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ALSO FEATURING: Marisa Petroro as... KRIS SHAREAUX James Penfold as... JOHN BISHOP & Jerri Manthey as... JENNIFER LAWTON
(PARKER APT: A 7 story apartment building in San Francisco. 2 men walk up to one of the doors. Both men are carrying boxes) ISAAC: This is it. Room 601. (sets the boxes down and opens the door) (A man walks to the door from the kitchen) DOMINIK: Hey guys. Let me get some of those. (He picks up boxes. Isaac and Jesse walk in)
ISAAC: Thanks. DOMINIK: Let's just stack everything right here for now. (sets the boxes in the living room floor) ISAAC: Let me introduce you two. Dominik, this is Jesse Martin. Jesse - Dominik Johnson. DOMINIK: (shakes his hand) Call me Nikki. JESSE: It's nice to meet you, Nikki. DOMINIK: So, how do you think you're gonna like San Francisco? JESSE: I think I'm gonna love it. Isaac has only been here for a short time and he raves about it. ISAAC: It's a great city. DOMINIK: Yes. It is. JESSE: I really like this building, too. It's beautiful. DOMINIK: Yeah. It's a great place to live. I've lived here almost three years now. JESSE: Really? DOMINIK: Yeah. Well, why don't I show you around? JESSE: Cool. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(PARKER APT: Dominik, Isaac and Jesse are seated at the kitchen table) DOMINIK: So, Jesse, why don't you tell me about yourself? JESSE: Well, I'm a musician. I'm a singer and a guitarist. I was working with a band back in Phoenix, but things didn't work too well. Then when I heard Isaac had moved out here, it made me realize that I needed a change of pace myself. So, that's when I called him up. The rest is history. I hope to strike gold with a band out here. DOMINIK: Well, now I know you about as well as I know Isaac. ISAAC: Yeah. As soon as moved in, Dominik left town for a medical convention. Then when he got back, that's when I went to Phoenix to help you move. JESSE: Well, I really appreciate you guys taking me in. I mean, especially you Nikki... Isaac just moved in and you don't even know him too well, and yet you'd let his best friend take up space in your extra bedroom. DOMINIK: It's no problem, Jesse..really. JESSE: So, tell us about you. DOMINIK: Well, I'm a doctor. A native of San Francisco. I just recently ended a long term relationship...and enjoying my single life. JESSE: Same here. DOMINIK: I have a lot of great friends though. Speaking of which, I have a great idea. ISAAC: What? DOMINIK: Why don't we have a party here tonight? I could invite everyone over and you could meet them. JESSE: Sounds like a great idea to me. ISAAC: Yeah. I'm all for it. DOMINIK: Great. Well, I better get on the phone. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(PARKER APT: That night. There's a knock on the door. Dominik opens it. Two women are standing in the hallway) TONYA: Hey. LORI: Hi. DOMINIK: I'm glad you guys could make it. Come on in. I'll introduce you to my new roommates. (they walk in and he shuts the door. They walk to the kitchen. Jesse and Isaac are seated at the bar. They stand)
DOMINIK: Guys, these are two of my closest friends. Tonya Masterson and Lori Winters. TONYA: Hi. (they all shake hands) DOMINIK: This is my roommate, Isaac Lawrence. And that's his best friend, Jesse Martin. JESSE: Nice to meet you. LORI: So, where are you two from? JESSE: Phoenix. TONYA: Really? I have relatives there. Well, actually in Mesa. LORI: What brings you out to California? ISAAC: Job opportunity. LORI: I see. TONYA: What about you, Jesse? You look like a musician. JESSE: Is it that obvious? ISAAC: So, what about you two? Details? LORI: Well, we actually live together. We have a house over on Windsor. I own a boutique up the hill. TONYA: And I'm one of her employees. ISAAC: That's fascinating. LORI: Not really. We all lead pretty hum-drum lives around here. (there's a knock on the front door) DOMINIK: I'll get it. (leaves the room) JESSE: So, what do you do for fun around here? Any hang outs or anything? TONYA: Well, we usually go to Desert Winds. I wouldn't say it's really fun, but it's something. ISAAC: What is it, like a club? TONYA: Not like a dance club. It's a restaurant and a bar and it has a stage. They have live bands there. It's a pretty nice place. (Dominik re-enters the room with another man and a woman) LORI: Hey guys. ADAM: Lori, Tonya...hi. DOMINIK: Isaac, Jesse... This is Adam Greene. ADAM: (Shakes their hands) How's it going? DOMINIK: And this is Shanice Williams. SHANICE: Hi. ISAAC: Hi. JESSE: So, do you two live in the building? SHANICE: No. We don't. Close by though. LORI: How have you been, Adam? I haven't