guess our little scheme worked, huh? SENECA: Well, I don’t like to brag, but it worked brilliantly. MADISON: Excuse me. I don’t think you should really be taking all the credit here. I mean, after all, I had the major role in this plot. I’m the one who got that kid to say he was approached by Trey. SENECA: Yeah, but let’s not forget who the mastermind behind this plan was. MADISON: As if you’d let me.. SENECA: Well, this plan isn’t gonna work unless I continue my role as the caring ex, in which case, I should get to the police station and give Trey my full support. MADISON: As for me, I better get some rest. I have a big day tomorrow with my promotion and everything. SENECA: That’s right. And don’t think just because we’ve worked together on this that it means your new position at the magazine is untouchable. If you don’t keep up the level of professionalism brewing at the office, you won’t be in your cozy little corner office for too long. (She walks off) (Madison sees Jessica walk out of Logan’s house. She rushes up to her) MADISON: Jessica! JESSICA: Oh, Madison. Hi. What’s going on? MADISON: I couldn’t help but notice you coming out of Logan’s house. Do you have some sort of budding new friendship with him? JESSICA: I don’t really wanna get into it. It’s kinda personal. MADISON: Personal? Come on, what could be personal between two good friends like us? JESSICA: I’m sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else. I hardly consider us friends. Excuse me... (She walks off) *********************************************************************************************
(POLICE STATION: Trey and Grant are sitting in a room. Trey is seated at a table and Grant is sitting on the table next to him) GRANT: So, what do you have to say in your defense, Mr. Anderson? TREY: This is not a courtroom, detective, and I’m not saying a word until my attorney arrives. GRANT: Fine. Have it your way. We both know you’re guilty anyway. (He stands to walk out of the room) TREY: I am not guilty! I didn’t kill anybody. GRANT: Did I say that you did? TREY: Well, what were you implying by the word “guilty”? GRANT: All I meant is that we both know that you’re responsible for the shooting. TREY: And just how did you come to such a ridiculous conclusion? GRANT: Quite simply, actually. One of the people you so foolishly approached to help you carry out your sinister plot has come forth and turned you in. TREY: What? What in God’s name are you even talking about? One of the people? I didn’t approach anyone. GRANT: Then how do you explain his accusations? TREY: Well, that’s an easy one...he lied. GRANT: Oh, right. I see. That makes perfect sense. Some man whom you’ve never even met decided to turn you in for a murder that he otherwise would know nothing about. Nice try, Mr. Anderson. TREY: Look, don’t you think I realize that this doesn’t make any sense? I’m more confused than anyone else. GRANT: You’re wrong about one thing here, Trey. I’m not confused. I simply don’t believe you. TREY: Well, you should, because I’m telling the truth. GRANT: If you say so. I think you better stick to your original plan and keep quiet until your attorney shows up. (Grant walks up. Trey slams his fist down on the table) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott walks into his house and Jake is sitting at the breakfast table drinking coffee) ELLIOTT: Good morning. Happy Halloween. JAKE: What’s so good and happy about today? ELLIOTT: Okay. I’m guessing your date with Donovan didn’t go so well last night. JAKE: I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t have a date with him. ELLIOTT: What are you talking about? JAKE: I’m so stupid, Elliott. I’m never showing my face around him again. (Elliott sits next to him at the table) ELLIOTT: Jake, just tell me what happened, okay, man? JAKE: Well, as it turns out, Donovan only took me to dinner because he wanted to discuss plans for the restaurant. He had no interest in me personally. He’s not even gay. ELLIOTT: Oh, that’s tough. I feel for you, buddy. JAKE: I think we should cancel all plans to have the restaurant built. ELLIOTT: What? Jake, don’t be so hasty. It’s embarrassing now, but this is gonna just blow over. Don’t do something you’re gonna regret over something as trite as this, okay? JAKE: Easy for you to say. ELLIOTT: I’ve been in a similar place. I mean, think about it. I’m a straight guy who had to convince all of his friends and colleagues that he’s gay. Don’t take that wrong. Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of, but when you have a reputation like mine, that sort of thing really does some damage. But I got through it and now life is pretty much back to normal. The same is gonna happen with you and Donovan. JAKE: I don’t know. ELLIOTT: Trust me on this one, Jake. I don’t usually have too many great things to say about Donovan but I will say this. He is a very forgiving and very understanding guy. JAKE: Okay, so you’re probably right, but from now on, make sure the guy is gay before you sic me on him. ELLIOTT: Deal. So, do you have any plans for tonight? JAKE: No. I don’t think so. ELLIOTT: Alright. Well, maybe later we can come up with some way to celebrate the holiday. For now, I’ve gotta get some sleep. (Elliott walks off) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: Judd walks downstairs. Jessica is standing in the kitchen, putting papers into her briefcase) JUDD: Good morning. JESSICA: Judd, hey. Good morning. JUDD: You’re not in a rush, are you? JESSICA: Kinda. I have a big client meeting this morning. It’s gonna bring in a lot of money to the company if I can land this guy. JUDD: I’m sure you’ll get him. I hope you’re not mad but last night I saw your design book lying on the couch and I peeked at some of your drawings. They’re great. I was really impressed. JESSICA: Thanks. So, um, was there something you wanted to talk about before I leave? JUDD: Well, yeah, I actually think we should talk about what happened between us. We haven’t really had a chance to yet. It seems like we keep missing each other. JESSICA: Yeah. Well, things have been pretty crazy lately. JUDD: I was hoping we could have a nice, long talk last night but you weren’t home... JESSICA: Oh, yeah. I had some business to take care of. So, what do you really wanna say about what happened? JUDD: Um...well, this is just really awkward. JESSICA: Judd, it’s okay if you don’t want to pursue it. I’ll completely understand. I know you and I are just friends. JUDD: It’s not just that, Jess. I mean, if it were another time, I would totally love to work on a relationship with you. It’s just, right now is really bad timing. This whole thing with Alicia is getting really complicated... JESSICA: Judd, you don’t have to explain anything to me. It’s fine. (She closes her briefcase) I really should get going. JUDD: Oh, okay. Good luck. JESSICA: Thanks. (She walks out) *********************************************************************************************
(NEW WORLD MODELING: Evelyn is sitting at her desk on the phone) EVELYN: No, I don’t think you understand...Ernie, I’m good for the money. I just need a little help until I get everything back in order here...Okay, fine. Bye. (She slams down the phone) Dammit! (Teresa bursts in to the room) TERESA: We need to talk. EVELYN: You just don't learn, do you?! I’m calling security. (She puts her hand on the phone to pick it up, Teresa stops her) TERESA: I wouldn’t do that, if I were you. EVELYN: Well, you’re not me and I thank God for that every day. TERESA: You know, you should really start being a little more kind to me. EVELYN: And why is that? TERESA: Because I’ve just become your angel of mercy. EVELYN: Oh, please. If you think I’m buying into whatever you’re gonna try t o sell me, then you’re crazier than any of us could have ever known. TERESA: I’m serious, Evelyn. You’re not in the best place right now, financially. That’s no secret. And I’m sure a percentage of a certain 3 million dollar contract could greatly help you out. EVELYN: Three million dollars? What on earth are you talking about? None of my girls have a contract anywhere near that amount. TERESA: Exactly, but I do. EVELYN: How the hell did you land contract like that?! TERESA: I’ve been chosen as the new spokesmodel of AfterGlow Cosmetics. EVELYN: Oh my God. That’s the best deal in town right now. TERESA: Yeah, I’m aware of that. EVELYN: This is absolutely wonderful. This is just what I need right now. TERESA: I thought you’d start coming around. EVELYN: Wait a minute. If you’re yielding a high dollar contract like this, why would you be back here offering me a percentage? TERESA: Well, let’s just say that I technically haven’t signed any papers just yet. EVELYN: Oh God. I should’ve known. TERESA: Just a minute, Evelyn, I’m not finished. The contract was promised to me by Lyle Morgan himself. All I have to do is be signed to an agency. That’s where you come in. I want to negotiate a contract with you before I sign anything with Lyle. EVELYN: Well, Teresa, how can I say no to an offer like this? (Teresa smiles) TERESA: You can’t. *********************************************************************************************
