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ALSO FEATURING: Marisa Petroro as... KRIS SHAREAUX Jerri Manthey as... JENNIFER LAWTON Jason Shaw as... BRIAN WILDER & Sterling Fallen as... WESLEY BANKS
(PARKER APT: Dominik walks in to his apartment and turns the light on. Isaac is sitting on the couch) DOMINIK: Isaac, you almost gave me a heart attack. ISAAC: Sorry. DOMINIK: What are you doing? It's 4 o'clock in the morning and you're sitting on the sofa in the dark. That's not normal behavior for you, I hope. ISAAC: No. I just couldn't sleep. DOMINIK: Well, is something wrong? (He walks to the kitchen, turns on the light and starts making a sandwich. Isaac follows)
ISAAC: No. Nothing's wrong. Actually, everything's right. I just had one of the most wonderful nights of my life. DOMINIK: I assume you mean before sitting alone in the dark... ISAAC: Yeah. I had my first date with Tonya tonight. DOMINIK: So, my guess is that it went well. ISAAC: Better than 'well'. Man, she is the most awesome girl I've ever met. I like everything about her. She was just so great. DOMINIK: Did she feel the same towards you? ISAAC: I think so...I hope so. We had a great time together. We really have a lot of chemistry. DOMINIK: Well, I'm really glad things are already working out for you. Tonya's been a really good friend to me and I love seeing her happy. I'm glad you could make her that way. ISAAC: Yeah. That makes two of us. DOMINIK: So, I take it you want to see her again. ISAAC: God, yes. I'd call her right now if I knew she wouldn't hang up on me. DOMINIK: Well, I'd love to hear more, but unlike night's been long and hellish. I'm gonna eat my sandwich, then hit the sack. Good night. ISAAC: Yeah. Good night, buddy. (Dominik walks out of the kitchen. Isaac sits at the bar and smiles) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Adam's Office: Tonya walks in. She walks up to Kris's desk) KRIS: Hi. Can I help you? TONYA: Yeah. I'm here to see Adam. Is he with anyone? KRIS: No. Let me tell him you're here. What's your name? TONYA: Oh, Tonya. Tonya Masterson. KRIS: Okay. (She presses the intercom button) Dr. Greene, there's a Ms. Masterson here to see you. ADAM: Thanks Kris. Go ahead and send her in. KRIS: You can go on in. TONYA: Thanks. (She walks in to Adam's office)
ADAM: Hey. What's going on? TONYA: Well, everyone's decided to throw a surprise party for Shanice at Desert Winds tonight. ADAM: Oh, man. I totally forgot about it being her birthday. TONYA: How could you, of all people, forget? ADAM: I've just been really busy lately. It just slipped my mind, I guess. TONYA: Well, do you think you'll be able to make it? It would mean the world to Shanice. ADAM: I don't know. She and I really aren't on the best of terms these days. I mean, we had an argument and she stormed out, so I'm not so sure she'd appreciate my being there. TONYA: Oh, get real, Adam. Shanice may be a little upset with you now, but you know as well as I do that if you didn't show up, she'd be even more upset. ADAM: I guess. TONYA: So, what do you say? Can I sign you up on the guest list? ADAM: (Stands) I don't know, Tonya. Maybe it's best if she and I just put a little distance between us, you know? Besides, I've already made plans. TONYA: With who? ADAM: With Kris. TONYA: Kris? ADAM: She's my secretary. We were kinda planning on our first formal date tonight. TONYA: I didn't know you two were seeing each other. ADAM: Yeah, well, the relationship is just kinda getting up off the ground. TONYA: You didn't waste any time, did you? (Stops herself) Adam, I didn't mean that how it sounded. I mean, it's your life and if you feel ready to move on, that's none of my business. ADAM: (Walks to her) Look, the only way I'll be able to make it tonight is if Kris comes with me. TONYA: I don't know. Is that really such a good idea? ADAM: If you don't like the idea, I just won't go. TONYA: It's your choice, Adam. Let me know what you decide, okay? I have to get back to work or Lori will kill me. I'll see you later. ADAM: Yeah. Okay. (She walks out. He sits back at his desk) ____________________________________________________________________________