seen you in a while. ADAM: I've been doing well. LORI: How's business? ADAM: Going strong. TONYA: Adam is a psychiatrist. JESSE: Really? Wow. ISAAC: What about you, Shanice? SHANICE: Nothing very dramatic about me. I'm a receptionist at the hospital where Nikki works. ISAAC: Hey. That's as good a job as any. JESSE: Yeah. At least you have a job. (they laugh) SHANICE: So, um, is Kelly gonna be here? DOMINIK: I called her. She had to work tonight. TONYA: I have a good idea. Why don't we go down there and order a drink or something. We can introduce you guys to her while we're there. LORI: Sounds like a plan to me. TONYA: What do you guys say? DOMINIK: I should stay in. I have an early day tomorrow. SHANICE: Yeah I think I'll pass this time, too. ADAM: I'm game. ISAAC: Yeah. Me too. JESSE: Let's go. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Jesse, Isaac, Tonya, Lori and Adam walk in) ISAAC: Wow. This place is packed. TONYA: Are there any tables open? LORI: There's one. Over in the corner. (they walk to the table and sit) ADAM: So, do you guys like the place? ISAAC: Yeah. It's really nice. JESSE: The band's great. I don't particularly care for the singer, though. LORI: He sounds pretty drunk. (a waitress walks up to them) KELLY: Hey everybody. TONYA: Hey. LORI: Hi Kelly. KELLY: Who are your new friends? TONYA: (puts her arm on Isaac's shoulder) This is Isaac. That's Jesse. They're living with Nikki now. KELLY: Oh, cool. Nice to meet you guys. I'm Kelly. What can I get everybody? TONYA: I'll just take a mineral water. ISAAC: Make that two. KELLY: Okay. JESSE: I'll just take whatever kind of beer you have on tap. LORI: Martini...dry. KELLY: And what about you, Adam? ADAM: Just give me a beer, too, please. KELLY: Okay. I'll be right back. (walks off) ISAAC: So, how do you guys know Nikki? LORI: Actually, he and I dated about two years. We broke up not too long ago. ISAAC: Oh, really? He mentioned something about getting out of a serious relationship. LORI: Yeah. Let's just say Nikki had commitment phobia. I didn't think so for the longest time, but I found out that his eye wasn't the only thing wandering. ISAAC: I'm sorry to hear that. JESSE: Nikki doesn't seem at all like the cheating kind. LORI: Well, I guess looks are decieving. It doesn't matter, though? I mean, I'm over it now. He and I are still really good friends. TONYA: Besides, she's got her eyes set on this really cute police officer. LORI: Tonya... ISAAC: What about you Adam? You involved? ADAM: No. I was dating Shanice a while back. Things just didn't work out though. She's still trying to cling to me, but I don't see any future for us. TONYA: Maybe we should set her up on a blind date or something. LORI: Tonya, it's really none of our business. TONYA: I just want to help her move on...I'm sure Adam wouldn't mind, either. ADAM: Not really. (Kelly returns with a tray of drinks. She distributes them to everyone) KELLY: Is that all you guys need? LORI: Yeah. I think so. KELLY: Okay. Well, I'd like to stay and chat but we are extremely busy. So, I'll see you guys around. (walks off) JESSE: She seems really nice. LORI: She is. (the music stops and the band walks offstage) TONYA: That was pretty awful. That band would be awesome if they had the right singer. ISAAC: Maybe you should go talk to 'em, Jess. JESSE: Yeah right. The only place I'm interested in going right now is to the men's room. Um, where is it at? (Stands) ADAM: Down that hallway by the stage. It's the second door on the left. JESSE: Thanks. Excuse me... (Walks off) LORI: So, is he a pretty good musician? ISAAC: Oh yeah. He's great. He has a killer voice and he can make his guitar do anything. TONYA: Who knows? Maybe he'll get to play here some time. (Jesse is walking down the hall near the stage. He starts to walk in to the restroom. He hears two men yelling from behind a door further down the hall. He walks to the door to listen) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(ADAM'S OFFICE: Shanice walks in and up to his secretary) SHANICE: Hi. I'm here to see Adam. Is he busy? KRIS: No. I'll tell him you're here. What's your name? SHANICE: Shanice Williams. KRIS: Just a second. (pushes the intercom button) Adam, there's a lady named Shanice Williams here to see you. ADAM: Go ahead and send her in, Kris. SHANICE: Thank you. (Walks in)
