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First Semester

Here I am in my first semester of Photography school. These are some of my favorite shots from the semester.

One of our projects was a "self portrait" project. These are the shots that I thought described me best.

Our final project was a 10 photo project of our choice. I chose to do a Gods and Goddesses series. These are those shots.

I had a little fun in the darkroom this semester as well. We learned different techniques in the darkroom, but one of my favorites was using different filters to adjust contrast. These two were my favorites using the 5 filter.

Finally, the photos that follow are some of my favorite shots that I took this semester. Some of them were used for other projects, others were just ones that I did for myself.

One more thing. These two pictures have a funny story that go along with well as a few more pictures that will come later (once I get the negatives back). I think the photos speak for themselves.