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Riley is taking pictures of a young girl on a set. Alicia is standing beside him, holding a reflector) RILEY: Great job, Erika...turn to the left a, smile a little bigger...perfect. (his camera makes a funny noise) What the hell? (He taps it a little and tries to shoot again and it doesn’t work) Dammit!! (He smashes his hand against the camera) ALICIA: Riley, you’re gonna break it. RILEY: Why don’t you let the expert take care of this, okay? You just stand there and look pretty like an assistant is supposed to do. Take five everyone!! (He walks off. Alicia sets the reflector down) (Judd walks up behind her) JUDD: Alicia, hey. What’s going on? ALICIA: scared me. What are you doing here?! JUDD: Um, I work here, remember? ALICIA: Yeah. I just mean, why are you this room? Riley is trying to finish up this shoot. JUDD: Well, Seneca sent me in. She had a look at the set a little while ago. She said she wanted me to make a few quick changes before you guys finish. ALICIA: But we’re almost done now. We’ve been here for almost two hours. JUDD: Hey, don’t kill the messenger. ALICIA: God, Riley is gonna be so mad. His camera just messed up so he’s already in a bad mood. JUDD: Well, Riley will just have to get over it. ALICIA: Judd, can’t you be nice? Riley is under a lot of pressure here. JUDD: God, Alicia, don’t you ever get tired of sticking up for that guy? The guy is a jerk. ALICIA: I’m not getting into this right now, Judd. JUDD: Fine. I don’t have the time to waste anyway. (He walks off) (Riley walks up behind and grabs Alicia by the arm forcefully) ALICIA: Ow, Riley, what are you doing? RILEY: Come with me!
(He forcefully pulls her into a small storage room, slamming the door behind him) ALICIA: Riley, let go. That hurts. (He squeezes her arm tighter) RILEY: What the hell do you think you’re doing?! ALICIA: Nothing! Riley, please stop! Nothing is happening! RILEY: I thought I told you to stay the hell away from him! (She begins crying) ALICIA: I’m sorry. We were just talking. I promise. Please, let me go. RILEY: If I see you with him again, Alicia, you are gonna regret it! Do you understand me?! ALICIA: Yes. Yes. (Riley lets go of her, pushing her into a table behind her) RILEY: Get yourself cleaned up and go home for the day. (He walks out, slamming the door behind him) *********************************************************************************************
(LOGAN’S OFFICE: He is sitting at his desk. The door opens and Jessica walks in. Logan stands) LOGAN: Jessica, this is a surprise. I didn’t realize they were taking about this Ms. Murphy. JESSICA: Yeah, well, I figured since you gave me some free advice last night, the least I could do was pay you for your services today. LOGAN: Okay. Well, why don’t you have a seat? (They both sit) JESSICA: Thanks. LOGAN: So, how are things going with Judd? JESSICA: Well, we finally talked this morning about what happened the other night. LOGAN: Really? That’s great. What did he say? JESSICA: Just what I was expecting him to say. He said that he it was really bad timing and that he wants to see how things go with Alicia. LOGAN: But she’s married, isn’t she? JESSICA: Yeah, but obviously they are in love with each other or something. LOGAN: And how does that make you feel? JESSICA: Well, to be honest, I’m a little disappointed in Judd. I mean, I’m not the kind of person who condones extra-marital affairs. It puts me in a weird place because Judd and I are best friends and I would never want anything to come between that, but it just seems like we’re two different people. LOGAN: What do you mean? JESSICA: I mean I’m a very old-fashioned girl. Things like cheating really bother me. And I didn’t think Judd was that kind of guy either. LOGAN: So, are you saying that you’re changing your feelings about Judd? JESSICA: I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like you can really pick who you fall in love with, right? LOGAN: That’s true. But honestly, in my opinion, it really doesn’t seem like Judd is the man for you. *********************************************************************************************