(Adam is sitting at his desk) SHANICE: What'cha doing, doc? ADAM: Just straightening out some patient files. SHANICE: New secretary? ADAM: Yeah, she's from a temp agency. SHANICE: I'm sorry I left you in such a bind when I left here. I just didn't feel comfortable about... ADAM: Shanice, don't. It's fine. So...what's up? SHANICE: Well, I'm on my lunch break and thought that maybe if you weren't too wrapped up in work, you'd like to join me. ADAM: Actually, I am pretty busy. You'll have to take a raincheck. Sorry. SHANICE: Adam, you can't keep avoiding me like this. ADAM: What? I'm not avoiding you, Shanice. I'm working. SHANICE: No. Ever since you broke up with me, you can't find two minutes to even talk to me. ADAM: That's part of what breaking up is about. Not spending as much time together. SHANICE: Don't push me away, Adam. You know how I feel about you. ADAM: I'm sorry, Shanice, but I can't return those feelings anymore. We're friends, that's all. SHANICE: Well, if you're just staying my friend out of duty, don't bother. (Walks out) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Jesse walks in. He sees Kelly walking away from one of the tables. He walks up to her near the bar) JESSE: Kelly... KELLY: Oh, hey. Jesse, right? JESSE: Yeah. How's it going? KELLY: Pretty good. We've been really busy today. I'm sure a table will be free within ten minutes. JESSE: Oh, I didn't need a table. I actually came to ask you something. KELLY: Shoot. JESSE: Well, what time do you get out of here? KELLY: In about an hour. JESSE: Would you like to meet somewhere for dinner afterwards? KELLY: Um, sure. That'd be great. JESSE: Do you have any suggestions? KELLY: What kind of dinner are we talking about? JESSE: Your choice. KELLY: Okay. Meet me at Rizutti's. It's a small Italian diner...nothing too fancy. You do like Italian food? JESSE: Love it. KELLY: (writes on her order pad, rips a page out and hands it to him) Here's the address. Give me an hour and a half. JESSE: Great. I'll see you then. (he walks off and she smiles) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(LORI'S BOUTIQUE: Tonya puts some clothes in a bag and hands it to a customer) TONYA: Thank you. Have a nice day.
(the customer leaves. Tonya walks back to Lori's office. Lori is at her desk, rummaging through papers) How's it going? LORI: Let's just say, this store has seen better days. TONYA: Why? What's wrong? LORI: I'm in serious debt, Tonya. TONYA: What? LORI: Sales this summer were an all time low and now after ordering all of the fall fashions, I'm going under. TONYA: But business has been great lately. LORI: Yeah, but all that money is going to reimburse what was used for the fall line. What about the dramatic summer overstock? There's not enough profits being funneled in to make up for that loss. TONYA: So, why don't you get a loan? LORI: Brilliant, Tonya. Don't you think I thought of that? I can't get a loan. I still owe on the store, and our house, and my car...everything. There's no way in hell the bank will give me any more money. TONYA: I'm just offering suggestions. LORI: Well, I don't need suggestions...I need money. A lot of it. TONYA: Well, I'm sure we'll come up with something. LORI: We better. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(RIZUTTI'S: Kelly walks in. She sees Jesse alone at a table and walks up to him) KELLY: Excuse me, sir. Is this seat taken? JESSE: made it. KELLY: (sits) Of course. I wouldn't stand you up on our first date. JESSE: Date?, uh, you thought I was asking you on a date? KELLY: Well, yeah. Usually when a man invites a woman he doesn't know to dinner, that's the reasoning. JESSE: I'm really sorry if you misinterpreted this, but I meant for us to meet for, like, a business meeting. I guess you could call it that. KELLY: God, I feel so stupid. JESSE: Don't. I can see where you mistook my intentions. KELLY: You know... (stands) Maybe I should just go. JESSE: (stands) Kelly, I don't want you to go. I mean, there was a reason I asked you here. KELLY: We'll talk another time, okay? (she walks off) JESSE: Kelly... ____________________________________________________________________________________
(PARKER APT: Dominik is walking to his apartment. The door next to his opens and a woman walks out) DOMINIK: Oh my God...Jennifer! JENNIFER: Nikki? Hey.. (they hug) DOMINIK: What are you doing here? You know Lee and Alex? JENNIFER: Lee and Alex? What are you talking about? DOMINIK: The room you were just know, that's where they live. JENNIFER: Actually, that's my room. DOMINIK: You mean, you live here now? JENNIFER: Yep. I just finished moving in all my stuff. DOMINIK: I don't believe this. I live right next door. JENNIFER: You're kidding. You mean, out of all of San Francisco, I moved in to your building. That's odd enough, but right next door to you... DOMINIK: Kinda strange, isn't it? JENNIFER: Yeah. You know, I have a great idea. Why don't you come by later tonight...if you're not busy. We can have a little housewarming party. DOMINIK: Sounds great. I'll be there. JENNIFER: How's eight o'clock sound? DOMINIK: Perfect. JENNIFER: See you then. (she walks off)