(POLICE STATION: Lori walks in. She walks to an office and knocks on the open door. A man inside, looks up at her) BRIAN: Can I help you? LORI: Um, I don't know if you remember me or not. (She walks up to his desk) My name is Lori Winters. We met at a party a while back. BRIAN: Yeah. At Parker APT, right? The Fourth Of July bash. LORI: Yeah. That's the one. BRIAN: (Stands and shakes her hand) It's nice to see you again, Lori. Is there something I can help you with? LORI: Well, to be honest, I'm here on kinda of a personal visit. BRIAN: Really? LORI: Yeah, um...this is really hard for me. What I'm trying to ask is if you by any chance have plans for tonight. BRIAN: Tonight? No, I don't think I do. Why, did you, uh, have something in mind? LORI: Well, a friend of mine is celebrating a birthday today. We're throwing her a surprise party tonight and I kinda needed a date. I remembered meeting you at your building, so you know, if you're up to it, I'd love to have you along tonight. BRIAN: Sounds great. I need to get out. LORI: Great. Well, um, it's at Desert know it? BRIAN: Yeah. It's close to my building. LORI: Yeah. A friend of mine also lives in Parker APT. I'm gonna be at his place before the party. If you don't mind, I can just go down to your apartment at about 7. BRIAN: Fine. I'll see you tonight. LORI: Yeah. Thanks. (They smile at each other, then she walks out) ____________________________________________________________________________
(PARKER APT: Dominik and Jennifer are lying in her bed together. He looks up at the clock) DOMINIK: Oh, man. I hate to say this, but we've got to get up. JENNIFER: we have to? DOMINIK: Yeah. We have to start getting ready for Shanice's party. I haven't even got her a gift yet. Thanks to someone keeping me in bed all day. JENNIFER: Are you complaining? DOMINIK: Not at all. Come on... (He crawls out of bed) Are you going to join me in the shower? JENNIFER: Nikki, I've been thinking... I'm not sure it's such a good idea for us to go to this party together. DOMINIK: What? Why not? JENNIFER: Think about it. Nikki, you know she's gonna be there. DOMINIK: Who's gonna be there? JENNIFER: Lori. And I'm not sure I'm up to seeing her face to face. DOMINIK: (He sits back on the bed) Jennifer, look, what happened back then is over, okay? Lori doesn't hold a grudge toward either one of us. She knows we made a mistake and she's over it now. There won't be any hard feelings or anything. JENNIFER: I'm just not sure I'll feel comfortable. DOMINIK: Think about it, Jennifer. If you and I are gonna be seeing each other, then you're bound to run in to Lori sooner or later. I mean, it's inevitable...she and I are friends. Why not get this over with and get the awkwardness out of the way? JENNIFER: I'll give it a try, for your sake. But I warn you, Nikki, if things don't go smoothly, I'm not gonna hang around the club. I will leave. DOMINIK: It's a deal. Thank you for doing this. It really means a lot to me. (He stands) Now, come on. Let's get in the shower. ____________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Jesse walk in. He sees Kelly standing near the bar and walks up to her) JESSE: Hey. KELLY: Jesse, hey. How's it going? JESSE: I'll tell you after my meeting with the drummer from that band. Is he here? KELLY: Yeah. He's at the table over there. Come on. I'll introduce you. JESSE: Great. (He follows her to the table. A man stands) KELLY: Wes, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine who's new to town. JESSE: (Shakes his hand) Jesse Martin. WES: Good to meet you, Jesse. I'm Wesley Banks. Call me Wes. KELLY: Well, I'll let you boys chat. I have a lot of customers I should be serving. JESSE: Alright. Thanks, Kelly. (She smiles and walks off. Jesse and Wes sit down) WES: So, Jesse, Kelly tells me that you're a musician. JESSE: I like to think I am, but I usually leave it up to the listener to draw there own conclusions. WES: Makes sense. JESSE: Well, you're probably wondering why on earth I asked to meet you. WES: Yeah, I was a bit curious. JESSE: I caught your show here the other night. WES: I'm sorry you had to see that. It wasn't one of our better performances. JESSE: Yeah, well, I thought you guys did great. Minus the singer, of course. Anyway, after the show I was on my way to the restroom and I heard an argument coming from the dressing room. WES: We weren't too discreet, were we? JESSE: Not really. I overheard your fight with the singer. If I'm not mistaken, he was fired. WES: Yeah. We didn't really have any other choice. He was showing up to all of the rehearsals drunk, then he started getting wasted before shows. We told him he had to check in to rehab if he wanted to stay with the band. We told him we'd wait for him, but he refused. I'm sure you heard that for yourself. JESSE: Yeah. That's why I'm here. I want to audition as his replacement. WES: Who said we were looking for a replacement? JESSE: Well, I just made the assumption. Look, Wes, I know I may seem a little egotistical pushing myself on you like this... The truth is that I am a very ambitious musician. Music is my life and I want to make it. I really loved your band and I think we'd have a shot at a lot of success if we worked together. I understand if you already have someone else in mind... WES: We don't. Why don't you let me talk to my fellow bandmates and I'll get back to you. I'll try to set you up an audition. JESSE: That's great. I'd really appreciate it. WES: Well, I have some stuff to do, so if you'll excuse me. (Stands) JESSE: Sure. Thanks again, Wes. (Wes walks off. Kelly walks up to Jesse, and sits next to him) KELLY: How'd it go? JESSE: I might get to audition for the band. KELLY: That's great. JESSE: Thank you for introducing me to Wes. If I get this job, I'll owe it all to you. (He leans over and kisses her) KELLY: Well, I guess it was worth it. ____________________________________________________________________________
(LORI'S BOUTIQUE: Lori is seated at her desk. Tonya walks in to her office) TONYA: Did you get Shanice's presents wrapped? LORI: Yeah. I just hope she appreciates getting summer dresses from us, even though the winter is fast approaching. TONYA: Well, you had to get rid of that leftover summer stock somehow. She'll just be thankful to get all of those cool clothes for free. She usually has to pay for them. LORI: Yeah. Shanice is one of the customers keeping me in business. Hopefully, she'll shop here enough to pull me out of this debt. TONYA: Things are still looking pretty grim, huh? LORI: Yeah, as far as the store goes. However, I do have some great news to keep my life in balance. TONYA: What's that? LORI: I have a date for the party tonight. TONYA: You do? Who? LORI: Brian Wilder. TONYA: The police detective, Brian Wilder? LORI: The one and only. TONYA: Oh my gosh. I don't believe this. How did this happen? LORI: I just took all the courage I had in me and I went down to the police station and I asked him out. Luckily for me and my self esteem, he said yes. TONYA: That's great, Lori. It's about damn time. How long have you been after him? LORI: You make me sound like some sort of desperate stalker. (A bell rings in the front of the store) TONYA: Ooh, customer. I'll be right back.