(POLICE STATION: Seneca is sitting in a visitor’s booth. Trey is brought in by an officer and he sits on the opposite side of the glass) SENECA: Trey, how are you doing? TREY: Wonderful, Seneca. Things couldn’t be better. Thanks for asking. SENECA: Hey, there’s no need to be sarcastic with me. As far as I can tell, I’m one of the only friends you have right now so you should be a lot nicer to me. TREY: You’re right. I’m sorry. I just wanna get out of this hellhole as soon as possible, that’s all. SENECA: Any idea when that will be? TREY: Well, my attorney got a bail hearing set for tomorrow. So, I’m at least in here for the night. SENECA: Well, look at the bright side, you don’t have to deal with all of those snot-nosed brats running around tonight, coming to your door because for some reason they have this crazy notion that the rich people in our neighborhood are more giving. TREY: Halloween is really the last thing on my mind right now, Seneca. SENECA: So, anyway, why don’t you tell me why Detective Carter took you into custody. The police aren’t really saying much, as usual. TREY: He said that some punk kid that I supposedly hired came to him and turned him in. SENECA: Any idea where he came from? TREY: No, usually I would suspect you right off the bat. You’re usually #1 on my enemy list, but like you said earlier, that’s not the case this time. SENECA: That’s right. I’m gonna help you out of this mess. TREY: Seneca, thank you for believing me. I swear I’m not responsible. You and I aren’t exactly the loving couple we once were, but I’d never want anything to happen to you. SENECA: I know that. Well, I better get back to the office. I only had a few minutes. I’ll contact your attorney and find out more about making bail. TREY: Thank you. SENECA: Hey. That’s what friends are for. (She stands and walks off) *********************************************************************************************
(AFTERGLOW COSMETICS: Teresa walks up to a secretary’s desk) TERESA: Hi. I’m here to see Lyle Morgan. LORRAINE: Can I have your name, please? TERESA: Yeah. Just tell him Teresa Sumner is here to see him. LORRAINE: Do you have an appointment, ma’am? TERESA: No, but I’m sure he can make time for me. LORRAINE: I’m sorry, Ms. Sumner. Mr. Morgan sees people by appointment only. TERESA: Well, this is pretty important. LORRAINE: Why don’t you make an appointment and then you can come back and talk to him? (Teresa sees Lyle walking by) TERESA: No thanks. (She walks up to him) LYLE: Teresa... TERESA: Hi, Lyle. How are you? LYLE: Good. What are you doing here? TERESA: Well, I came to give you some good news. I just resigned with my old agency. LYLE: That’s great. Congratulations. TERESA: Thanks. So, when’s the best time for us to fill out all of our paperwork. I’d like to get those contracts signed as soon as possible. LYLE: Oh, I’m sorry, Teresa. I’m afraid we already offered the contract to another model. TERESA: What?! LYLE: Well, it was a very immediate thing. We couldn’t really just wait while you were out shopping for an agency. TERESA: I don’t believe this! LYLE: I apologize. I thought you were more clear about this. TERESA: Well, I wasn’t. What the hell am I supposed to do now? LYLE: I don’t know. I’m sorry. I really need to get back to work. Good luck. (He walks off) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: The doorbell rings at Elliott’s house. Jake, who is watching t.v., stands, grabs a bowl of candy and opens the door. Donovan is standing on the step) DONOVAN: Trick or treat. JAKE: Donovan, what are you doing here? DONOVAN: Wait a second. You haven’t talked to Elliott? JAKE: No. Why? DONOVAN: Well, he called me earlier. He invited me over tonight. He said the two of you were throwing a party here for the neighborhood. JAKE: He didn’t mention anything to me about a party. DONOVAN: Is he around? JAKE: No, actually, he took off about a half hour ago. He said he had some things to do uptown. DONOVAN: That’s