(Domink walks in to his apartment. Isaac walks out of the kitchen) ISAAC: Hey Nikki, what's going on? DOMINIK: The oddest thing just happened. I just found out that an ex, well, I don't know exactly what you'd call ex-fling, I guess. Anyhow, she just moved in next door. ISAAC: Ex-fling? DOMINK: Well, a couple months ago, I was attending a medical convention in Sacramento. I met this woman, Jennifer Lawton, and we...well, you can probably use your imagination to figure out what happened. ISAAC: Yeah. DOMINIK: I was still with Lori at that time. That was actually what caused our break up. ISAAC: How did she find out? DOMINIK: The morning after, I was so guilt-stricken that I told Jennifer I was involved with someone. So, I took the next flight home and confessed what had happened to Lori. ISAAC: I guess that was the wrong move, huh? DOMINIK: On the surface it may seem like it was a dumb thing to do, but in all honesty, it was best that I did it. I mean, she deserved to know. ISAAC: But it ruined your relationship with her. DOMINIK: Keeping it a secret would have been selfish. I'm not the guy I used to be. I was stupid to hurt Lori, and I promised myself I'd never hurt anyone I loved again. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(STUDIO 57: Isaac is standing next a set, holding a clipboard) ISAAC: Cut!!! (the actor turns to him) John, let's scrap this scene for now. Why don't we try scene 8?! JOHN: Okay. I'm gonna head to wardrobe then. (walks off) (Isaac turns around and sees Tonya standing right behind him) ISAAC: Tonya, how long have you been standing there? TONYA: A couple of minutes. ISAAC: What are you doing here? TONYA: Well, Nikki told me you worked here. Why didn't you tell me you were a television director? ISAAC: You never asked. TONYA: This is amazing. ISAAC: Well, it's just a local show. Nothing big. Nothing flashy. If I was big time, I'd be in L. A. TONYA: Still...this is great. I mean, it sure beats being a clerk in your best friend's boutique. ISAAC: It's a living, I guess. TONYA: You, uh, don't mind if I sit here for a while, do you? I wanna, you know, get a behind the scenes look at how a TV show is made. ISAAC: Sure. That would be fine. TONYA: Maybe after you're all finished up here, we could go somewhere and have dinner? ISAAC: Yeah. That would be great. TONYA: Okay. Well, I'll just go find a seat. (they smile and she walks off) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Kelly's House: Jesse knocks on the door. Kelly opens it) JESSE: Hi. Don't slam the door in my face. KELLY: I wasn't planning on it. JESSE: Can I come in and talk to you? KELLY: Actually, why don't talk here? JESSE: First and foremost, I want to apologize for the other night. I should have made my intentions more plain. KELLY: That was my fault, Jesse. JESSE: No. It was no one's fault. It was just some stupid mix-up. This time, I want to make sure there are no breakdowns in our lines of communication. How would you like to go on a date with me, Kelly? KELLY: (laughs) I don't know, Jesse. JESSE: What could it hurt? I've been thinking and I really want to give this a try. I mean, I don't know much about you but you seem awesome and all of your friends have nothing but great things to say about you. Come on...what do you say? KELLY: Fine. It's a date. JESSE: Yeah. This time it is. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(PARKER APT: Jennifer pours two glasses of champagne and hands one to Nikki. They sit on the couch next to one another) DOMINIK: What shall we toast to? JENNIFER: How about a new beginning? DOMINIK: A new beginning for us...or a new beginning in general? JENNIFER: That's up to you. (they both set their glasses down on the coffee table and kiss. Jennifer pulls away) DOMINIK: Are you okay? JENNIFER: Nikki, I don't want you to be angry but I have to ask you... Are you..? DOMINIK: I'm no longer with Lori...or anyone. JENNIFER: That makes me really happy. DOMINIK: Can I ask you something? Was it coincidence that you ended up in the apartment next to mine? JENNIFER: (stands) Yeah, Nikki, it was. I'm not like some stalker or something. DOMINIK: Jennifer, that's not what I was saying. JENNIFER: I want to tell you my reason for coming to San Francisco. DOMINIK: Okay. JENNIFER: I was... I am escaping an abusive relationship. DOMINIK: My God. JENNIFER: Yeah. You weren't the only one in a relationship during that night we spent together. I