(She walks to the front. Shanice walks up to her) TONYA: Shanice... SHANICE: Hey, Tonya. You guys busy? TONYA: No, not really. Why, are you here to increase business? SHANICE: Actually I'm here to see what you and Lori are doing tonight. Do you guys have plans? TONYA: Uh. Yeah. Yeah, we do, actually. We're uh, we're gonna... Well, see, we're going through a hard time financially here, so we've got to do a ton of work tonight. Uh, why? Did you... did you have any plans? SHANICE: Well, I was just gonna ask you guys to dinner. No biggie. I just didn't want to spend the evening alone. If you're busy, though, that's fine. TONYA: Any special reason why you didn't want to be alone tonight? SHANICE: No. No reason. Well, I'm on my way back to work, so I better go. I'll give you a call later this week. TONYA: Okay. Sounds good. Bye. (Shanice walks out. Isaac, walking in, meets her at the door) ISAAC: Oh, hey Shanice. SHANICE: Isaac. (She keeps walking. He walks up to Tonya) ISAAC: She seemed upset. Is there something wrong? TONYA: She came by to ask Lori and I to dinner tonight. I told her we had plans. I had to pretend that I forgot it was her birthday. ISAAC: Oh. That explains it. TONYA: So, you're gonna be at the party, right? ISAAC: Yeah. That's actually why I'm here. TONYA: Oh, did you need a new dress for tonight? I could help you pick one out that would be perfect for you. ISAAC: Very funny. Actually, I came by to ask...Well, if you'd consider going with my date. TONYA: Of course. I'd love to, Isaac. ISAAC: Great. Great, and Lori will be by the apartment later, right? TONYA: Yeah. ISAAC: Okay. I'll see you then. TONYA: Bye. (He walks out) ____________________________________________________________________________
(PARKER APT: Jesse is sitting at the bar, on the phone. Isaac is sitting at the table with Tonya) JESSE: Tomorrow at noon?...At your studio. What's the address there? (Writes it down) Okay, great. Thanks, Wes. (Hangs up the phone and jumps up) Yes! ISAAC: You got it? JESSE: Wes said he convinced the other guys to let me audition. Now, all I have to do is practice my ass off from now until tomorrow at noon. TONYA: Congratulations, Jesse. I hope you get the job. JESSE: Thanks. I'm gonna go get in a little practice before tomorrow. (He rushes out of the room) ISAAC: I'm sure Jesse will get the job. He's got a lot of drive and a lot of talent. As a matter of fact, he wrote a song that he's gonna play for Shanice tonight at the party. TONYA: I can't wait to hear it. (They hear music coming from Jesse's room) ISAAC: Well, looks like you won't have to wait. So, where did Lori run off to? TONYA: Oh, she has a date with a guy from this building. He's a detective that she's been after for three or four months. She finally built up her courage and asked him out. ISAAC: Wow. That took a lot of nerve on her part. I mean, when you really like someone, it makes it pretty hard to ask them on a date. You don't want to sound cheesy, you don't want to act like you're totally in love with them even though you don't really even know them...It's really hard to do. TONYA: Wait a second. Are you talking about Lori or are you talking about yourself? ISAAC: Both, I guess. TONYA: Well, I'm not sure how well she did, but you did just fine. You didn't sound cheesy. ISAAC: That's good to know. TONYA: As a matter of fact, I'd rate your performance as a 10. (Dominik and Jennifer walk in) DOMINIK: You guys ready to go? TONYA: Yeah. We'll go get Lori and Brian and meet you there. ____________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Adam and Kris walk in. Kelly is hanging a birthday sign up above the bar) ADAM: Need some help? KELLY: No. I got it. Thanks. (Hops off the bar and walks to them) You guys want a drink? ADAM: No. I'm fine. You want something, Kris? KRIS: No thanks. ADAM: Kelly, I'd like you to meet my friend, Kris Shareaux. Kris, this is Kelly Nelson. KRIS: Nice to meet you, Kelly. KELLY: Yeah. You too. Um, Adam, there's some stuff in the back that I need to move but it's pretty heavy. Think you could give me a hand? ADAM: Sure. Kris, go ahead and pick a table.