strange. JAKE: Oh God. I don’t believe this. DONOVAN: What? JAKE: I know what he’s doing. DONOVAN: What are you talking about? JAKE: There was no plans for a party here tonight, Donovan. I told Elliott about what happened between us. I set up this meeting between us so that we could talk. DONOVAN: That sounds just like something Elliott would do. JAKE: I’m really embarrassed. About this and about the other night. I’m gonna kill him. DONOVAN: Ah, don’t be mad at the guy. He had your best interest at heart. He actually cares about you a lot and he’s just trying to help you out. JAKE: I guess you’re right. DONOVAN: And just so you know, Jake, there’s no reason for you to be embarrassed. What happened the other night was entirely my fault. I realize I should have made my intentions more clear. JAKE: No. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. DONOVAN: Either way, it’s not a big deal. Don’t give it a second thought - I haven’t. JAKE: Thanks for being so understanding, Donovan. It really means a lot to me. DONOVAN: No problem. JAKE: God, where are my manners? Would you like to come in? They’re playing some great scary movies tonight. DONOVAN: Well, I don’t have any other plans. (He walks in. Jake shuts the door behind them) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: Riley walks in. Alicia is sitting at the kitchen table, filling bags with candy) ALICIA: The trick-or-treaters are pretty heavy tonight. I already have to restock the candy. (He takes off his jacket and throws it over the sofa and loosens his tie) RILEY: I’m gonna go take a shower. ALICIA: Honey, are you okay? How’d things go at work? RILEY: Not so good. We had to cancel the entire shoot so that Judd could go back and redo the set. Everything we had done has to be redone. You know I hate that. If that screw-up had done his job right the first time, we wouldn’t be in this mess. ALICIA: I’m really sorry. RILEY: Yeah. Whatever. ALICIA: You’re not still mad at me, are you? RILEY: What do you think? I can’t even leave you alone for 10 minutes and you’re already falling over your little lover boy. ALICIA: Riley, I promise, it was nothing. Judd and I were just talking. RILEY: Well, let’s make sure you don’t do it again. ALICIA: What? RILEY: I don’t want to see you and Judd anywhere near each other from now on. I don’t want you to speak one word to him. Am I clear on this? ALICIA: Yeah. Sure. Anything you want. RILEY: Good. Things are already bad enough without you whoring around when you should be working. ALICIA: Riley... RILEY: Just leave me alone tonight, okay? I’m not in the mood for you. (He walks upstairs) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: Elliott walks in to his house. The lights are off but the t.v. is on. He walks to the t.v. and turns it off. He sees Jake and Donovan lying on the couch together asleep. Jake has his arm around Donovan. Elliott smiles. There’s a knock on the door and he opens it. Teresa walks in) TERESA: I need your help. ELLIOTT: Um, come in. (He shuts the door. She sees Jake and Donovan) TERESA: Whoa! What’s going on here?! Every time I turn around, someone else in this neighborhood comes out of the closet. ELLIOTT: Teresa, what do you want? TERESA: Right. I need your help. ELLIOTT: Yeah. You already said that. TERESA: I need $600,000. (Elliott laughs) ELLIOTT: Wait. You’re joking, right? TERESA: Am I laughing? ELLIOTT: Teresa, you’ve got to be kidding. I’m not some money pit, you know. And especially now that I’ve invested so much of my money into Donovan’s club. TERESA: Well, screw Donovan and his club. I really need that money. ELLIOTT: No way. I’m not doing this for Donovan. I’m doing this for Jake. TERESA: What’s the big deal? Jake obviously is over you now. You don’t have to treat him like he’s your boyfriend. ELLIOTT: This is about friendship, Teresa. Oh sorry, you probably don’t recognize that word. TERESA: Elliott, my modeling career is gonna be ruined without that money. Please, you have to do this. ELLIOTT: What does this have to do with your career? TERESA: See, I was promised this $3 million contract if I had an agency but by the time that I convinced Evelyn to take me back, they’d already signed someone else. So, now if I don’t have Evelyn’s percentage, she won’t renew my modeling contract. ELLIOTT: It looks like you got yourself into quite a mess here, Teresa. Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. TERESA: So, you’re not gonna give me the money? ELLIOTT: Not a chance. TERESA: Fine. But if I go down, I’m gonna make sure you and your faggot boyfriend pay for this! (She walks out, slamming the door behind her) (Jake wakes up. Elliott looks over at him and smile) ELLIOTT: Sorry to wake you. Just more drama at Brooklyn Court. JAKE: What’s going on? ELLIOTT: I guess I could ask the same thing. It looks like you and Donovan worked out your differences. JAKE: This isn’t what it looks like, Elliott. ELLIOTT: No explanation necessary. Good night. (He walks out. Jake looks down at Donovan and lays back down) *********************************************************************************************
(YORKGIRL MAGAZINE: Madison walks in. Seneca is standing near the elevator. She walks up to Madison. She looks at her watch) SENECA: Wow. The day after Halloween and you’re actually 10 minutes early. I thought you’d be late and hungover. MADISON: Not a chance. I take this new position very seriously, Seneca. Right now, it’s the only thing going right in my life. SENECA: Well, I just wanted to congratulate you on your effulgent work. MADISON: You read the Trend 2003 article already? SENECA: No. I’m not talking about your work here at the magazine, I mean, with getting Trey arrested. Having that guy confess that Trey tried to hire him. Sheer brilliance. MADISON: Why, thank you. I was rather proud myself. Have you talked to Trey since he was taken into custody? SENECA: Yeah. I stopped by the station yesterday and had a small chat with him. He said I was the last person he suspected in setting him up. Things are working out so perfectly. MADISON: Maybe I should have asked for more money. SENECA: Don’t get greedy, Madison. That’s when things begin to unravel. MADISON: Well, what are you gonna do now? SENECA: Trey has a hearing later today where bail will be set. I’m gonna come up with the money to set him free. MADISON: Don’t you think that’s taking the confidante thing a bit too far? SENECA: Just let me handle this from here on out, okay? MADISON: Okay. Whatever. SENECA: Now, get to work. We have a magazine to publish. (She walks off) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: Logan walks out, with his briefcase, and walk to his jeep. Jessica rushes across the street to him) JESSICA: Logan! Logan, wait up! LOGAN: Jessica, good morning. JESSICA: Sorry. I know you’re probably in a rush. I just wanted to talk to you for just a second. LOGAN: Sure. What’s going on? Does this have anything to do with Judd? JESSICA: In a way. You know how yesterday you told me that you don’t believe that Judd is the right person for me? LOGAN: Yeah. JESSICA: Well, I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I think you may be right. LOGAN: Good. I’m glad to hear that. JESSICA: I’ve also decided that I should take your advice to start seeing other people. To play the field for a while and see what I find. LOGAN: That’s great news. JESSICA: Hold on. I’m not finished. The person I would like to start seeing is you. LOGAN: Excuse me? JESSICA: I want to know if you and I can have dinner sometime? LOGAN: Oh, I don’t know. I kinda have this thing about dating... JESSICA: Patients?! Don’t worry about it. If we decide to do this, I won’t need to see you at the office anymore. LOGAN: Well, actually, I wasn't gonna say patients. I was gonna say people in this neighborhood. JESSICA: What do you mean? LOGAN: Well, it’s just that so far I haven’t had the best experiences with the people around here. JESSICA: Oh, I see. I guess I should just let you get to work then. (She starts to walk off) LOGAN: Jessica...wait. (She turns around) I’m sorry. It was wrong of me to judge you based on the behavior of everyone else. I can tell that you’re nothing like these people. I think dinner would be a great idea. JESSICA: You do? LOGAN: Yeah. JESSICA: Okay. Great. Well, I have your number. I’ll call you later and we can set something up. LOGAN: Alright. Then I’ll talk to you later. (They smile at each other and she walks off) *********************************************************************************************