was, too. Engaged, actually. DOMINIK: (stands) Why didn't you say anything then? JENNIFER: It seemed kinda pointless. I mean, you were rushing home to your girlfriend, so I didn't even bother giving you the lowdown on my engagement. DOMINIK: Well, what happened with you and this guy? JENNIFER: Tony was very abusive. Not so much at first. He, uh, he found out about that night, Nikki. He knew I cheated on him. That's when it got out of control. DOMINIK: Jennifer, if a man hits a woman once, it's out of control. It doesn't have to be a recurring thing. JENNIFER: Well, it doesn't matter now because he's in my past. I didn't know where else to go, so I just packed up and moved here to make my new life. I honestly had no idea you were gonna be a part of that new life. DOMINIK: Well, I'm really glad I am. JENNIFER: So am I. (he hugs her) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Kelly and Jesse are seated at a table) JESSE: Sorry about my choice for location. I know it's pretty unoriginal, considering, but I'm not real familiar with the area yet. KELLY: Don't worry about it. I mean, look at the bright side, I can get us an employment discount on our meals. JESSE: Great. Now, I'm not only unoriginal, but I'm also cheap. (she laughs) KELLY: So, what exactly were you gonna talk to me about the other night at Rizutti's? JESSE: Oh, well, I don't know if you remember but the first night me and Isaac met you here, there was a band here. Really crappy singer... KELLY: Yeah. I remember. I actually know the drummer from that band quite well. JESSE: Really? KELLY: Yeah. He's played with a lot of bands here. JESSE: That's great. I wanted to speak to one of those guys. KELLY: Well, why don't you come by tomorrow. I'll give him a call and then I'll introduce you two. JESSE: That would be so cool. Thank you. (Isaac and Tonya walk up beside them) ISAAC: Hey guys. JESSE: Isaac, what are you two doing here? ISAAC: Tonya invited me out for dinner. JESSE: Really? Why don't you grab those two chairs there and sit with us. We haven't ordered yet. ISAAC: It's up to you. TONYA: Fine with me. (Isaac grabs the two chairs and scoots the table next to Jesse and Kelly's. Isaac and Tonya sit) TONYA: So are you guys here on a date? KELLY: Yeah. Something like that. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Adam's Office: He is seated at his desk, looking through files. Kris walks in) KRIS: Busy? ADAM: Just trying to get tomorrow's patient load in order. KRIS: I finished filing all those documents for you. ADAM: Thank you. God, I don't know how I was managing to get by before you got here. KRIS: Are you considering hiring me on full time? ADAM: No. I'm not considering it, I've decided. You're hired, Kris. KRIS: Really? Thank you, Adam. ADAM: Well, I need the help. KRIS: I hate to pry, but that woman who came by earlier, Shanice...isn't that the girl who used to be your secretary? ADAM: Yeah. KRIS: She seemed a little pissed when she left. The way she stormed out of here... ADAM: She's still got a lot of feelings for me that she needs to resolve. After she left here and took that job at the hospital, we just kinda drifted apart. She doesn't seem to see it that way, though. She's still trying to cling to what we had. KRIS: So, do you make a habit out of all your secretaries? ADAM: No. After Shanice left, I promised myself that I'd never mix business and pleasure again. But then you came along, and I just couldn't stop myself. KRIS: Lucky for me. ADAM: (stands and walks around the desk to her) Lucky for us. (he kisses her. She pulls off his jacket and shirt. He sweeps everything off his desk and lies her down on it) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Lori and Tonya's house: Isaac walks her up to the front door. They stop on the porch) TONYA: I really had a great time tonight, Isaac. ISAAC: Yeah. So did I. TONYA: I really think Kelly and Jesse hit it off, too. ISAAC: Yeah. I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it when I get home tonight. TONYA: I haven't seen Kelly happy in a long time. She's been alone quite a while. I'm really happy that she found someone. I hope things work out for those two. ISAAC: I'm sure they will. TONYA: I hope things work out for us, too. ISAAC: I'm sure they will. TONYA: Well, I should get inside. I have an early day tomorrow. ISAAC: Okay. Um, can I see you again? (she leans in slowly and kisses him) TONYA: Good night, Isaac. (she walks in and shuts the door, leaning her back against it and smiling) ISAAC: Wow. (smiles and walks off) the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER 1991
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