(He follows Kelly to the back. She stops him in the hall near the office) KELLY: I don't know if this is such a good idea. ADAM: What are you talking about? KELLY: Isn't it obvious? There's no boxes to move. I just wanted to talk to you privately for a minute. I don't think it was very smart to come here with another woman. ADAM: Kelly, Shanice and I aren't together anymore. When are you people gonna start accepting that? KELLY: Shanice is the one who needs to accept it, Adam. Don't you think you should give her a little more time before you flaunt your new girlfriend? I mean, not to mention the fact that it is Shanice's party. ADAM: Look, I told Tonya that Kris and I had plans for the night. I told her that if Kris wasn't welcome here, then I wasn't going to come. KELLY: Yeah, well, it's really not Tonya's place to decide if Kris is welcome here... ADAM: And it's not your place either. So, why don't you butt out? (He walks off) ____________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Tonya and Isaac pull in to the back parking lot. The park and get out and start walking in) ISAAC: It looks like almost everyone's here. TONYA: Well, I recognize all of these cars, so Lori and Brian can't be here yet. ISAAC: I guess that means if there was a showdown between her and Nikki's girlfriend, we didn't miss it. (They stop walking) TONYA: Isaac, you shouldn't joke about this. I really think it's gonna upset Lori when she finds out that Nikki's seeing Jennifer again. ISAAC: Why? I mean, think about it, Tonya. She's with someone else now. That whole mess is already behind them. TONYA: It was behind them, before Nikki decided to dredge up the past. ISAAC: Tonya, look, I don't want our first fight to be about something so trivial. Let's save that honor for a problem all our own, not someone else's. Whatever happens tonight, happens. There's nothing we can do or say to stop it. This is Nikki and Lori's problem...assuming there even is one. TONYA: Okay. You're right. Let's go inside. (He puts his arm around her and they walk in)
(Kelly is sitting on the bar. Jesse is seated on a barstool next to her. Adam, Kris, Dominik and Jennifer are seated together at a table) ADAM: Hey guys. Come over here. There's plenty of room. (Tonya and Isaac join them at the table) DOMINIK: I thought you guys were going down to get Lori and Brian. ISAAC: We tried. They weren't there when we knocked. We thought they'd already be here. DOMINIK: I hope they know to park out back. ADAM: Isaac, I'd like you to meet my date. Kris Shareaux. ISAAC: (He stands and shakes Kris's hand) Hi. Isaac Lawrence. KRIS: Hi. ADAM: You've already met Tonya, right? KRIS: Yeah, we met earlier today. ISAAC: (Points to Jennifer) I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet. I assume you're Jennifer, right? JENNIFER: That's me. (Shakes his hand) DOMINIK: And next to Isaac is another friend of mine, Tonya Masterson. TONYA: Hi. JENNIFER: Hi. Nice to meet you. TONYA: Likewise. (Kelly and Jesse walk up to the table) KELLY: So, is this everyone? TONYA: Well, we're waiting on Lori and her date. KELLY: I really don't want to wait much longer. Do you think I should go ahead and call Shanice? DOMINIK: Yeah. Go for it. KELLY: Alright. (She walks to the back office. She picks up the phone and calls) (Shanice is at home, cooking dinner. She answers the phone) SHANICE: Hello? KELLY: Shanice, thank God you're home. SHANICE: Kelly...what's wrong? KELLY: I need your help! I'm at work! SHANICE: What's going on? Are you okay? KELLY: Please hurry! (She hangs up and walks back out to the others) The plan is in motion. ADAM: The party's about to begin. (He looks at Kris) ____________________________________________________________________________
(DESERT WINDS: Shanice speeds in to the parking lot and slams on the brakes near the front door. She jumps out of her car and runs in. The place is dark) SHANICE: Kelly?! Kelly?! Are you okay?! Kelly, answer me!! (Kelly turns on the light and everyone jumps up and yells 'surprise'!) (Shanice cups her hand on her mouth. She looks around. She notices Adam with Kris. She stares at them a moment, then turns and walks out) ISAAC: I guess she doesn't like surprises. TONYA: Isaac... KELLY: Adam, this is all your damn fault. I knew this was gonna happen! ADAM: I don't think you should be pointing fingers, Kelly! Shanice is the one with the problem here. KELLY: Yeah, and that problem is you! You're being such a selfish jerk! TONYA: Kelly, Adam's not to blame. Okay? KELLY: You're right. You're just as much at fault here. I mean, after all, you did approve of the idea of him bringing her here! ADAM: Well, the problem's solved, Kelly. We're leaving. Come on, Kris. (They start walking out the back. They walk by Kelly, Kris turns to her) KRIS: I'm really sorry. KELLY: Yeah, you are! (Adam and Kris walk out) DOMINIK: Kelly, I really don't think you're being fair here. KELLY: The way I see it, I'm the only one being fair. I'm the only one looking out for Shanice. You people may not care about her, but she's my best friend and I'll always stick up for her!