(NEW WORLD MODELING: Evelyn and Teresa are sitting at a conference table, filled with papers) EVELYN: I really have to thank you again, Teresa. I’m sure you could have taken this contract to a million other places around here. Thanks for looking out for us. TERESA: Well, the truth is that you’ve been so good to me in the past. How could I turn my back on you now? EVELYN: Well, just let me see the Afterglow papers and then you can sign this contract and you’ll be back with New World Modeling. (Evelyn grabs for the papers in Teresa’s hand. Teresa pulls them away) TERESA: Wait. Wait, hold on. EVELYN: What is it? TERESA: I don’t know. This just doesn’t seem right. I mean, I don’t like the fact that I’m only being hired because you need this money for the agency. I would like to know that my talent has something to do with it. EVELYN: It does, Teresa. You’re the first to admit what a great model you are. TERESA: Yeah, but I’d like to hear that from you. EVELYN: Are you serious? (She nods) Fine. You’re a great model. Now, can I please see those papers? TERESA: Evelyn, words are meaningless unless you back them up. EVELYN: Oh, come on, Teresa. I don’t have all damn day. TERESA: I’m sorry. This just means a lot to me. EVELYN: Fine. Get to your point. What do you want? TERESA: I want to make sure that the contract I’m about to sign with you makes it clear that you are hiring me based on talent alone and that you waiver all right to fire me in the next two years. It’ll just give me peace of mind. EVELYN: Of course that’s how it reads, Teresa. You think I’d put anything else in the contract? What kind of business person would that make me look like if I only hired models for a percentage of their impending duties? TERESA: Great. Let me sign it. EVELYN: Fine. Here. (She hands the contract to Teresa) Now, give me those damn papers. (Teresa hands the papers to Evelyn and signs the contract) TERESA: There you go. EVELYN: Wait a second. What the hell is all of this? TERESA: Oh, I’m not sure. I found it in the copy machine about 15 minutes ago. I thought it would do the trick. Looks like I was right. EVELYN: You tricked me. You conniving bitch! (She stands up and reaches across the table, slapping Teresa across the face) TERESA: Now, Evelyn, is that any way to treat your star model? You wouldn’t want to bruise me, now would you? EVELYN: You won’t get away with this. TERESA: It looks like I already have. Thanks, boss. (She smiles and walks out) *********************************************************************************************
(BROOKLYN COURT: Alicia is cleaning windows. There is a knock at the door. She opens it) ALICIA: Judd... JUDD: I thought I’d find you here. ALICIA: You really shouldn’t be here. You should go. JUDD: What’s the big deal? I just want to talk to you for a second. ALICIA: I just don’t want Riley to find out. He might get the wrong idea. JUDD: Riley is at the magazine. I watched him leave myself. Don’t worry about that. ALICIA: Fine. But you can only stay for a few minutes. (He walks in and she shuts the door) JUDD: I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ALICIA: Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be? JUDD: Well, I know you and Riley are going through a really hard time right now and when you didn’t show up at work, I just thought maybe... ALICIA: I know what you thought and you’re wrong, Judd. I told you before, Riley would never hit me. JUDD: I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I just a see a different side of him than you. ALICIA: Is that all you came here to say? JUDD: Yeah. I guess so. ALICIA: Okay, then you should leave. And just so you know, I’m gonna be fine. Riley and I are gonna get through this. I don’t need some white knight swooping in trying to rescue me. (The door opens and Riley comes in, oblivious to them at first) RILEY: Alicia, I forgot my... (he notices them) ALICIA: Riley, I... RILEY: What the hell is going on here?! JUDD: Nothing. I was just leaving. RILEY: That would be a really good idea. (Judd walks out, shutting the door behind him) ALICIA: Riley, please let me explain?! RILEY: You stupid whore! (He walks over to her and grabs her by the hair and slams her into the wall. She lets out a small scream) ALICIA: Riley...! (He punches her, knocking her to the floor. He falls to his knees and continues to hit her)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER 2000 Back To Brooklyn Court Back To Main Page