(The parking lot: Shanice is standing by her car, crying. Brian and Lori drive up and get out of the car, carrying gifts. They walk up to Shanice) LORI: I guess we missed the surprise, huh? SHANICE: Yeah. Some surprise. LORI: Brian, would you take these presents and wait inside? BRIAN: Yeah, sure. (Lori hands the present to him and he walks in) LORI: Shanice, what happened? SHANICE: Nothing. LORI: I'm your friend. You can tell me. It's about Adam and Kris isn't it? SHANICE: So, everyone knew about this but me? LORI: I'm sorry. I didn't find out until earlier today. SHANICE: It just hurts, you know? I was really in love with him. It hurts to see him moving on so fast, just like nothing ever happened. LORI: That doesn't mean he never loved you, Shanice. Adam did love you. Just because he let go doesn't mean it was any easier on him than it is on you. Trust me, I know all about this sort of thing. When I found out about Nikki and that girl he slept with, it really tore me up. Remember? SHANICE: Yeah. LORI: Well, I knew it was time for me to move on. It was the hardest thing I'd ever done, but I knew I had to pick up the pieces and just keep going. That's what Adam's doing. He's just going on with life. You have to do that sometime, Shanice, no matter how hard it may be. It does get easier with time. I know that's hard to believe right now, but it's true. And don't forget that you have a lot of friends who are here for you when you need us. SHANICE: You're right. Thank you, Lori. LORI: It's no problem. Now, come on. Let's go on in and have a good time, okay? (She puts her arm around Shanice) Oh yeah, and by the way...Surprise! (Shanice smiles and hugs her. Kelly comes out and walks up to them) KELLY: Shanice, are you okay? LORI: It's all taken care of, Kelly. Come on.
(They walk inside) (Dominik and Jennifer are now sitting at the table alone. Isaac and Brian are talking at the bar. Jesse and Tonya walk up to them when they walk in) TONYA: Is everything alright? SHANICE: Yeah. Thanks guys. (Looks around the room) Where's Adam? JESSE: Oh, he and Kris left. They had a little fight with Kelly. KELLY: I thought it would be better if they left. SHANICE: Maybe you're right. I'll talk to him later. TONYA: Well, let's party then. (Tonya, Kelly and Shanice walk off. Lori notices Jennifer and Dominik) LORI: Jesse...who's that girl over there with Nikki? JESSE: Oh. That's his new girlfriend. Jennifer Lawton. LORI: Thanks. (Lori walks up to them) DOMINIK: Lori...hey. You made it. LORI: So, this is the slut you slept with, huh? DOMINIK: Lori, please don't do this. We've had enough problems for one night. LORI: You're right. I won't ruin the party. You two aren't worth it. (She walks off) JENNIFER: Goodbye. (She gets up to leave. Dominik stands and grabs her arm) DOMINIK: Please don't go. JENNIFER: I told you earlier this would happen. DOMINIK: If you're gonna least let me drive you home. JENNIFER: I'm gonna call a cab. Good night. (Walks off) (Dominik walks up to Lori) DOMINIK: I hope you're happy now. (He walks off) the end. BY: SHANE GRIDER '91
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